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Category Report
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Category Report

Biological Sciences
Sorted by School

SJSU BIOL 010Allan Hancock Community CollegeBIOL 100 Introductory Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Allan Hancock Community CollegeBIOL 150 Cellular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Allan Hancock Community CollegeBIOL 154 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 055Allan Hancock Community CollegeMATH 123 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OAllan Hancock Community CollegeBIOL 124 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Allan Hancock Community CollegeBIOL 125 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Allan Hancock Community CollegeBIOL 128 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010American River CollegeBIOL 310 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020American River CollegeBIOL 305 Natural History
NATR 320 Principles of Ecology
SJSU BIOL 021American River CollegeBIOL 310 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030American River CollegeBIOL 400 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 031American River CollegeBIOL 410 Principles of Botany
BIOL 415 Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology
BIOL 420 Principles of Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055American River CollegeSTAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
PSYC 330 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
STAT 480 Introduction to Probability and Statistics - Honors
SJSU BIOL 065OAmerican River College*BIOL 430 Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066American River College*BIOL 430 Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020American River CollegeBIOL 442 General Microbiology and Public Health
BIOL 440 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Antelope Valley CollegeBIOL 110 General Molecular Cell Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Antelope Valley CollegeBIOL 120 General Organismal, Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Antelope Valley CollegeMATH 115 Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OAntelope Valley CollegeBIOL 201 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Antelope Valley CollegeBIOL 202 General Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Bakersfield College*BIOL B3A General Biology I
BIOL B3B General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Bakersfield College*BIOL B3A General Biology I
BIOL B3B General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Bakersfield CollegeMATH B22 Elementary Probability and Statistics
MATH B22L Elementary Probability and Statistics with Lab
PSYC B5 Elementary Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OBakersfield College*BIOL B32 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL B33 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Bakersfield College*BIOL B32 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL B33 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU MICR 020Bakersfield CollegeBIOL B16 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Barstow CollegeBIOL 1 Environmental Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Barstow CollegeBIOL 20A Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Barstow CollegeBIOL 20B Evolution and Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 010Berkeley City CollegeBIOL 10 Introduction of Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Berkeley City CollegeBIOL 1A General Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Berkeley City College*BIOL 1A General Biology
BIOL 1B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Berkeley City CollegeMATH 13 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 066Berkeley City CollegeBIOL 4 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Berkeley City CollegeBIOL 3 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Butte CollegeBIOL 1 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Butte CollegeBIOL 41 Cell & Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Butte CollegeMATH 18 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 18S Introduction to Statistics with Support
SJSU BIOL 065OButte CollegeBIOL 20 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Butte CollegeBIOL 21 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Butte CollegeBIOL 15 Introduction to Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Cabrillo CollegeBIO 11A General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Cabrillo CollegeBIO 11C Ecology
SJSU BIOL 021Cabrillo College*BIO 13A Biology of People - Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 13AL Biology of People-Anatomy and Physiology Lab
SJSU BIOL 030Cabrillo College*BIO 9A Molecular, Cellular, and Animal Biology
BIO 9B Ecology, Evolution, and Plant Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Cabrillo College*BIO 9A Molecular, Cellular, and Animal Biology
BIO 9B Ecology, Evolution, and Plant Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Cabrillo CollegeBUS 9 Business Statistics
MATH 12 Elementary Statistics
MATH 12H Honors Elementary Statistics
PSYCH 2A Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065Cabrillo CollegeBIO 4 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Cabrillo CollegeBIO 5 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Cabrillo CollegeBIO 6 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010California Polytechnic University, HumboldtBIOL 104 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030California Polytechnic University, HumboldtBIOL 105 Principles of Biology
BOT 105 General Botany
ZOOL 110 Introductory Zoology
SJSU BIOL 031California Polytechnic University, HumboldtBIOL 105 Principles of Biology
BOT 105 General Botany
ZOOL 110 Introductory Zoology
SJSU MICR 020California Polytechnic University, HumboldtBIOL 210 Medical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Canada CollegeBIOL 100 Introduction to the Life Sciences
SJSU BIOL 021Canada College*BIOL 130 Human Biology
BIOL 132 Human Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Canada CollegeBIOL 230 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Canada CollegeBIOL 225 Biology of Organisms
SJSU BIOL 055Canada CollegeMATH 200 Elementary Probability and Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCanada CollegeBIOL 250 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Canada CollegeBIOL 260 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Canada CollegeBIOL 240 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Cerritos CollegeBIOL 201 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Cerritos CollegeBIOL 200 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Cerritos CollegeMATH 112 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 210 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCerritos CollegeA&P 150 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Cerritos CollegeA&P 201 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Cerro Coso CollegeBIOL C101 Concepts of Biology Lecture
SJSU BIOL 031Cerro Coso College*BIOL C111 General Biology I
BIOL C112 General Biology II
BIOL C111H General Biology I: Honors
BIOL C112H General Biology II: Honors
SJSU BIOL 055Cerro Coso CollegeMATH C121 Elementary Probability & Statistics
MATH C121H Elementary Probability & Statistics - Honors
SJSU BIOL 065OCerro Coso CollegeBIOL C251 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Cerro Coso CollegeBIOL C255 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Cerro Coso CollegeBIOL C262 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Chabot CollegeBIOS 1 Introduction to the Science of Biology
BIOS 41 Introduction to College Biology for Health Sciences
SJSU BIOL 020Chabot CollegeENSC 10 Humans and the Environment
ENSC 11 Humans and the Environment with Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Chabot CollegeBIOS 21C Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Chabot College*BIOS 21B Principles of Animal Biology and Evolution
BIOS 21A Principles of Plant Biology and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055Chabot CollegePSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
BUS 19 Business Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Chabot CollegeBIOS 42 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Chabot CollegeBIOS 43 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Chabot CollegeBIOS 44 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Chaffey CollegeBIOL 40 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Chaffey College*BIOL 62 Biology of Organisms
BIOL 63 Evolutionary Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055Chaffey CollegeSTAT 10 Elementary Statistics
SCSCI 10 Statistics for Social Science
SJSU BIOL 065OChaffey CollegeBIOL 20 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Chaffey CollegeBIOL 22 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Citrus Community CollegeBIOL 104 Biology: Contemporary Topics
SJSU BIOL 030Citrus Community College*BIOL 124 Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOL 125 Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity
SJSU BIOL 031Citrus Community College*BIOL 124 Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOL 125 Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity
SJSU BIOL 055Citrus Community CollegeMATH 165 Introductory Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCitrus Community CollegeBIOL 200 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Citrus Community CollegeBIOL 201 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Citrus Community CollegeBIOL 220 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010City College of San FranciscoBIO 11 Science of Living Organisms
SJSU BIOL 020City College of San FranciscoBIO 19 Ecology
BIO 20 Introduction to Ecology
SJSU BIOL 021City College of San FranciscoBIO 9 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030City College of San Francisco*BIO 100A General Biology
BIO 100B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 031City College of San Francisco*BIO 100A General Biology
BIO 100B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 055City College of San FranciscoECON 5 Introductory Statistics for Economics, Business and Social Sciences
LALS 5 Introduction to Statistical Methods in LALS
SJSU BIOL 065City College of San FranciscoBIO 108 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066City College of San FranciscoBIO 111 Human Physiology
BIO 112 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020City College of San FranciscoBIO 120 Introduction to Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Clovis Community CollegeBIOL 3 Introduction to Life Science
SJSU BIOL 021Clovis Community CollegeBIOL 5 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Clovis Community CollegeBIOL 11A Biology for Science Majors I
SJSU BIOL 031Clovis Community CollegeBIOL 11B Biology for Science Majors II
SJSU BIOL 055Clovis Community CollegeMATH 11 Elementary Statistics
STAT 7 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Clovis Community CollegeBIOL 20 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Clovis Community CollegeBIOL 22 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Clovis Community CollegeBIOL 31 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Coastline CollegeBIOL C180 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Coastline CollegeBIOL C185 Diversity of Organisms
SJSU BIOL 055Coastline CollegeMATH C160 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCoastline CollegeBIOL C220 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Coastline CollegeBIOL C225 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010College of AlamedaBIOL 10 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 030College of Alameda*BIOL 1A General Biology
BIOL 1B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 031College of Alameda*BIOL 1A General Biology
BIOL 1B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 055College of AlamedaMATH 13 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCollege of AlamedaBIOL 2 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066College of AlamedaBIOL 4 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010College of MarinBIOL 110 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 020College of MarinBIOL 162 General Ecology
SJSU BIOL 030College of Marin*BIOL 112A Majors' Biology: Animals, Protozoa, Evolution and Classification
BIOL 112B Majors' Biology: Plants, Algae, Fungi and Ecology
BIOL 112C Majors' Biology: Molecules, Cells, Prokaryotes and Genetics
SJSU BIOL 031College of Marin*BIOL 112A Majors' Biology: Animals, Protozoa, Evolution and Classification
BIOL 112B Majors' Biology: Plants, Algae, Fungi and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055College of MarinMATH 115 Probability and Statistics
STAT 115 Introduction to Statistics for Business
SJSU BIOL 065College of Marin*BIOL 120 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066College of MarinBIOL 224 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020College of MarinBIOL 240 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020College of San Mateo*BIOL 100 Introduction to Life Sciences
SJSU BIOL 030College of San MateoBIOL 230 Introductory Cell Biology
SJSU BIOL 031College of San Mateo*BIOL 210 General Zoology
BIOL 220 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 055College of San MateoMATH 200 Elementary Probability and Statistics
PSYC 121 Basic Statistical Concepts
SJSU BIOL 065College of San MateoBIOL 250 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066College of San MateoBIOL 260 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020College of San MateoBIOL 240 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010College of the CanyonsBIOSCI 100 General Biology
BIOSCI 100H General Biology - Honors
SJSU BIOL 030College of the Canyons*BIOSCI 106 Organismal and Environmental Biology
BIOSCI 107 Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOSCI 106 Organismal and Environmental Biology
BIOSCI 107H Molecular and Cellular Biology - Honors
SJSU BIOL 031College of the Canyons*BIOSCI 106 Organismal and Environmental Biology
BIOSCI 107 Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOSCI 106 Organismal and Environmental Biology
BIOSCI 107H Molecular and Cellular Biology - Honors
SJSU BIOL 055College of the CanyonsMATH 140 Introductory Statistics
MATH 140H Introductory Statistics - Honors
PSYCH 104 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOCI 137 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OCollege of the Canyons*BIOSCI 201 Introduction to Human Anatomy
BIOSCI 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOSCI 205 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066College of the Canyons*BIOSCI 202 Introduction to Human Physiology
BIOSCI 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOSCI 205 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 030College of the DesertBI 5 Molecular and Cell Biology
SJSU BIOL 031College of the DesertBI 6 Biology of Organisms
SJSU BIOL 055College of the DesertMATH 14 Statistical Methods
SOC 4 Sociological Analysis & Critical Thinking
SJSU BIOL 065OCollege of the Desert*BI 13 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BI 14 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066College of the Desert*BI 13 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BI 14 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 010College of the RedwoodsBIOL 1 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 021College of the RedwoodsBIOL 8 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030College of the RedwoodsBIOL 3 Fundamental Cell Biology
SJSU BIOL 031College of the Redwoods*BIOL 3 Fundamental Cell Biology
BIOL 4 General Zoology
BIOL 5 General Botany with Lab
SJSU BIOL 055College of the RedwoodsMATH 15 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065College of the RedwoodsBIOL 6 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066College of the RedwoodsBIOL 7 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020College of the RedwoodsBIOL 2 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030College of the Sequoias*BIOL 001 Principles of Biology 1
BIOL 002 Principles of Biology 2
SJSU BIOL 031College of the Sequoias*BIOL 001 Principles of Biology 1
BIOL 002 Principles of Biology 2
SJSU BIOL 055College of the SequoiasBUS 020 Business Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCollege of the SequoiasBIOL 030 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066College of the SequoiasBIOL 031 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020College of the SequoiasBIOL 040 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010College of the SiskiyousBIO 1000 Introduction to Life Sciences
SJSU BIOL 030College of the Siskiyous*BIO 2100 General Biology I: The Unity of Life
BIO 2200 General Biology II: The Diversity of Life and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 031College of the SiskiyousBIO 2200 General Biology II: The Diversity of Life and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055College of the SiskiyousMATH 1050 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCollege of the SiskiyousBIO 2700 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066College of the SiskiyousBIO 2800 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 020Columbia CollegeBIOL 24 Introduction to Environmental Science
SJSU BIOL 030Columbia CollegeBIOL 2 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Columbia CollegeBIOL 4 Principles of Evolution and Zoology
BIOL 6 Plant Biology and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055Columbia CollegeMATH 2 Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Columbia CollegeBIOL 10 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Columbia CollegeBIOL 60 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Columbia CollegeBIOL 65 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Compton College*BIOL 101 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 102 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 101H Honors Principles of Biology I
BIOL 102H Honors Principles of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Compton College*BIOL 101 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 102 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 101H Honors Principles of Biology I
BIOL 102H Honors Principles of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Compton CollegeMATH 150 Elementary Statistics with Probability
MATH 150H Honors Elementary Statistics with Probability
PSYC 120 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
SOCI 120 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OCompton CollegeANAT 132 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Compton CollegePHYO 131 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Contra Costa CollegeBIOSC 147 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Contra Costa CollegeBIOSC 145 Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Contra Costa CollegeMATH 164 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Contra Costa CollegeBIOSC 132 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Contra Costa CollegeBIOSC 134 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Contra Costa CollegeBIOSC 119 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Copper Mountain College*BI 005 Molecular and Cellular Biology
BI 006 Biology of Organisms
SJSU BIOL 031Copper Mountain College*BI 005 Molecular and Cellular Biology
BI 006 Biology of Organisms
SJSU BIOL 055Copper Mountain CollegeMATH 014 Statistical Methods
SOC 003 Fundamentals of Statistics
SJSU BIOL 066Copper Mountain CollegeBI 023 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Cosumnes River CollegeBIOL 307 Biology of Organisms
SJSU BIOL 021Cosumnes River CollegeBIOL 310 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Cosumnes River CollegeBIOL 400 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Cosumnes River CollegeBIOL 410 Principles of Botany
BIOL 420 Principles of Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055Cosumnes River CollegeSTAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
ECON 310 Statistics for Business and Economics
PSYC 330 Introductory Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
STAT 480 Intro to Probability and Statistics - Honors
HONOR 393 Intro to Probability and Statistics - Honors
SJSU BIOL 065Cosumnes River College*BIOL 430 Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066Cosumnes River CollegeBIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Cosumnes River CollegeBIOL 440 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Crafton Hills CollegeBIOL 100 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Crafton Hills CollegeBIOL 131 Populations and Organisms
BIOL 131H Populations and Organisms - Honors
SJSU BIOL 030Crafton Hills CollegeBIOL 130 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 130H Cell and Molecular Biology - Honors
SJSU BIOL 031Crafton Hills CollegeBIOL 131 Populations and Organisms
BIOL 131H Populations and Organisms - Honors
SJSU BIOL 055Crafton Hills CollegePSYCH 120 Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MATH 110 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MATH 110H Introduction to Probability and Statistics - Honors
SJSU MICR 020Crafton Hills CollegeMICRO 150 Medical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020CSU, BakersfieldBiol 1039 Principles of Ecology
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, BakersfieldBIOL 2010 Introductory Biology - Cells
BIOL 2110 Introductory Biology - Animals
BIOL 2120 Introductory Biology - Plants
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, BakersfieldBIOL 2010 Introductory Biology - Cells
BIOL 2110 Introductory Biology - Animals
BIOL 2120 Introductory Biology - Plants
SJSU BIOL 065OCSU, BakersfieldBiol 2210 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066CSU, BakersfieldBiol 2220 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, Channel IslandsBIOL 200 Principles of Organismal Population Biology
BIOL 201 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, Channel IslandsBIOL 200 Principles of Organismal Population Biology
BIOL 201 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU MICR 020CSU, Channel IslandsBIOL 217 Medical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, Chico*BIOL 161 Principles of Ecological, Evolutionary, and Organismal Biology
BIOL 162 Principles of Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 163 Principles of Physiology and Development
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, Chico*BIOL 161 Principles of Ecological, Evolutionary, and Organismal Biology
BIOL 162 Principles of Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 163 Principles of Physiology and Development
SJSU BIOL 065OCSU, ChicoBIOL 103 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066CSU, ChicoBIOL 104 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020CSU, ChicoBIOL 211 Allied Health Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, Dominguez HillsBIO 120 Principles of Biology I
BIO 121 Principles of Biology I Laboratory
BIO 122 Principles of Biology II
BIO 123 Principles of Biology II Laboratory
BIO 124 Principles of Biology III
BIO 125 Principles of Biology III Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, Dominguez HillsBIO 120 Principles of Biology I
BIO 121 Principles of Biology I Laboratory
BIO 122 Principles of Biology II
BIO 123 Principles of Biology II Laboratory
BIO 124 Principles of Biology III
BIO 125 Principles of Biology III Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, East BayBIOL 140A Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 140B Principles of Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, East BayBIOL 140A Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 140B Principles of Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 065OCSU, East BayBIOL 270 Human Physiology and Anatomy I
BIOL 271 Human Physiology and Anatomy II
SJSU MICR 020CSU, East BayBIOL 230 Introduction to Clinical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010CSU, FresnoBIOL 10 Life Science
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, FresnoBIOL 1A Introductory Biology
BIOL 1B Introductory Biology
BIOL 1BL Introductory Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, FresnoBIOL 1A Introductory Biology
BIOL 1B Introductory Biology
BIOL 1BL Introductory Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, Long BeachBIOL 211 Introduction to Evolution and Diversity
BIOL 212 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 213 Introduction to Ecology and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, Long BeachBIOL 211 Introduction to Evolution and Diversity
BIOL 212 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 213 Introduction to Ecology and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 065OCSU, Long BeachBIOL 208 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066CSU, Long BeachBIOL 207 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020CSU, Long BeachBIOL 201 General Microbiology for Health Professionals
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, Los AngelesBIOL 1100 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1200 Principles of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, Los AngelesBIOL 1100 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1200 Principles of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 065OCSU, Los AngelesBIOL 2030 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066CSU, Los AngelesBIOL 2040 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010CSU, NorthridgeBIOL 100 Introductory Biology
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, NorthridgeBIOL 106 Biological Principles I
BIOL 106L Biological Principles I
BIOL 107 Biological Principles II
BIOL 107L Biological Principles II
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, NorthridgeBIOL 106 Biological Principles I
BIOL 106L Biological Principles I
BIOL 107 Biological Principles II
BIOL 107L Biological Principles II
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, PomonaBIO 121 Foundations of Biology: Energy and Matter - Cycles and Flows
BIO 121L Foundations of Biology: Energy and Matter - Cycles and Flows Lab
BIO 122 Foundations of Biology: Reproduction and Development
BIO 122L Foundations of Biology: Reproduction and Development Lab
BIO 123 Foundations of Biology: Biodiversity
BIO 123L Foundations of Biology: Biodiversity Lab
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, PomonaBIO 121 Foundations of Biology: Energy and Matter - Cycles and Flows
BIO 121L Foundations of Biology: Energy and Matter - Cycles and Flows Lab
BIO 122 Foundations of Biology: Reproduction and Development
BIO 122L Foundations of Biology: Reproduction and Development Lab
BIO 123 Foundations of Biology: Biodiversity
BIO 123L Foundations of Biology: Biodiversity Lab
SJSU BIOL 010CSU, SacramentoBio 20 Biology - Human Perspective
SJSU BIOL 065CSU, SacramentoBIO 25 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 26 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 065OCSU, SacramentoBio 22 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066CSU, SacramentoBIO 25 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 26 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, San BernardinoBIOL 2010 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 2020 Principles of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, San BernardinoBIOL 2010 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 2020 Principles of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 065OCSU, San BernardinoBiol 2230 Human Anatomy and Physiology I for Allied Health Majors
SJSU BIOL 066CSU, San BernardinoBiol 2240 Human Anatomy and Physiology II for Allied Health Majors
SJSU MICR 020CSU, San BernardinoBiol 2200 Microbiology for Allied Health Majors
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, San Luis ObispoBIO 160 Diversity and the History of Life
BIO 161 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 162 Introduction to Organismal Form and Function
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, San Luis ObispoBIO 160 Diversity and the History of Life
BIO 161 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 162 Introduction to Organismal Form and Function
SJSU BIOL 065CSU, San Luis ObispoBIO 231 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066CSU, San Luis ObispoBIO 231 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 021CSU, San MarcosBIOL 104 General Biology-Human Emphasis
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, San MarcosBIOL 210 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 211 Introduction to Organismal and Population Biology
BIOL 212 Evolution
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, San MarcosBIOL 210 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 211 Introduction to Organismal and Population Biology
BIOL 212 Evolution
SJSU BIOL 030CSU, StanislausBIOL 1050 General Biology I
BIOL 1150 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031CSU, StanislausBIOL 1050 General Biology I
BIOL 1150 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 010Cuesta CollegeBIO 211 Life Science
SJSU BIOL 020Cuesta CollegeBIO 224 Principles of Natural History
SJSU BIOL 021Cuesta College*BIO 212 Human Biology
BIO 212L Human Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Cuesta College*BIO 201A Biology
BIO 201B Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Cuesta College*BIO 201A Biology
BIO 201B Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Cuesta CollegeMATH 247 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OCuesta CollegeBIO 205 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Cuesta CollegeBIO 206 General Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Cuesta CollegeBIO 204 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Cuyamaca College*BIO 130 General Biology I
BIO 131 General Biology I Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Cuyamaca CollegeBIO 230 Principles of Cellular, Molecular and Evolutionary Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Cuyamaca CollegeBIO 240 Principles of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Cuyamaca CollegeMATH 160 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Cuyamaca CollegeBIO 140 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Cuyamaca College*BIO 141 Human Physiology
BIO 141L Laboratory in Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Cuyamaca CollegeBIO 152 Paramedical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Cypress CollegeBIOL 135AC Principles of Biology 1: Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Cypress CollegeBIOL 135BC Principles of Biology 2: Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Cypress CollegeMATH 120C Introduction to Probability and Statistics
PSY 161C Probability and Statistics - Social Sciences
SOC 161C Probability and Statistics - Social Sciences
PSY 161HC Honors Probability and Statistics - Social Sciences
SOC 161HC Honors Probability and Statistics - Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OCypress CollegeBIOL 231C General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Cypress CollegeBIOL 241C General Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010DeAnza CollegeBIOL 10 Human Biology
BIOL 10H Introductory Biology - Honors
SJSU BIOL 020DeAnza College*ESCI 19 Environmental Biology
ESCI 1 Environmental Science
ESCI 1L Environmental Science Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 021DeAnza CollegeBIOL 11 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030DeAnza College*BIOL 6A Form and Function in the Biological World
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6C Evolution and Ecology
BIOL 6A Form and Function in the Biological World
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6CH Evolution and Ecology - Honors
BIOL 6AH Form and Function in the Biological World - Honors
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6C Evolution and Ecology
BIOL 6AH Form and Function in the Biological World - Honors
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6CH Evolution and Ecology - Honors
SJSU BIOL 031DeAnza College*BIOL 6A Form and Function in the Biological World
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6C Evolution and Ecology
BIOL 6A Form and Function in the Biological World
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6CH Evolution and Ecology - Honors
BIOL 6AH Form and Function in the Biological World - Honors
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6C Evolution and Ecology
BIOL 6AH Form and Function in the Biological World - Honors
BIOL 6B Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 6CH Evolution and Ecology - Honors
SJSU BIOL 055DeAnza CollegeMATH 10 Introductory Statistics
MATH 10H Introductory Statistics - Honors
SJSU BIOL 065ODeAnza College*BIOL 40A Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 40B Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 40C Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066DeAnza College*BIOL 40A Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 40B Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 40C Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020DeAnza CollegeBIOL 26 Introductory Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Diablo Valley CollegeBIOSC 102 Fundamentals of Biological Science with Lab
SJSU BIOL 021Diablo Valley CollegeBIOSC 117 Human Biology with Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Diablo Valley College*BIOSC 130 Principles of Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOSC 131 Principles of Organismal Biology, Evolution & Ecology
SJSU BIOL 031Diablo Valley College*BIOSC 130 Principles of Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOSC 131 Principles of Organismal Biology, Evolution & Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055Diablo Valley CollegeBUS 240 Business Statistics
MATH 142 Elementary Statistics with Probability
MATH 142L Elementary Statistics with Probability and Support
PSYCH 214 Introduction to Statistics for Psychology
SJSU BIOL 065Diablo Valley CollegeBIOSC 139 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Diablo Valley CollegeBIOSC 140 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Diablo Valley CollegeBIOSC 146 Principles of Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030East Los Angeles College*BIOLOGY 006 General Biology I
BIOLOGY 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031East Los Angeles College*BIOLOGY 006 General Biology I
BIOLOGY 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055East Los Angeles CollegeBUS 015 Business Statistics
MATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
SJSU BIOL 065OEast Los Angeles CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066East Los Angeles CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030El Camino College*BIOL 110 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 120 Ecology Evolution, Diversity, and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 031El Camino College*BIOL 110 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 120 Ecology Evolution, Diversity, and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 055El Camino CollegeMATH 150 Elementary Statistics with Probability
SJSU BIOL 065OEl Camino College*ANAT 32 General Human Anatomy
APHY 34A Anatomy and Physiology I
APHY 34B Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066El Camino CollegePHYO 31 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020El Camino CollegeMICR 33 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Evergreen Valley CollegeBIOL 021 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Evergreen Valley CollegeBIOL 021 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Evergreen Valley CollegeBIOL 020 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Evergreen Valley College*BIOL 004A General Principles and Cell Biology
BIOL 004B Organismal Biology and Biodiversity
SJSU BIOL 031Evergreen Valley College*BIOL 004A General Principles and Cell Biology
BIOL 004B Organismal Biology and Biodiversity
SJSU BIOL 055Evergreen Valley CollegeMATH 063 Elementary Statistics
BUS 060 Fundamentals of Business Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Evergreen Valley CollegeBIOL 071 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Evergreen Valley CollegeBIOL 072 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Evergreen Valley CollegeBIOL 074 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Feather River CollegeBIOL 102 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Feather River CollegeMATH 202 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OFeather River CollegeBIOL 110 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Feather River CollegeBIOL 112 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 021Folsom Lake CollegeBIOL 310 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Folsom Lake CollegeBIOL 400 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Folsom Lake CollegeBIOL 410 Principles of Botany
BIOL 411 Plant Science
BIOL 420 Principles of Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055Folsom Lake CollegeSTAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OFolsom Lake College*BIOL 430 Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066Folsom Lake CollegeBIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Folsom Lake CollegeBIOL 440 General Microbiology
BIOL 442 General Microbiology and Public Health
SJSU BIOL 010Foothill CollegeBIOL 10 General Biology: Basic Principles
SJSU BIOL 020Foothill CollegeBIOL 15 California Ecology/Natural History
SJSU BIOL 021Foothill CollegeBIOL 14 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Foothill CollegeBIOL 1A Principles of Cell Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Foothill College*BIOL 1B Form & Function in Plants and Animals
BIOL 1C Evolution, Sytematics & Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055Foothill CollegeMATH 10 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 7 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 7 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
MATH 17 Integrated Statistics II
SJSU BIOL 065OFoothill College*BIOL 40A Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 40B Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 40C Human Anatomy & Physiology III
SJSU BIOL 066Foothill College*BIOL 40A Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 40B Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 40C Human Anatomy & Physiology III
SJSU MICR 020Foothill CollegeBIOL 41 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Fresno City CollegeBIOL 3 Introduction to Life Science
SJSU BIOL 021Fresno City CollegeBIOL 5 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Fresno City CollegeBIOL 11A Biology for Science Majors I
SJSU BIOL 031Fresno City CollegeBIOL 11B Biology for Science Majors II
SJSU BIOL 055Fresno City CollegeDS 23 Business Statistics
MATH 42 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSY 42 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
MATH 11 Elementary Statistics
MATH 11H Honors Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OFresno City College*BIOL 20 Human Anatomy
BIOL 21A Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 21B Human Anatomy & Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Fresno City College*BIOL 22 Human Physiology
BIOL 21A Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 21B Human Anatomy & Physiology II
SJSU MICR 020Fresno City CollegeBIOL 31 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Fullerton CollegeBIOL 101F General Biology
BIOL 101HF Honors General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Fullerton CollegeBIOL 274F General Ecology
SJSU BIOL 021Fullerton College*BIOL 102F Human Biology
BIOL 102LF Human Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 031Fullerton CollegeBIOL 170F Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Fullerton CollegePSY 161F Elementary Statistics for Behavioral Science
PSY 161HF Honors Elementary Statistics for Behavioral Science
MATH 120F Introductory Probability & Statistics
MATH 120HF Honors Introductory Probability & Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OFullerton CollegeANAT 231F General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Fullerton CollegeANAT 240F Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Gavilan CollegeBIO 10 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Gavilan CollegeBIO 10 Principles of Biology
ECOL 1 Conservation of Natural Resources
SJSU BIOL 021Gavilan CollegeBIO 12 Introduction to Human Biology
BIO 15 Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology
AH 15 Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Gavilan CollegeBIO 1 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Gavilan CollegeBIO 4 General Zoology
BIO 5 General Botany
BIO 2 Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Gavilan CollegeBUS 11 Statistics for Business and Economics
ECON 11 Statistics for Business and Economics
SJSU BIOL 065Gavilan CollegeBIO 7 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Gavilan CollegeBIO 9 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Gavilan CollegeBIO 8 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Glendale Community CollegeBIOL 122 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Glendale Community CollegeBIOL 115 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Glendale Community CollegeBIOL 101 General Biology I
SJSU BIOL 031Glendale Community CollegeBIOL 102 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Glendale Community CollegeMATH 136 Statistics
MATH 136+ Statistics with Support
ECON 127 Introductory Statistics for Economics and Business
MATH 136H Honors Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Glendale Community CollegeBIOL 120 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Glendale Community CollegeBIOL 121 Introduction to Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Glendale Community CollegeBIOL 112 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Golden West CollegeBIOL G180 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Golden West CollegeBIOL G182 Zoology
BIOL G183 Botany
BIOL G186 Diversity of Organisms
SJSU BIOL 055Golden West CollegeMATH G160 Introduction to Statistics
PSYC G140 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OGolden West CollegeBIOL G220 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Golden West CollegeBIOL G225 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Grossmont CollegeBIO 120 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Grossmont CollegeBIO 240 Principles of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Grossmont CollegeBIO 230 Principles of Cellular, Molecular and Evolutionary Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Grossmont CollegeBIO 240 Principles of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Grossmont CollegeMATH 160 Elementary Statistics
ANTH 215 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSY 215 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 215 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065Grossmont CollegeBIO 140 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 065OGrossmont College*BIO 144 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 145 Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Grossmont College*BIO 141 Human Physiology
BIO 141L Laboratory in Human Physiology
BIO 144 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 145 Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU MICR 020Grossmont CollegeBIO 152 Paramedical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Hartnell CollegeBIO 10 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Hartnell CollegeBIO 47 Ecology
SJSU BIOL 021Hartnell CollegeBIO 11 Introductory Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Hartnell CollegeBIO 1 Fundamental Biological Concepts
SJSU BIOL 031Hartnell CollegeBIO 3 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 055Hartnell CollegeMAT 13 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OHartnell CollegeBIO 5 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Hartnell College*BIO 6 Introductory Physiology
BIO 6L Physiology Laboratory
SJSU MICR 020Hartnell CollegeBIO 27 Principles of Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Imperial Valley CollegeBIOL 100 Principles of Biological Science
SJSU BIOL 030Imperial Valley College*BIOL 180 General Biology: Molecules, Cells and Genetics
BIOL 182 General Biology: Principles of Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Imperial Valley CollegeBIOL 182 General Biology: Principles of Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Imperial Valley CollegeMATH 119 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OImperial Valley CollegeBIOL 204 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Imperial Valley CollegeBIOL 206 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Imperial Valley CollegeBIOL 220 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Irvine Valley College*BIO 1 The Life Sciences
BIO 1L The Life Sciences Laboratory
BIO 1H The Life Sciences Honors
BIO 1L The Life Sciences Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Irvine Valley CollegeBIO 16 Cellular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Irvine Valley CollegeBIO 2 Plant Biology
BIO 5 Animal Biology
BIO 80 Integrated Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems
BIO 80H Integrated Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems Honors
SJSU BIOL 055Irvine Valley CollegeMATH 10 Introduction to Statistics
ECON 10 Statistics for Business and Economics
ECON 10H Statistics for Business and Economics Honors
MGT 10 Statistics for Business and Economics
MGT 10H Statistics for Business and Economics Honors
PSYC 10 Statistical Methods in the Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 10H Statistical Methods in the Behavioral Sciences Honors
SJSU BIOL 065OIrvine Valley CollegeBIO 11 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Irvine Valley CollegeBIO 12 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Irvine Valley CollegeBIO 15 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Lake Tahoe Community CollegeBIO 101 Principles of Biology I
SJSU BIOL 020Lake Tahoe Community CollegeBio 149 Ecology
SJSU BIOL 030Lake Tahoe Community College*BIO 101 Principles of Biology I
BIO 102 Principles of Biology II
BIO 103 Principles of Biology III
SJSU BIOL 031Lake Tahoe Community College*BIO 101 Principles of Biology I
BIO 102 Principles of Biology II
BIO 103 Principles of Biology III
SJSU BIOL 055Lake Tahoe Community CollegeMat 201 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OLake Tahoe Community College*BIO 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 205 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
SJSU BIOL 066Lake Tahoe Community College*BIO 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 205 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
SJSU MICR 020Lake Tahoe Community CollegeBIO 210 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Laney CollegeBIOL 10 Introduction to Biology
Biol 11 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Laney CollegeBIOL 24 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Laney CollegeBIOL 1A General Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Laney CollegeBIOL 1B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Laney CollegeMATH 13 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Laney College*Biol 2 Human Anatomy
BIOL 20A Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 20B Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066Laney College*Biol 4 Human Physiology
BIOL 20A Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 20B Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Laney CollegeBiol 3 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Las Positas CollegeBio 10 Introduction to the Science of Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Las Positas CollegeBio 40 Humans and the Environment
SJSU BIOL 021Las Positas CollegeBIO 50 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Las Positas CollegeBIO 1C Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Las Positas CollegeBIO 1A General Botany
BIO 1B General Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055Las Positas CollegeMATH 40 Statistics and Probability
SJSU BIOL 065Las Positas CollegeBIO 7A Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Las Positas CollegeBIO 7B Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Las Positas CollegeBio 7C Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Lassen CollegeBiol 1 Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Lassen CollegeBiol 1 Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Lassen CollegeBIOL 4 Principles of Evolutionary, Organismal, and Ecological Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Lassen CollegeMath 40 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OLassen College*BIOL 25 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 26 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 21 Human Anatomy with Lab
SJSU BIOL 066Lassen College*BIOL 25 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 26 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 22 Human Physiology with Lab
SJSU BIOL 010Long Beach City CollegeBio 41 Contemporary Biology
BIO 41H Honors Contemporary Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Long Beach City College*Bio 60 Human Biology 1
Bio 60L Human Biology 1 Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Long Beach City College*BIO 1A Biology for Science Majors
BIO 1B Biology for Science Majors
SJSU BIOL 031Long Beach City College*BIO 1A Biology for Science Majors
BIO 1B Biology for Science Majors
SJSU BIOL 055Long Beach City College*Stat 1 Elementary Statistics
Stat 1H Honors Elementary Statistics
MATH 21A Statistics Pathway A
MATH 21B Statistics Pathway B
SJSU BIOL 065OLong Beach City CollegeANAT 1 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Long Beach City CollegePhysi 1 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Long Beach City CollegeBio 2 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Los Angeles City College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Los Angeles City College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Los Angeles City CollegeMath 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
MATH 229 Statistics for Data Science
SOC 125 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OLos Angeles City CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Angeles City CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Los Angeles City CollegeMicro 001 Introductory Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Los Angeles Harbor CollegeBIOLOGY 006 General Biology I
SJSU BIOL 031Los Angeles Harbor CollegeBIOLOGY 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Los Angeles Harbor CollegeMATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
STAT 001 Elementary Statistics I for the Social Sciences
STAT 001S Elementary Statistics I for the Social Sciences with Support
SJSU BIOL 065OLos Angeles Harbor CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Angeles Harbor CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Los Angeles Mission CollegeBiology 006 General Biology I
SJSU BIOL 031Los Angeles Mission CollegeBiology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Los Angeles Mission CollegeMath 227 Elementary Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
STAT 101 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OLos Angeles Mission CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Angeles Mission CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Los Angeles Pierce College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Los Angeles Pierce College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Los Angeles Pierce CollegeMath 227 Statistics
MATH 228B Statistics Pathway Part II
STAT 101 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OLos Angeles Pierce CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Angeles Pierce CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Los Angeles Southwest College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Los Angeles Southwest College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Los Angeles Southwest CollegeMATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
SJSU BIOL 065OLos Angeles Southwest CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction To Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Angeles Southwest CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegeBiology 003 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Los Angeles Trade Technical College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Los Angeles Trade Technical College*Biology 006 General Biology I
Biology 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegePSYCH 091 Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OLos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Los Angeles Valley College*BIOLOGY 006 General Biology I
BIOLOGY 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Los Angeles Valley College*BIOLOGY 006 General Biology I
BIOLOGY 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Los Angeles Valley CollegeMATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
STAT 101 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OLos Angeles Valley CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Angeles Valley CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Los Medanos CollegeBIOSC 010 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Los Medanos CollegeBIOSC 007 Ecology and the Environment
SJSU BIOL 030Los Medanos College*BIOSC 020 Principles of Biology: Cell and Molecular
BIOSC 021 Principles of Biology: Organismal
SJSU BIOL 031Los Medanos College*BIOSC 020 Principles of Biology: Cell and Molecular
BIOSC 021 Principles of Biology: Organismal
SJSU BIOL 065Los Medanos CollegeBIOSC 040 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Los Medanos CollegeBIOSC 045 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Los Medanos CollegeBIOSC 050 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 021Madera Community CollegeBIOL 5 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Madera Community CollegeBIOL 11A Biology of Science Majors I
SJSU BIOL 031Madera Community CollegeBIOL 11B Biology of Science Majors II
SJSU BIOL 055Madera Community CollegeSTAT 7 Elementary Statistics
MATH 11 Elementary Statistics
MATH 11C Elementary Statistics with Support
PLS 9 Biometrics
SJSU BIOL 065Madera Community CollegeBIOL 20 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Madera Community CollegeBIOL 22 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Madera Community CollegeBIOL 31 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Mendocino CollegeBio 200 Concepts of Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Mendocino CollegeBIO 250 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Mendocino CollegeBIO 250 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 255 Botany, Plant Diversity, and Ecology
BIO 257 Zoology, Animal Diversity, and Evolution
SJSU BIOL 055Mendocino CollegeMTH 220 Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OMendocino CollegeBIO 230 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Mendocino CollegeBio 231 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Mendocino CollegeBIO 259 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Merced CollegeBiol 1 General Biology for Non-Majors
SJSU BIOL 030Merced CollegeBIOL 4A Fundamentals of Biology: The Cell and Evolution
SJSU BIOL 031Merced CollegeBIOL 4B Diversity of Life: Morphology and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 055Merced CollegeMATH 10 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 05 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
SJSU BIOL 065OMerced CollegeBIOL 16 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Merced CollegeBIOL 18 Principles of Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Merritt CollegeBiol 10 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Merritt College*BIOL 1A General Biology
BIOL 1B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Merritt College*BIOL 1A General Biology
BIOL 1B General Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Merritt CollegeMATH 13 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Merritt College*Biol 2 Human Anatomy
BIOL 20A Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 20B Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066Merritt College*Biol 4 Human Physiology
BIOL 20A Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 20B Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Merritt CollegeBiol 3 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Miracosta CollegeBIO 102 Introductory Biology: Ecology and Environmental Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Miracosta College*BIO 110 Intro Biology: Preparation for Pre-Health Professions (Lecture and Lab)
BIO 111 Intro Biology: Preparation for Pre-Health Professions (Lecture)
BIO 111L Intro Biology: Preparation for Pre-Health Professions (Lab)
SJSU BIOL 030Miracosta College*BIO 104 Introductory Biology: Botany (Plant Life)
BIO 202 Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Organismal Biology
BIO 204 Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIO 104 Introductory Biology: Botany (Plant Life)
BIO 202 Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Organismal Biology
BIO 204H Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology (Honors)
SJSU BIOL 031Miracosta College*BIO 104 Introductory Biology: Botany (Plant Life)
BIO 202 Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Organismal Biology
BIO 204 Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIO 104 Introductory Biology: Botany (Plant Life)
BIO 202 Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Organismal Biology
BIO 204H Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology (Honors)
SJSU BIOL 055Miracosta CollegeBTEC 180 Biostatistics
SJSU BIOL 065Miracosta CollegeBIO 210 Human Anatomy
BIO 210H Human Anatomy (Honors)
SJSU BIOL 066Miracosta CollegeBIO 220 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Miracosta CollegeBio 230 Introduction to Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Mission CollegeBio 010 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Mission CollegeBIO 011 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Mission CollegeBIO 001A General Biology: Cells
BIO 001AH General Biology: Cells-Honors
SJSU BIOL 031Mission CollegeBIO 001B General Biology: Organisms
SJSU BIOL 055Mission CollegeMat 010 Elementary Statistics
MAT 010H Elementary Statistics - Honors
MAT 010X Elementary Statistics with Additional Support
SJSU BIOL 065OMission CollegeBIO 047 Human Anatomy
BIO 022 Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Workers
SJSU BIOL 066Mission CollegeBio 048 Human Physiology
Bio 048H Human Physiology - Honors
SJSU MICR 020Mission CollegeBio 004 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Modesto Junior CollegeBio 111 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Modesto Junior CollegeBIO 101 Biological Principles
SJSU BIOL 031Modesto Junior College*BIO 101 Biological Principles
BOT 101 General Botany
ZOOL 101 General Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055Modesto Junior CollegeMath 134 Elementary Statistics
BUSAD 228 Business Statistics
MATH 128 Business Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Modesto Junior CollegeAnat 125 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Modesto Junior CollegePhyso 101 Introductory Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Modesto Junior CollegeMicro 101 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Monterey Peninsula CollegeBiol 10 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Monterey Peninsula College*BIOL 31 Introduction to Environmental Science
BIOL 32 Environmental Science Lab
SJSU BIOL 030Monterey Peninsula CollegeBIOL 21 Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics and Organisms
SJSU BIOL 031Monterey Peninsula College*BIOL 21 Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics and Organisms
BIOL 22 Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, Evolution
SJSU BIOL 055Monterey Peninsula CollegeMATH 16 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 19 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
SOCI 19 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065Monterey Peninsula CollegeAnat 1 Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab
SJSU BIOL 066Monterey Peninsula College*Phso 1 Human Physiology
Phso 2 Human Physiology Laboratory
SJSU MICR 020Monterey Peninsula College*BIOL 25 Applied Microbiology Lecture
BIOL 26 Applied Microbiology Lab
SJSU BIOL 010Moorpark CollegeBIOL M01 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Moorpark CollegeBIOL M02A General Biology I
BIOL M02AH Honors: General Biology I
SJSU BIOL 031Moorpark CollegeBIOL M02B General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Moorpark CollegeMATH M15 Introductory Statistics
MATH M15H Honors: Introductory Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OMoorpark CollegeANAT M01 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Moorpark CollegePHSO M01 Human Physiology
PHSO M01H Honors: Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Moorpark CollegeMICR M01 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 021Moreno Valley CollegeBIO 4 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Moreno Valley CollegeBIO 60 Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIO 60H Honors Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Moreno Valley CollegeBIO 61 Introduction to Organismal and Population Biology (Majors)
SJSU BIOL 055Moreno Valley CollegeMAT 12 Statistics
PSY 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OMoreno Valley College*BIO 50A Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 50B Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Moreno Valley College*BIO 50A Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 50B Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 010Mount San Antonio CollegeBIOL 1 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Mount San Antonio College*BIOL 2 Plant and Animal Biology
BIOL 4 Biology for Majors
BIOL 8 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2 Plant and Animal Biology
BIOL 4H Biology for Majors: Honors
BIOL 8 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Mount San Antonio College*BIOL 2 Plant and Animal Biology
BIOL 4 Biology for Majors
BIOL 8 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2 Plant and Animal Biology
BIOL 4H Biology for Majors: Honors
BIOL 8 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Mount San Antonio CollegeMATH 110 Elementary Statistics
MATH 110H Elementary Statistics: Honors
SJSU BIOL 065OMount San Antonio CollegeANAT 35 Human Anatomy
ANAT 10A Intro Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Mount San Antonio CollegeANAT 36 Human Physiology
ANAT 10B Intro Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Mount San Antonio CollegeMICR 1 Principles of Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Mount San Jacinto CollegeBiol 115 Introductory Topics in Biology: Cells to Ecosystems
BIOL 115H Honors Introductory Topics in Biology: Cells to Ecosystems
SJSU BIOL 020Mount San Jacinto CollegeBiol 140 Ecology
SJSU BIOL 021Mount San Jacinto CollegeBiol 100 Human Biology
BIOL 100H Honors Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Mount San Jacinto College*Biol 150 General Biology I
Biol 151 General Biology II
Biol 150H Honors General Biology I
Biol 151H Honors General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Mount San Jacinto College*Biol 150 General Biology I
Biol 151 General Biology II
Biol 150H Honors General Biology I
Biol 151H Honors General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Mount San Jacinto CollegeMath 140 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 140H Honors Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OMount San Jacinto College*ANAT 101 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
ANAT 102 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Mount San Jacinto CollegeANAT 102 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU MICR 020Mount San Jacinto CollegeBiol 125 Microbiology
Biol 125H Honors Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Napa Valley CollegeBiol 110 Survey of Biology
Biol 112 Introduction to Ecology
SJSU BIOL 021Napa Valley CollegeBIOL 105 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Napa Valley CollegeBIOL 120 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Napa Valley College*BIOL 120 General Biology
BIOL 240 General Zoology
BIOL 241 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 055Napa Valley CollegeMATH 232 Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Napa Valley CollegeBiol 218 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Napa Valley CollegeBiol 219 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Napa Valley CollegeBiol 220 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Norco CollegeBIO 60 Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Norco CollegeBIO 61 Introduction to Organismal and Population Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Norco CollegeMAT 12 Statistics
MAT 12H Honors Statistics
PSY 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065ONorco College*BIO 50A Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 50B Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Norco College*BIO 50A Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 50B Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 010Ohlone CollegeBiol 130 Essential Biology
BIOL 102 Introduction to Biology for Health Sciences
SJSU BIOL 020Ohlone CollegeBiol 130 Essential Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Ohlone CollegeBiol 104 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Ohlone CollegeBIOL 101A Principles of Biology - Molecular and Cellular
SJSU BIOL 031Ohlone CollegeBIOL 101B Principles of Biology - Organisms and Systems
SJSU BIOL 055Ohlone CollegeMATH 159 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Ohlone College*Biol 103A Human Anatomy and Physiology
Biol 103B Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 065OOhlone CollegeBiol 103A Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066Ohlone CollegeBiol 103B Human Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Ohlone CollegeBiol 106 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Orange Coast CollegeBiol A100 Principles of Biology
BIOL A100H Principles of Biology Honors
SJSU BIOL 030Orange Coast CollegeBIOL A180 Introduction to Biology for Majors 1: Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Orange Coast College*BIOL A185 Introduction to Biology for Majors 2: Ecology, Evolution, Diversity, and Physiology
BIOL A182 Zoology
BIOL A182L Zoology Laboratory
BIOL A183 Botany
BIOL A183L Botany Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 055Orange Coast CollegeMath A160 Introduction to Statistics
Psyc A160 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OOrange Coast CollegeBIOL A220 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Orange Coast CollegeBIOL A225 Human Physiology
BIOL A225H Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Orange Coast CollegeBIOL A210 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Oxnard College*Biol R101 General Biology
Biol R101L General Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Oxnard College*BIOL R120 Principles of Biology I
BIOL R120L Principles of Biology I Lab: Intro to Cellular and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Oxnard College*BIOL R122 Principles of Biology II
BIOL R122L Principles of Biology II Laboratory
BIOL R155 Principles of Botany
BIOL R155L Principles of Botany Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 055Oxnard CollegeMATH R105 Introductory Statistics
MATH R105H Honors: Introductory Statistics
PSY R103 Beginning Statistics for Behavorial Science
SJSU BIOL 065OOxnard CollegeANAT R101 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Oxnard CollegePHSO R101 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Oxnard College*Micr R100 Principles of Microbiology
Micr R100L Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Palo Verde College*BIO 190 Biology Sequence I for Majors
BIO 191 Biology Sequence II for Majors
SJSU BIOL 031Palo Verde College*BIO 190 Biology Sequence I for Majors
BIO 191 Biology Sequence II for Majors
SJSU BIOL 055Palo Verde CollegeMAT 106 Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OPalo Verde CollegeBIO 210 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Palo Verde CollegeBIO 211 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Palomar College*Biol 100 Introductory Biology: General Biology
Biol 101 General Biology - Lecture
Biol 101L Introductory Biology: General Biology (Laboratory)
SJSU BIOL 030Palomar College*BIOL 200 Foundations of Biology I
BIOL 201 Foundations of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Palomar College*BIOL 200 Foundations of Biology I
BIOL 201 Foundations of Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Palomar CollegeMath 120 Elementary Statistics
Psyc 205 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Soc 205 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 180 Social Justice Statistics
BUS 204 Quantitative Business Analysis
SJSU BIOL 065OPalomar CollegeBIOL 210 Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Palomar CollegeBIOL 211 Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Palomar CollegeBIOL 212 Fundamentals of Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 021Pasadena City CollegeBIOL 003 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Pasadena City CollegeBIOL 010A Cellular Biology, Genetics & Evolution
SJSU BIOL 031Pasadena City College*BIOL 010A Cellular Biology, Genetics & Evolution
BIOL 010B The Diversity of Life on Earth: Structure, Function and Ecology
BIOL 004 Botany/Plant Diversity and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055Pasadena City CollegeSTAT 015 Statistics for Business and Economics
STAT 050 Elementary Statistics
STAT 050H Honors Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OPasadena City CollegeANAT 025 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Pasadena City CollegePyso 001 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Pasadena City CollegeMICR 002 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Porterville College*BIOL P135 General Biology I
BIOL P136 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031Porterville College*BIOL P135 General Biology I
BIOL P136 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055Porterville CollegeMATH P122 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OPorterville CollegeBIOL P119 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Porterville CollegeBIOL P120 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Porterville CollegeBIOL P160 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 021Reedley CollegeBIOL 5 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Reedley CollegeBIOL 11A Biology for Science Majors I
SJSU BIOL 031Reedley CollegeBIOL 11B Biology for Science Majors II
SJSU BIOL 055Reedley CollegeSTAT 7 Elementary Statistics
MATH 11 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 11C Introduction to Statistics with Support
PLS 9 Biometrics
SJSU BIOL 065Reedley CollegeBiol 20 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Reedley CollegeBiol 22 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Reedley CollegeBIOL 31 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Rio Hondo CollegeBIOL 200 Principles of Biology 1 (Molecular and Cellular Biology)
SJSU BIOL 031Rio Hondo College*BIOL 200 Principles of Biology 1 (Molecular and Cellular Biology)
BIOL 201 Principles of Biology 2 (Diversity and Ecology)
SJSU BIOL 055Rio Hondo CollegePSY 190 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Math 130 Statistics
MATH 130H Statistics Honors
SJSU BIOL 065ORio Hondo CollegeBIOL 125 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Rio Hondo CollegeBIOL 226 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 030Riverside City CollegeBIO 60 Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Riverside City CollegeBIO 61 Introduction to Organismal and Population Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Riverside City CollegeMAT 12 Statistics
MAT 12H Honors Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065ORiverside City College*BIO 50A Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 50B Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Riverside City College*BIO 50A Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 50B Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 021Sacramento City College*BIOL 308 Contemporary Biology
BIOL 309 Contemporary Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Sacramento City CollegeBIOL 402 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Sacramento City CollegeBIOL 412 Plant Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Sacramento City CollegeSTAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
STAT 480 Introduction to Probability and Statistics - Honors
SJSU BIOL 065OSacramento City College*BIOL 430 Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU BIOL 066Sacramento City CollegeBIOL 431 Anatomy and Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Sacramento City CollegeBIOL 440 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Saddleback CollegeBIO 20 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Saddleback CollegeBIO 20 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Saddleback College*BIO 4A Principles of Cellular Biology
BIO 4B Principles of Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Saddleback College*BIO 4A Principles of Cellular Biology
BIO 4B Principles of Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Saddleback CollegeMath 10 Introduction to Statistics
PSYC 44 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OSaddleback CollegeBIO 11 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Saddleback CollegeBIO 12 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010San Bernardino Valley CollegeBIOL 100 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030San Bernardino Valley CollegeBIOL 205 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031San Bernardino Valley CollegeBIOL 206 Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055San Bernardino Valley CollegeMath 108 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
ECON 208 Business and Economics Statistics
PSYCH 105 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OSan Bernardino Valley College*BIOL 260 Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 251 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066San Bernardino Valley College*BIOL 261 Human Physiology
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 251 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SJSU MICR 020San Bernardino Valley CollegeBIOL 270 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010San Diego City CollegeBiol 107 General Biology - Lecture and Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030San Diego City College*Biol 210A Introduction to the Biological Sciences I
Biol 210B Introduction to the Biological Sciences II
SJSU BIOL 031San Diego City CollegeBiol 210B Introduction to the Biological Sciences II
SJSU BIOL 055San Diego City College*Psyc 258 Behavioral Science Statistics
PSYC 259 Behavioral Science Statistics Laboratory
BUSE 115 Statistics for Business
MATH 119 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OSan Diego City CollegeBiol 230 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066San Diego City CollegeBiol 235 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020San Diego City CollegeBiol 205 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010San Diego Mesa CollegeBiol 107 General Biology - Lecture and Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030San Diego Mesa College*Biol 210A Introduction to the Biological Sciences I
Biol 210B Introduction to the Biological Sciences II
SJSU BIOL 031San Diego Mesa CollegeBiol 210B Introduction to the Biological Sciences II
SJSU BIOL 055San Diego Mesa College*BIOL 200 Biological Statistics
Psyc 258 Behavioral Science Statistics
PSYC 259 Behavioral Science Statistics Laboratory
BUSE 115 Statistics for Business
MATH 119 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OSan Diego Mesa CollegeBiol 230 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066San Diego Mesa CollegeBiol 235 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020San Diego Mesa CollegeBiol 205 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010San Diego Miramar CollegeBiol 107 General Biology-Lecture and Lab
SJSU BIOL 030San Diego Miramar College*Biol 210A Introduction to Biological Sciences I
Biol 210B Introduction to Biological Sciences II
SJSU BIOL 031San Diego Miramar CollegeBiol 210B Introduction to Biological Sciences II
SJSU BIOL 055San Diego Miramar College*PSYC 258 Behavioral Science Statistics
PSYC 259 Behavioral Science Statistics Laboratory
BUSE 115 Statistics for Business
MATH 119 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OSan Diego Miramar CollegeBiol 230 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066San Diego Miramar CollegeBiol 235 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020San Diego Miramar CollegeBiol 205 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010San Diego State UniversityBiol 100 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 030San Diego State UniversityBIOL 101 World of Animals
BIOL 101L World of Animals Laboratory
BIOL 203 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 203L Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
BIOL 204 Principles of Organismal Biology
BIOL 204L Principles of Organismal Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 031San Diego State UniversityBIOL 101 World of Animals
BIOL 101L World of Animals Laboratory
BIOL 203 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 203L Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
BIOL 204 Principles of Organismal Biology
BIOL 204L Principles of Organismal Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 065OSan Diego State UniversityBiol 212 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066San Diego State UniversityBiol 261 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 021San Francisco State UniversityBIOL 100 Human Biology
BIOL 101 Human Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030San Francisco State UniversityBIOL 230 Introductory Biology I
BIOL 240 Introductory Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031San Francisco State UniversityBIOL 230 Introductory Biology I
BIOL 240 Introductory Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055San Francisco State UniversityMATH 124 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OSan Francisco State UniversityBIOL 220 Principles of Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066San Francisco State UniversityBIOL 212 Principles of Human Physiology
BIOL 213 Principles of Human Physiology Laboratory
SJSU MICR 020San Francisco State UniversityBIOL 210 General Microbiology and Public Health
BIOL 211 General Microbiology and Public Health Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 021San Joaquin Delta CollegeBiol 11 Human in the Biological World
SJSU BIOL 030San Joaquin Delta College*BIOL 1 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2 Zoology/Animal Diversity and Evolution
BIOL 3 Plant Diversity and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 031San Joaquin Delta CollegeBIOL 2 Zoology/Animal Diversity and Evolution
SJSU BIOL 055San Joaquin Delta CollegeSTATS 12 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
STATS 12EX Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Support
SJSU BIOL 065OSan Joaquin Delta CollegeBiol 31 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066San Joaquin Delta CollegeBiol 32 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020San Joaquin Delta CollegeBiol 22 Introduction to Medical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010San Jose City CollegeBiol 021 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 020San Jose City CollegeBiol 021 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 021San Jose City CollegeBiol 020 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030San Jose City CollegeBIOL 004A General Principles and Cell Biology
SJSU BIOL 031San Jose City College*BIOL 004A General Principles and Cell Biology
BIOL 004B Biodiversity and Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055San Jose City CollegeMATH 063 Elementary Statistics
BUS 060 Fundamentals of Business Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065San Jose City CollegeBiol 71 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066San Jose City CollegeBiol 072 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020San Jose City CollegeBiol 074 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Santa Ana CollegeBiol 109 Fundamentals of Biology
Biol 109H Honors Fundamentals of Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Santa Ana College*BIOL 211 Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 212 Animal Diversity and Ecology
BIOL 214 Plant Diversity and Evolution
SJSU BIOL 031Santa Ana College*BIOL 211 Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 212 Animal Diversity and Ecology
BIOL 214 Plant Diversity and Evolution
SJSU BIOL 055Santa Ana CollegeMATH 219 Statistics and Probability
MATH 219S Statistics and Probability with Support
MATH 219H Honors Statistics and Probability
PSYC 210 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OSanta Ana CollegeBIOL 239 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Santa Ana CollegeBIOL 249 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Santa Ana CollegeBiol 229 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Santa Barbara City CollegeBiol 100 Concepts of Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Santa Barbara City CollegeBiol 120 Natural History
SJSU BIOL 030Santa Barbara City CollegeBiol 103 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Santa Barbara City CollegeBiol 102 Animal Biology
Biol 101 Plant Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Santa Barbara City College*Math 117 Elementary Statistics
PSY 150 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
MATH 117A Elementary Statistics A
MATH 117B Elementary Statistics B
SJSU BIOL 065Santa Barbara City CollegeBMS 107 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Santa Barbara City CollegeBMS 108 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Santa Barbara City CollegeBMS 127 Medical Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Santa Monica College*BIOL 21 Cell Biology and Evolution
BIOL 22 Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL 23 Organismal and Environmental Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Santa Monica College*BIOL 21 Cell Biology and Evolution
BIOL 22 Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL 23 Organismal and Environmental Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Santa Monica CollegeMath 54 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Santa Monica CollegeAnatmy 2 Advanced Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 065OSanta Monica CollegeAnatmy 1 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Santa Monica CollegePHYS 3 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Santa Rosa Junior CollegeBio 10 Introduction to Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Santa Rosa Junior CollegeBio 12 Basic Concepts of Ecology
SJSU BIOL 030Santa Rosa Junior CollegeBIO 2.1 Fundamentals of Biology (Cell and Molecular)
SJSU BIOL 031Santa Rosa Junior CollegeBIO 2.2 Fundamentals of Biology (Evolution, Genetics, and Zoology)
BIO 2.3 Fundamentals of Biology (Botany and Ecology)
SJSU BIOL 055Santa Rosa Junior CollegeMATH 15 Elementary Statistics
PSYCH 9 Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Santa Rosa Junior CollegeAnat 1 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Santa Rosa Junior CollegePhysio 1 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Santa Rosa Junior CollegeMicro 5 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Santiago Canyon CollegeBiol 109 Fundamentals of Biology
Biol 109H Honors Fundamentals of Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Santiago Canyon College*BIOL 221 Animal Diversity and Evolution
BIOL 231 Plant Diversity and Ecology
SJSU BIOL 055Santiago Canyon CollegeMATH 219 Statistics and Probability
MATH 219H Honors Statistics and Probability
MATH 219S Statistics and Probability with Integrated Review
SJSU BIOL 065OSantiago Canyon CollegeBIOL 239 General Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Santiago Canyon CollegeBIOL 249 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010Shasta CollegeBiol 10 General Biology
SJSU BIOL 021Shasta College*BIOL 5 Introduction to Human Biology
BIOL 6 Introduction to Human Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Shasta CollegeBIOL 1 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Shasta College*BIOL 1 Principles of Biology
BOT 1 General Botany
ZOOL 1 General Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055Shasta CollegeMATH 14 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OShasta CollegeANAT 1 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Shasta CollegePhy 1 Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Shasta CollegeMicr 1 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Sierra CollegeBiol 14 Natural History, Ecology, and Conservation
ESS 14 Natural History, Ecology and Conservation
SJSU BIOL 021Sierra College*BIOL 56 Biology: A Human Perspective
BIOL 56L Biology: A Human Perspective Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Sierra College*BIOL 1 General Biology
BIOL 2 Botany
BIOL 3 General Zoology
SJSU BIOL 031Sierra CollegeBIOL 2 Botany
BIOL 3 General Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055Sierra CollegePSYC 142 Introduction to Psychological Statistics
Math 13 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Sierra CollegeBIOL 5 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Sierra CollegeBiol 6 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Sierra CollegeBiol 4 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Skyline CollegeBiol 101 Our Biological World
SJSU BIOL 030Skyline CollegeBIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II
SJSU BIOL 031Skyline CollegeBIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I
SJSU BIOL 055Skyline CollegeMath 200 Elementary Probability & Statistics
PSYC 171 Quantitative Reasoning in Psychology
BUS. 123 Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065Skyline CollegeBiol 250 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Skyline CollegeBiol 260 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Skyline CollegeBiol 240 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 020Solano Community CollegeBIO 003 Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity
SJSU BIOL 021Solano Community College*BIO 016 Introduction to Human Biology
BIO 016L Human Biology Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030Solano Community College*BIO 002 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 003 Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity
SJSU BIOL 031Solano Community College*BIO 002 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 003 Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity
SJSU BIOL 055Solano Community CollegeMATH 011 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OSolano Community CollegeBio 004 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Solano Community CollegeBio 005 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Solano Community CollegeBIO 014 Principles of Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010Southwestern CollegeBiol 100 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 030Southwestern CollegeBIOL 211 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Southwestern CollegeBIOL 210 General Zoology
BIOL 212 Biology of Plants
SJSU BIOL 055Southwestern College*Math 119 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 280 Statistical Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 280 Statistical Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 270 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 271 Data Analysis in Psychology and Sociology
SOC 270 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 271 Data Analysis in Psychology and Sociology
SJSU BIOL 065OSouthwestern CollegeBIOL 260 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Southwestern CollegeBIOL 261 Principles of Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Southwestern CollegeBiol 265 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Taft CollegeBIOL 2201 Introductory Biology-Cells
SJSU BIOL 031Taft CollegeBIOL 2202 General Zoology
BIOL 2203 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 055Taft CollegeSTAT 1510 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 2200 Elementary Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OTaft College*BIOL 2250 Human Anatomy
BIOL 2258 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2259 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 066Taft College*BIOL 2257 Human Physiology with Lab
BIOL 2258 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2259 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
SJSU BIOL 065OUniversity of California, BerkeleyINTEGBI 131 General Human Anatomy
INTEGBI 131L General Human Anatomy Laboratory
SJSU BIOL 030University of California, DavisBIOLSCI 2A Intro Biology: Life on Earth
BIOLSCI 2B Intro Biology: Ecology & Evolution
SJSU BIOL 031University of California, DavisBIOLSCI 2A Intro Biology: Life on Earth
BIOLSCI 2B Intro Biology: Ecology & Evolution
SJSU BIOL 010Ventura CollegeBIOL V01 Principles of Biology
SJSU BIOL 020Ventura CollegeBIOL V10 Introduction to Environmental Issues
ESRM V01 Introduction to Environmental Issues
SJSU BIOL 030Ventura College*BIOL V03 Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
BIOL V04 Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Ventura CollegeBIOL V03 Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Ventura CollegeMATH V44 Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OVentura CollegeANAT V01 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Ventura CollegePHSO V01 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Ventura CollegeMICR V01 General Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Victor Valley College*Biol 201 Biology of Cells
Biol 202 Biology of Organisms
Biol 203 Population and Environmental Biology
SJSU BIOL 031Victor Valley College*BIOL 200 Plant Diversity and Ecology
Biol 201 Biology of Cells
Biol 202 Biology of Organisms
Biol 203 Population and Environmental Biology
SJSU BIOL 055Victor Valley CollegeMath 120 Introduction to Statistics
Math 120S Introduction to Statistics with Skills Support
SJSU BIOL 065OVictor Valley CollegeBIOL 211 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Victor Valley CollegeBiol 231 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010West Hills College - CoalingaBIO 010 Fundamentals of Biology
SJSU BIOL 030West Hills College - CoalingaBIO 001A Cell and Molecular Biology
SJSU BIOL 031West Hills College - CoalingaBIO 001B Organismal Biology
SJSU BIOL 055West Hills College - CoalingaMATH 025 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OWest Hills College - CoalingaBIO 032 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066West Hills College - CoalingaBIO 035 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020West Hills College - CoalingaBIO 038 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 010West Hills College - LemooreBio 010 Fundamentals of Biology
SJSU BIOL 055West Hills College - LemooreMath 025 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065OWest Hills College - LemooreBIO 032 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066West Hills College - LemooreBio 035 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020West Hills College - LemooreBio 038 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030West Los Angeles College*BIOLOGY 006 General Biology I
BIOLOGY 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 031West Los Angeles College*BIOLOGY 006 General Biology I
BIOLOGY 007 General Biology II
SJSU BIOL 055West Los Angeles CollegeMath 227 Statistics
PSYCH 091 Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
SJSU BIOL 065OWest Los Angeles CollegeANATOMY 001 Introduction to Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066West Los Angeles CollegePHYSIOL 001 Introduction to Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 010West Valley CollegeBiol 010 Introduction to Biology
SJSU BIOL 020West Valley CollegeBiol 012 Introduction to Ecology and Wildlife
SJSU BIOL 021West Valley CollegeBiol 011 Human Biology
SJSU BIOL 030West Valley CollegeBIOL 043 Principles of Cell Biology
SJSU BIOL 031West Valley CollegeBIOL 041 Principles of Animal Biology
BIOL 042 Principles of Plant Biology
SJSU BIOL 055West Valley CollegeMath 010 Elementary Statistics
Math 010H Honors Elementary Statistics
SJSU BIOL 065West Valley CollegeBiol 047 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066West Valley CollegeBiol 048 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020West Valley CollegeBiol 045 Microbiology
SJSU BIOL 030Woodland Community College*BIOL 1 Principles of Biology
BIOL 2 General Zoology
BIOL 3 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 031Woodland Community CollegeBIOL 3 General Botany
BIOL 2 General Zoology
SJSU BIOL 055Woodland Community CollegeSTAT 1 Introduction to Statistical Methods
SJSU BIOL 065Woodland Community CollegeBIOL 4 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Woodland Community CollegeBIOL 5 Human Physiology
SJSU BIOL 021Yuba CollegeBIOL 24L Human Biology with Lab
SJSU BIOL 030Yuba College*BIOL 1 Principles of Biology
BIOL 2 General Zoology
BIOL 3 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 031Yuba CollegeBIOL 2 General Zoology
BIOL 3 General Botany
SJSU BIOL 055Yuba CollegeSTAT 1 Introduction to Statistical Methods
PSYCH 6 Intro to Statistics in Social and Behavioral Science
SJSU BIOL 065Yuba CollegeBIOL 4 Human Anatomy
SJSU BIOL 066Yuba CollegeBIOL 5 Human Physiology
SJSU MICR 020Yuba CollegeBIOL 6 Introductory Microbiology

Special Notes (*):

Courses with an asterisk (*) have a special comment.

See the course-to-course report for the corresponding school.

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(page last modified: 01/17/2025)