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Category Report
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Category Report

Sorted by School

SJSU KIN 002AAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 120 Beginning and Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 120 Beginning and Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 172 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 167 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 164 Soccer
SJSU KIN 021AAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 160 Tennis
SJSU KIN 029Allan Hancock Community CollegePE 132 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 034Allan Hancock Community CollegePE 143 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 038Allan Hancock Community CollegePE 154 Jogging/Walking
SJSU KIN 055AAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 130 Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061AAllan Hancock Community CollegePE 133 Yoga Fitness
SJSU KIN 070Allan Hancock Community College*PE 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AAmerican River CollegeFITNS 440 Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002BAmerican River CollegeFITNS 442 Swimming III
SJSU KIN 002CAmerican River CollegeFITNS 443 Swimming IV
SJSU KIN 003American River CollegeTMACT 370 Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014AAmerican River CollegeTMACT 330 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BAmerican River CollegeTMACT 331 Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CAmerican River CollegeTMACT 333 Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015AAmerican River CollegeTMACT 320 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AAmerican River CollegeTMACT 302 Soccer - Outdoor
SJSU KIN 019BAmerican River CollegeTMACT 303 Outdoor Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020AAmerican River CollegePACT 310 Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BAmerican River CollegePACT 311 Badminton II
SJSU KIN 021AAmerican River CollegePACT 390 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BAmerican River CollegePACT 391 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 023AAmerican River CollegePACT 300 Archery I
SJSU KIN 025AAmerican River CollegePACT 350 Golf I
SJSU KIN 025BAmerican River CollegePACT 351 Golf II
SJSU KIN 029American River CollegeFITNS 306 Aerobics: Cardio-Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030American River CollegeFITNS 325 Pilates
SJSU KIN 032American River CollegeFITNS 308 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AAmerican River CollegeFITNS 381 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037American River CollegeFITNS 400 Body Fitness (Walking or Jogging)
SJSU KIN 050American River CollegeFITNS 414 Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 054AAmerican River CollegeFITNS 412 Taekwondo I
SJSU KIN 055AAmerican River CollegeFITNS 450 Personal Safety
SJSU KIN 061AAmerican River CollegeFITNS 392 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070American River College*KINES 300 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Antelope Valley CollegeKINF 100 Adaptive Physical Education
SJSU KIN 002AAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 190 Beginning Swimming for Non-swimmers
SJSU KIN 002BAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 192 Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 180 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 190 Beginning Swimming for Non-swimmers
SJSU KIN 014CAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 280 Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 019AAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 150 Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 151 Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 021AAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 160 Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 161 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 140 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 035AAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 107 Beginning Weight Lifting
SJSU KIN 035BAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 108 Intermediate Weight Lifting
SJSU KIN 061AAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 144 Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BAntelope Valley CollegeKINF 244 Intermediate/Advanced Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Antelope Valley College*KINT 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Bakersfield CollegeKINS B20A Adaptive Physical Education
SJSU KIN 002ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21SW Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21VB Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21BB Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21S Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21T Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 023ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21A Beginning Archery
SJSU KIN 025ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21G Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 035ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21WT Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 041ABakersfield CollegeKINS B21DB Beginning Dance - Ballet
SJSU KIN 070Bakersfield College*KINS B1A Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ABarstow CollegeKINA 16A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 020ABarstow CollegeKINA 22A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 035ABarstow CollegeKINA 4A Basic Weight Training and Conditioning
SJSU KIN 037Barstow CollegeKINA 6A Fitness - Walking, Jogging, Running
SJSU KIN 014AButte CollegeKIN 68 Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BButte CollegeKIN 69 Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 015AButte CollegeKIN 70 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BButte CollegeKIN 71 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019AButte CollegeKIN 65 Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AButte CollegeKIN 58 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AButte CollegeKIN 62 Tennis
SJSU KIN 023AButte CollegeKIN 57 Archery
SJSU KIN 024AButte CollegeKIN 60 Bowling
SJSU KIN 025AButte CollegeKIN 61 Golf
SJSU KIN 031Butte CollegeKIN 29 Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 035AButte CollegeKIN 23 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BButte CollegeKIN 24 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 038Butte CollegeKIN 53 Jogging/Running for Fitness
SJSU KIN 053AButte CollegeKIN 77 Karate
SJSU KIN 054AButte CollegeKIN 78 Taekwondo
SJSU KIN 055AButte CollegeKIN 73 Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061AButte CollegeKIN 42 Yoga 1
SJSU KIN 061BButte CollegeKIN 43 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Butte College*KIN 1 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACabrillo CollegeKIN 60A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BCabrillo CollegeKIN 60B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CCabrillo CollegeKIN 60C Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ACabrillo CollegeKIN 54A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCabrillo CollegeKIN 54B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CCabrillo CollegeKIN 54C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACabrillo CollegeKIN 47A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BCabrillo CollegeKIN 47B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACabrillo CollegeKIN 50A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BCabrillo CollegeKIN 50B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ACabrillo CollegeKIN 43A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCabrillo CollegeKIN 43B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACabrillo CollegeKIN 40A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BCabrillo CollegeKIN 40B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 032Cabrillo CollegeKIN 20L Aerobic Fitness
SJSU KIN 034Cabrillo CollegeKIN 22L Strength Training
SJSU KIN 035ACabrillo CollegeKIN 27A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BCabrillo CollegeKIN 27B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 055ACabrillo CollegeKIN 45 Beginning Self Defense for Women
SJSU KIN 061ACabrillo CollegeKIN 37A Hatha Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BCabrillo CollegeKIN 37B Hatha Yoga II
SJSU KIN 063ACabrillo CollegeKIN 44A Beginning Hiking
SJSU KIN 070Cabrillo College*KIN 2 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 146 Fitness, Swimming, Beginning
SJSU KIN 003California Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 255 Water Polo
SJSU KIN 011ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 224 Women's Rowing, Beginning
SJSU KIN 015ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 116 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 141 Soccer, Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BCalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 241 Soccer, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 114 Badminton, Beginning
SJSU KIN 023ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 113 Archery
SJSU KIN 024ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 118 Bowling
SJSU KIN 025ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 127 Golf, Beginning
SJSU KIN 030California Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 253 Pilates
SJSU KIN 034California Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 129 Power Step
SJSU KIN 035ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 157 Weight Training, Individual, Beginning
SJSU KIN 046ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 194 Social Dance
SJSU KIN 047ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 196 Swing Dance
SJSU KIN 048ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 192 Latin Dance
SJSU KIN 050California Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 140 Tai Chi Chuan Beginning
SJSU KIN 051ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 112 Aikido
SJSU KIN 055ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 138 Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ACalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 259 Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCalifornia Polytechnic University, HumboldtPE 263 Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 015ACanada CollegeFITN 152 Basketball Conditioning
SJSU KIN 019ACanada CollegeTEAM 141.1 Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BCanada CollegeTEAM 141.2 Soccer II
SJSU KIN 037Canada CollegeFITN 304.1 Walking Fitness
SJSU KIN 041ACanada CollegeDANC 140.1 Ballet I
SJSU KIN 048ACanada CollegeDANC 125.1 Salsa I
SJSU KIN 061ACanada CollegeFITN 334.1 Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BCanada CollegeFITN 334.2 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Canada College*KINE 101 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Cerritos CollegePEX 102 Adapted Cardiovascular Exercise
PEX 108 Adapted Individual Sports
SJSU KIN 031Cerritos CollegePEX 134 Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 032Cerritos CollegePEX 110 Aerobics Activities
SJSU KIN 034Cerritos CollegePEX 112 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 037Cerritos CollegePEX 138 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 038Cerritos CollegePEX 141 Jogging for Fitness, Beginning
SJSU KIN 041ACerritos CollegeDANC 106A Beginning Ballet
SJSU KIN 048ACerritos CollegeDANC 121 Latin Social Dance
SJSU KIN 055ACerritos CollegePEX 147 Personal Self Defense
SJSU KIN 070Cerritos College*KIN 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ACerro Coso CollegeKINS C115 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACerro Coso CollegeKINS C117 Fundamentals of Basketball
SJSU KIN 021ACerro Coso CollegeKINS C113 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACerro Coso CollegeKINS C109 Golf
SJSU KIN 035ACerro Coso CollegeKINS C105 Strength Training
SJSU KIN 070Cerro Coso College*KINS C101 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AChabot CollegePEAC SWM1 Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BChabot CollegePEAC SWM2 Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 003Chabot CollegePEAC WAP1 Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014AChabot CollegePEAC VOL1 Introduction to Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BChabot CollegePEAC VOL2 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AChabot CollegePEAC BSK1 Introduction to Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BChabot CollegePEAC BSK2 Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AChabot CollegePEAC SOC1 Introduction to Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BChabot CollegePEAC SOC2 Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AChabot CollegePEAC BAD1 Introduction to Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BChabot CollegePEAC BAD2 Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CChabot CollegePEAC BAD3 Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AChabot CollegePEAC TEN1 Introduction to Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BChabot CollegePEAC TEN2 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 023AChabot CollegePEAC ARH1 Archery 1
SJSU KIN 023BChabot CollegePEAC ARH2 Intermediate Archery
SJSU KIN 030Chabot CollegePEAC PIL1 Introduction to Pilates
SJSU KIN 034Chabot CollegePEAC STP1 Introduction to Cardio-Step
SJSU KIN 035AChabot CollegePEAC WEE1 Get Buff & Strong with Weights
SJSU KIN 035BChabot CollegePEAC WEE2 Intermediate Get Buff & Strong with Weights
SJSU KIN 037Chabot CollegePEAC WLK1 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 051AChabot CollegePEAC AKD1 Aikido 1
SJSU KIN 052AChabot CollegePEAC JUD1 Beginning Judo
SJSU KIN 052BChabot CollegePEAC JUD2 Intermediate Judo
SJSU KIN 054AChabot CollegePEAC TKD1 Tae-Kwon-Do
SJSU KIN 061AChabot CollegePEAC YOG1 Introduction to Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BChabot CollegePEAC YOG2 Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Chabot College*KINE 1 Introduction to Kinesiology & Physical Education
SJSU KIN 002AChaffey CollegeKINACT 9 Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AChaffey CollegeKINACT 16 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CChaffey CollegeKINACT 17 Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AChaffey CollegeKINACT 20 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AChaffey CollegeKINACT 22 Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BChaffey CollegeKINACT 23 Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 021AChaffey CollegeKINACT 1 Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 030Chaffey CollegeKINACT 26 Beginning Pilates Matwork
SJSU KIN 055AChaffey CollegeKINACT 31 Introduction to Self Defense and Personal Safety
SJSU KIN 061AChaffey CollegeKINACT 28A Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BChaffey CollegeKINACT 28B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Chaffey College*KINLEC 18 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Citrus Community CollegeKIN 150 Adapted Physical Education
SJSU KIN 002ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 142 Swimming-Beginning
SJSU KIN 002BCitrus Community CollegeKIN 143 Swimming-Intermediate/Advanced
SJSU KIN 014ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 135 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 130 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 133 Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 101 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 108 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 103 Golf
SJSU KIN 035ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 152 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Citrus Community CollegeKIN 153 Walking/Jogging
SJSU KIN 055ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 104 Self-Defense and Personal Safety
SJSU KIN 061ACitrus Community CollegeKIN 116 Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCitrus Community CollegeKIN 117 Vinyasa, Aerial, and Acroyoga
SJSU KIN 002ACity College of San FranciscoPE 255A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BCity College of San FranciscoPE 255C Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CCity College of San FranciscoPE 255D Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 003City College of San FranciscoPE 258A Beginning Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014ACity College of San FranciscoPE 242A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCity College of San FranciscoPE 242B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CCity College of San FranciscoPE 242C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACity College of San FranciscoPE 233A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BCity College of San FranciscoPE 233B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACity College of San FranciscoPE 238A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BCity College of San FranciscoPE 238B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACity College of San FranciscoPE 231A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BCity College of San FranciscoPE 231B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CCity College of San FranciscoPE 231C Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACity College of San FranciscoPE 240A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCity College of San FranciscoPE 240B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 023ACity College of San FranciscoPE 230A Beginning Archery
SJSU KIN 023BCity College of San FranciscoPE 230B Intermediate Archery
SJSU KIN 025ACity College of San FranciscoPE 236A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BCity College of San FranciscoPE 236B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 031City College of San FranciscoPE 216A Beginning Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 035ACity College of San FranciscoPE 214A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BCity College of San FranciscoPE 214B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037City College of San FranciscoPE 206A Beginning Walking for Wellness
SJSU KIN 041ACity College of San FranciscoDANC 119A Beginning Ballet
SJSU KIN 048ACity College of San FranciscoDANC 155A Beginning Salsa and other Latin Dances
SJSU KIN 052ACity College of San FranciscoPE 271A Beginning Judo
SJSU KIN 052BCity College of San FranciscoPE 271B Intermediate Judo
SJSU KIN 052CCity College of San FranciscoPE 271D Competition Judo
SJSU KIN 054ACity College of San FranciscoPE 276A Beginning Taekwondo
SJSU KIN 061ACity College of San FranciscoPE 219A Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCity College of San FranciscoPE 219B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070City College of San Francisco*PE 26 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AClovis Community CollegePE 12 Beginning Swim for Fitness
SJSU KIN 002BClovis Community CollegePE 12B Intermediate Swim for Fitness
SJSU KIN 014AClovis Community CollegePE 14 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 019AClovis Community CollegePE 71 Soccer
SJSU KIN 025AClovis Community CollegePE 7 Golf
SJSU KIN 035AClovis Community CollegePE 15 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Clovis Community CollegePE 16 Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 061AClovis Community CollegePE 29 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Clovis Community College*KINES 22 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 050Coastline CollegePE C115 Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 055ACoastline CollegePE C169A Self-Defense Arts
SJSU KIN 061ACoastline CollegePE C119A Hatha Yoga 1
SJSU KIN 061BCoastline CollegePE C119B Hatha Yoga 2
SJSU KIN 070Coastline College*KIN C202 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ACollege of AlamedaKIN 120B Volleyball II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BCollege of AlamedaKIN 120C Volleyball III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 015ACollege of AlamedaKIN 80B Basketball II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 015BCollege of AlamedaKIN 80C Basketball III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019ACollege of AlamedaKIN 103B Soccer II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020ACollege of AlamedaKIN 74B Badminton II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BCollege of AlamedaKIN 74C Badminton III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020CCollege of AlamedaKIN 74D Badminton IV - Competitive
SJSU KIN 024ACollege of AlamedaKIN 84B Bowling II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 024BCollege of AlamedaKIN 84C Bowling III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 032College of AlamedaKIN 33 Aerobics
SJSU KIN 034College of AlamedaKIN 34 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 061ACollege of AlamedaKIN 51B Yoga II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 002ACollege of MarinKIN 155A Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BCollege of MarinKIN 155B Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CCollege of MarinKIN 155C Swimming
KIN 155D Swimming
SJSU KIN 021ACollege of MarinKIN 160A Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCollege of MarinKIN 160B Tennis
SJSU KIN 030College of MarinKIN 110A Mat Pilates
SJSU KIN 037College of MarinKIN 116 Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 061ACollege of MarinKIN 173A Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCollege of MarinKIN 173B Yoga
SJSU KIN 070College of Marin*KIN 114 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 030College of San MateoFITN 335.1 Pilates I
SJSU KIN 031College of San MateoFITN 116.1 Body Conditioning I
SJSU KIN 035ACollege of San MateoFITN 201.1 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BCollege of San MateoFITN 201.2 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 041ACollege of San MateoDANC 140.1 Ballet I
SJSU KIN 046ACollege of San MateoDANC 151.1 Social Dance I
SJSU KIN 047ACollege of San MateoDANC 167.1 Swing Dance I
SJSU KIN 048ACollege of San MateoDANC 128.1 Latin Dance I
SJSU KIN 061ACollege of San MateoFITN 334.1 Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BCollege of San MateoFITN 334.2 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070College of San Mateo*KINE 101 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 180A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 180B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 180C Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 195A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 195B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 195C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 150A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 150B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 170A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 170B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 185A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 185B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 024ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 106 Bowling
SJSU KIN 025ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 165A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 165B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 027ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 185A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 030College of the CanyonsDANCE 108 Pilates
SJSU KIN 034College of the CanyonsKPEA 105A Beginning Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ACollege of the CanyonsKPEA 101A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BCollege of the CanyonsKPEA 101B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 041ACollege of the CanyonsDANCE 141 Beginning Ballet
SJSU KIN 045ACollege of the CanyonsDANCE 134 Ballroom and Social Dance
SJSU KIN 046ACollege of the CanyonsDANCE 134 Ballroom and Social Dance
SJSU KIN 061ACollege of the CanyonsDANCE 180 Introduction to Yoga
SJSU KIN 070College of the Canyons*KPET 200 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001College of the DesertKINE 65 Adapted Physical Activity
SJSU KIN 002ACollege of the DesertKINE 82 Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ACollege of the DesertKINE 91 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACollege of the DesertKINE 45 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACollege of the DesertKINE 79 Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACollege of the DesertKINE 43 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACollege of the DesertKINE 86 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACollege of the DesertKINE 62 Golf
SJSU KIN 029College of the DesertKINE 71 Kickboxing Aerobics
SJSU KIN 030College of the DesertKINE 72 Pilates Mat Work
SJSU KIN 031College of the DesertKINE 47 Body Sculpt and Tone
SJSU KIN 032College of the DesertKINE 51 Dance, Aerobic
SJSU KIN 035ACollege of the DesertKINE 96 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038College of the DesertKINE 68 Jogging, Powerwalking and Running
SJSU KIN 055ACollege of the DesertKINE 78 Martial Arts
SJSU KIN 061ACollege of the DesertKINE 98B Yoga II-Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCollege of the DesertKINE 98C Yoga III-Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070College of the Desert*KINE 8 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001College of the RedwoodsPE 98 Adaptive Physical Education
SJSU KIN 014ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 25 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 21 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 22 Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 11 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 8A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 029College of the RedwoodsPE 17 Aerobic Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030College of the RedwoodsPE 18 Pilates Mat
SJSU KIN 035ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 12 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038College of the RedwoodsPE 10 Running and Walking
SJSU KIN 055ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 15 Women's Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 19 Yoga
SJSU KIN 063ACollege of the RedwoodsPE 9 Hiking
SJSU KIN 070College of the Redwoods*KINS 65 Foundations of Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACollege of the SequoiasPEAC 008 Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BCollege of the SequoiasPEAC 009 Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CCollege of the SequoiasPEAC 010 Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ACollege of the SequoiasPEAC 064 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCollege of the SequoiasPEAC 065 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACollege of the SequoiasPEAC 021 Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BCollege of the SequoiasPEAC 022 Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACollege of the SequoiasPEAC 042 Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ACollege of the SequoiasPEAC 052 Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCollege of the SequoiasPEAC 053 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 030College of the SequoiasPEAC 037 Pilates Mat Class
SJSU KIN 031College of the SequoiasPEAC 036 Stretch and Tone
SJSU KIN 032College of the SequoiasPEAC 001 Aerobic Conditioning
SJSU KIN 034College of the SequoiasPEAC 003 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ACollege of the SequoiasPEAC 074 Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BCollege of the SequoiasPEAC 075 Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037College of the SequoiasPEAC 068 Beginning Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 061ACollege of the SequoiasPEAC 039 Hatha Yoga Fundamentals
SJSU KIN 070College of the Sequoias*KINE 001 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001College of the SiskiyousPEFI 1026 Adaptive Physical Education
SJSU KIN 070College of the Siskiyous*KINE 1000 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014AColumbia CollegeHHP 53A Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BColumbia CollegeHHP 53B Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CColumbia CollegeHHP 53C Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015AColumbia CollegeHHP 32A Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BColumbia CollegeHHP 32B Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019AColumbia CollegeHHP 47A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BColumbia CollegeHHP 47B Soccer II
SJSU KIN 021AColumbia CollegeHHP 50A Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BColumbia CollegeHHP 50B Tennis II
SJSU KIN 035AColumbia CollegeHHP 56A Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BColumbia CollegeHHP 56B Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Columbia CollegeHHP 16A Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 061AColumbia CollegeHHP 18A Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BColumbia CollegeHHP 18B Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Columbia College*HHP 3 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ACompton CollegePE 113 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACompton CollegePE 104 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACompton CollegePE 130 Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 030Compton CollegeDANC 250 Pilates Mat Class
SJSU KIN 037Compton CollegePE 102 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 046ACompton CollegeDANC 168 Latin Social Dance
SJSU KIN 070Compton College*PE 277 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Contra Costa CollegePE 202 Adaptive Physical Education
SJSU KIN 002AContra Costa CollegePE 126A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BContra Costa CollegePE 126B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CContra Costa CollegePE 126C Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 020AContra Costa CollegePE 105A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BContra Costa CollegePE 105B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CContra Costa CollegePE 105C Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AContra Costa CollegePE 135A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BContra Costa CollegePE 135B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 029Contra Costa CollegePE 267A Beginning Cardio-Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Contra Costa CollegePE 165A Beginning Pilates
SJSU KIN 032Contra Costa CollegePE 157A Beginning Aerobics
SJSU KIN 034Contra Costa CollegePE 116A Beginning Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AContra Costa CollegePE 103A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BContra Costa CollegePE 103B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Contra Costa CollegePE 268A Beginning Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 054AContra Costa CollegePE 261A Beginning Tai Kwon Do
SJSU KIN 055AContra Costa CollegePE 278A Beginning Self-Defense for Women
SJSU KIN 061AContra Costa CollegePE 270A Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BContra Costa CollegePE 270B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Contra Costa College*KINES 190 Introduction to Kinesiology
PE 190 Introduction to Physical Education
SJSU KIN 014ACopper Mountain CollegePE 091 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACopper Mountain CollegePE 045 Basketball
SJSU KIN 020ACopper Mountain CollegePE 043 Badminton
SJSU KIN 025ACopper Mountain CollegePE 062 Golf
SJSU KIN 035ACopper Mountain CollegePE 096 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 061ACopper Mountain CollegePE 098 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Copper Mountain College*KIN 001 Intro to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACosumnes River CollegeFITNS 440 Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002BCosumnes River CollegeFITNS 441 Swimming II
SJSU KIN 002CCosumnes River CollegeFITNS 442 Swimming III
SJSU KIN 014ACosumnes River CollegeTMACT 330 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCosumnes River CollegeTMACT 331 Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CCosumnes River CollegeTMACT 333 Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015ACosumnes River CollegeTMACT 320 Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BCosumnes River CollegeTMACT 321 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019ACosumnes River CollegeTMACT 300 Soccer, Indoor
SJSU KIN 019BCosumnes River CollegeTMACT 301 Indoor Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020ACosumnes River CollegePACT 310 Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BCosumnes River CollegePACT 311 Badminton II
SJSU KIN 021ACosumnes River CollegePACT 390 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BCosumnes River CollegePACT 391 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 029Cosumnes River CollegeFITNS 306 Aerobics: Cardio-Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Cosumnes River CollegeFITNS 324 Mat Pilates
SJSU KIN 031Cosumnes River CollegeFITNS 352 Core Conditioning IV: Power Sculpting
SJSU KIN 035ACosumnes River CollegeFITNS 381 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BCosumnes River CollegeFITNS 384 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Cosumnes River CollegeFITNS 406 Running I
SJSU KIN 041ACosumnes River CollegeDANCE 320 Ballet I
SJSU KIN 061ACosumnes River CollegeFITNS 390 Basic Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCosumnes River CollegeFITNS 393 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Cosumnes River College*KINES 300 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 164A Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002BCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 164B Swimming II
SJSU KIN 002CCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 164C Swimming III
SJSU KIN 019ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 116A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 116B Soccer II
SJSU KIN 021ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 148A Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 148B Tennis II
SJSU KIN 025ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 120A Golf I
SJSU KIN 025BCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 120B Golf II
SJSU KIN 030Crafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 155A Pilates I
SJSU KIN 035ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 108A Resistance and Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 108B Resistance and Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Crafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 127A Walking for Fitness I
SJSU KIN 047ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/D 163A Ballroom/Swing/Salsa I
DANCE 163A Ballroom/Swing/Salsa I
SJSU KIN 050Crafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 190A Tai Chi I
SJSU KIN 053ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 159A Karate I
SJSU KIN 053BCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/S 159B Karate II
SJSU KIN 061ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 168A Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BCrafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 168B Yoga II
SJSU KIN 063ACrafton Hills CollegeKIN/F 191A Hiking for Fitness I
SJSU KIN 070Crafton Hills College*KIN 200 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1546 Beginning Swim
SJSU KIN 003CSU, BakersfieldKINE 1522 Water Polo
SJSU KIN 008CSU, BakersfieldKINE 1544 Introduction to Scuba Diving
SJSU KIN 014ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1533 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCSU, BakersfieldKINE 1553 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1502 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1532 Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1525 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1526 Tennis
SJSU KIN 023ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1524 Archery
SJSU KIN 029CSU, BakersfieldKINE 1530 Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 035ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1512 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037CSU, BakersfieldKINE 1506 Walking
SJSU KIN 038CSU, BakersfieldKINE 1505 Jogging
SJSU KIN 052ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1510 Judo
SJSU KIN 053ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1543 Karate
SJSU KIN 061ACSU, BakersfieldKINE 1503 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070CSU, Channel Islands*PHED 208 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACSU, ChicoKINE 154A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 008CSU, ChicoKINE 125 Beginning Scuba Diving
SJSU KIN 014ACSU, ChicoKINE 162A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCSU, ChicoKINE 162B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACSU, ChicoKINE 118A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 019BCSU, ChicoKINE 148B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ACSU, ChicoKINE 156A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCSU, ChicoKINE 156B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACSU, ChicoKINE 134A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BCSU, ChicoKINE 134B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 050CSU, ChicoKINE 151 Tai-Chi Chuan
SJSU KIN 051ACSU, ChicoKINE 142 Aikido
SJSU KIN 054ACSU, ChicoKINE 144A TaeKwonDo
SJSU KIN 061ACSU, ChicoKINE 169 Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCSU, ChicoKINE 169B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 002ACSU, East BayKIN 107 Beginning Activities: Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BCSU, East BayKIN 207 Intermediate Activities: Swimming
SJSU KIN 003CSU, East BayKIN 152 Beginning Activities: Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014ACSU, East BayKIN 109 Beginning Activities: Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCSU, East BayKIN 209 Intermediate Activities: Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACSU, East BayKIN 101 Beginning Activities: Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BCSU, East BayKIN 201 Intermediate Activities: Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACSU, East BayKIN 117 Beginning Activities: Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BCSU, East BayKIN 147 Beginning Activities: Indoor Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACSU, East BayKIN 100 Beginning Activities: Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BCSU, East BayKIN 200 Intermediate Activities: Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CCSU, East BayKIN 350 Advanced Activities: Basketball
SJSU KIN 021ACSU, East BayKIN 124 Beginning Activities: Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCSU, East BayKIN 224 Intermediate Activities: Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACSU, East BayKIN 121 Beginning Activities: Golf
SJSU KIN 027ACSU, East BayKIN 155 Beginning Activities: Table Tennis
SJSU KIN 030CSU, East BayKIN 143 Beginning Activities: Pilates
SJSU KIN 035ACSU, East BayKIN 114 Beginning Activities: Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BCSU, East BayKIN 210 Intermediate Activities: Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038CSU, East BayKIN 128 Beginning Activities: Jogging
SJSU KIN 040ACSU, East BayDANC 115 Modern Dance I
SJSU KIN 041ACSU, East BayDANC 110 Contemporary Ballet I
SJSU KIN 042ACSU, East BayDANC 113 Jazz Dance I
DANC 114 Modern Jazz Dance I
SJSU KIN 049ACSU, East BayDANC 117 Rhythm Tap Dance
SJSU KIN 050CSU, East BayKIN 135 Beginning Activities: Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 052ACSU, East BayKIN 113 Beginning Activities: Judo
SJSU KIN 055ACSU, East BayKIN 115 Beginning Activities: Hapkido Self Defense
KIN 118 Beginning Activities: Self Defense - Women
SJSU KIN 061ACSU, East BayKIN 134 Beginning Activities: Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCSU, East BayKIN 234 Intermediate Activities: Yoga
SJSU KIN 002ACSU, FresnoKAC 4 Swimming for Beginners
SJSU KIN 014ACSU, FresnoKAC 71 Elementary Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCSU, FresnoKAC 171 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACSU, FresnoKAC 65 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACSU, FresnoKAC 68 Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACSU, FresnoKAC 19 Elementary Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACSU, FresnoKAC 54 Elementary Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCSU, FresnoKAC 154 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 023ACSU, FresnoKAC 17 Elementary Archery
SJSU KIN 024ACSU, FresnoKAC 22 Elementary Bowling
SJSU KIN 025ACSU, FresnoKAC 30 Elementary Golf
SJSU KIN 027ACSU, FresnoKAC 53 Beginning Table Tennis
SJSU KIN 028ACSU, FresnoKAC 31 Elementary Gymnastics
SJSU KIN 029CSU, FresnoKAC 49 Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030CSU, FresnoKAC 61 Fitness Development through Pilates Mat
SJSU KIN 035ACSU, FresnoKAC 21 Elementary Strength Training
SJSU KIN 037CSU, FresnoKAC 33 Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 038CSU, FresnoKAC 39 Jogging
SJSU KIN 045ACSU, FresnoKAC 13 Swing Dance
SJSU KIN 046ACSU, FresnoKAC 12 Elementary Social Dance
SJSU KIN 050CSU, FresnoKAC 47 Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 051ACSU, FresnoKAC 45 Basic Aikido
SJSU KIN 052ACSU, FresnoKAC 41 Judo
SJSU KIN 053ACSU, FresnoKAC 40 Elementary Karate
SJSU KIN 054ACSU, FresnoKAC 43 Taekwondo
SJSU KIN 055ACSU, FresnoKAC 51 Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ACSU, FresnoKAC 60 Yoga
SJSU KIN 002ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 109 Swimming Beginning
SJSU KIN 008CSU, Monterey BayKIN 280 Scuba Diving
SJSU KIN 009ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 151 Sailing I
SJSU KIN 014ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 143 Volleyball: All Levels
SJSU KIN 015ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 144 Basketball: All Levels
SJSU KIN 034CSU, Monterey BayKIN 123 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 110 Strength Training
SJSU KIN 037CSU, Monterey BayKIN 114 Walking
SJSU KIN 050CSU, Monterey BayKIN 131 Beginning Tai Chi Chi Kung
SJSU KIN 055ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 134 Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 139 Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCSU, Monterey BayKIN 140 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 063ACSU, Monterey BayKIN 180 Backpacking and Hiking
SJSU KIN 001CSU, NorthridgeKIN 115A Adapted and Therapeutic Exercise
SJSU KIN 002ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 177A Swimming for Non-Swimmers
SJSU KIN 002BCSU, NorthridgeKIN 178A Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002CCSU, NorthridgeKIN 179A Swimming Conditioning
SJSU KIN 014ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 195A Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 015ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 124A Basketball I
SJSU KIN 019ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 152A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 021ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 185A Tennis I
SJSU KIN 023ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 123A Archery
SJSU KIN 030CSU, NorthridgeKIN 147 Pilates
SJSU KIN 032CSU, NorthridgeKIN 135A Aerobic Dance I
SJSU KIN 041ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 139A Ballet I
SJSU KIN 048ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 142A Dance, Latin America I
SJSU KIN 050CSU, NorthridgeKIN 133A Tai Chi Ch'uan
SJSU KIN 051ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 132A Aikido
SJSU KIN 053ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 130A Karate I
SJSU KIN 054ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 131A Taekwondo
SJSU KIN 055ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 151A Personal Defense
SJSU KIN 061ACSU, NorthridgeKIN 149 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070CSU, Northridge*KIN 200 Foundations of Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACSU, PomonaKIN 1220A Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ACSU, PomonaKIN 1130A Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACSU, PomonaKIN 1100A Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACSU, PomonaKIN 1120A Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACSU, PomonaKIN 1310A Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACSU, PomonaKIN 1320A Tennis
SJSU KIN 023ACSU, PomonaKIN 1200A Archery
SJSU KIN 025ACSU, PomonaKIN 1210A Golf
SJSU KIN 029CSU, PomonaKIN 1530A Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 034CSU, PomonaKIN 1540A Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ACSU, PomonaKIN 1565A Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038CSU, PomonaKIN 1520A Jogging
SJSU KIN 046ACSU, PomonaKIN 1350A Social Dance
SJSU KIN 050CSU, PomonaKIN 1430A Tai-Chi
SJSU KIN 051ACSU, PomonaKIN 1400A Aikido
SJSU KIN 053ACSU, PomonaKIN 1410A Karate
SJSU KIN 055ACSU, PomonaKIN 1420A Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ACSU, PomonaKIN 1560A Yoga and Meditation
SJSU KIN 070CSU, Pomona*KIN 2020 Introduction to Kinesiology and Health Promotion
SJSU KIN 019ACuesta CollegeKINA 261 Soccer
SJSU KIN 025ACuesta CollegeKINA 238 Golf
SJSU KIN 029Cuesta CollegeKINA 217 Kickboxing for Fitness
SJSU KIN 030Cuesta CollegeKINA 222 Pilates
SJSU KIN 034Cuesta CollegeKINA 212 Cardio Step Training
SJSU KIN 035ACuesta CollegeKINA 201 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 061ACuesta CollegeKINA 246 Yoga for Fitness
SJSU KIN 070Cuesta College*KINE 201 Intro to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Cuyamaca CollegeES 1 Adapted Physical Exercise
SJSU KIN 014ACuyamaca CollegeES 175A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BCuyamaca CollegeES 175B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CCuyamaca CollegeES 175C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ACuyamaca CollegeES 155A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BCuyamaca CollegeES 155B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ACuyamaca CollegeES 170A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BCuyamaca CollegeES 170B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ACuyamaca CollegeES 60A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BCuyamaca CollegeES 60B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CCuyamaca CollegeES 60C Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACuyamaca CollegeES 76A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BCuyamaca CollegeES 76B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ACuyamaca CollegeES 125A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BCuyamaca CollegeES 125B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 032Cuyamaca CollegeES 9A Beginning Aerobic Dance Exercise
SJSU KIN 035ACuyamaca CollegeES 14A Beginning Body Building
SJSU KIN 035BCuyamaca CollegeES 14B Intermediate Body Building
SJSU KIN 055ACuyamaca CollegeES 180 Self Defense for Women
SJSU KIN 061ACuyamaca CollegeES 28A Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BCuyamaca CollegeES 28B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Cuyamaca College*ES 250 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ACypress CollegeKIN 111C Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BCypress CollegeKIN 112C Swimming - Intermediate/Advanced
SJSU KIN 003Cypress CollegeKIN 192C Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014ACypress CollegeKIN 183C Volleyball- Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BCypress CollegeKIN 185C Volleyball- Advanced
SJSU KIN 015ACypress CollegeKIN 189C Basketball- Beginning
SJSU KIN 019ACypress CollegeKIN 193AC Soccer - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020ACypress CollegeKIN 160C Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ACypress CollegeKIN 168C Tennis - Beginning
SJSU KIN 024ACypress CollegeKIN 164C Bowling - Beginning
SJSU KIN 024BCypress CollegeKIN 165C Bowling - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 025ACypress CollegeKIN 171C Golf - Beginning
SJSU KIN 025BCypress CollegeKIN 172C Golf - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 028ACypress CollegeKIN 167C Gymnastics - Tumbling
SJSU KIN 029Cypress CollegeKIN 120C Kick-Boxing
SJSU KIN 032Cypress CollegeKIN 138C Body Sculpt
SJSU KIN 034Cypress CollegeKIN 135C Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 037Cypress CollegeKIN 134AC Walking for Fitness-Beginning
SJSU KIN 055ACypress CollegeKIN 121C Self Defense
SJSU KIN 070Cypress College*KIN 230C Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ADeAnza CollegeKNES 1B Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BDeAnza CollegeKNES 1C Intermediate Swimming
KNES 1CX Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CDeAnza CollegeKNES 1D Advanced Swimming
KNES 1DX Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 003DeAnza CollegePE 32J Water Polo Techniques
PE 32JX Water Polo Techniques
SJSU KIN 014ADeAnza CollegeKNES 39A Volleyball Level 1
KNES 39AX Volleyball Level 1
SJSU KIN 014BDeAnza CollegeKNES 39B Volleyball Level 2
KNES 39BX Volleyball Level 2
SJSU KIN 014CDeAnza CollegeKNES 39C Volleyball Level 3
KNES 39CX Volleyball Level 3
SJSU KIN 015ADeAnza CollegeKNES 36A Team Sport - Basketball Level 1
KNES 36AX Team Sport - Basketball Level 1
SJSU KIN 019ADeAnza CollegeKNES 37A Soccer
KNES 37AX Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BDeAnza CollegeKNES 37B Soccer Level 2
KNES 37BX Soccer Level 2
SJSU KIN 020ADeAnza CollegeKNES 31A Beginning Badminton
KNES 31AX Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BDeAnza CollegeKNES 31B Intermediate Badminton
KNES 31BX Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CDeAnza CollegeKNES 31C Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ADeAnza CollegeKNES 32A Beginning Tennis
KNES 32AX Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BDeAnza CollegeKNES 32C Intermediate Tennis
KNES 32CX Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ADeAnza CollegeKNES 30A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BDeAnza CollegeKNES 30C Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 029DeAnza CollegeKNES 11A Cardio Kick
KNES 11AX Cardio Kick
SJSU KIN 030DeAnza CollegeKNES 26A Basic Pilates Mat Exercise
KNES 26AX Basic Pilates Mat Exercise
SJSU KIN 031DeAnza CollegeKNES 19E Body Sculpting
KNES 19EX Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 037DeAnza CollegeKNES 6A Aerobic Power Walking
KNES 6AX Aerobic Power Walking
SJSU KIN 050DeAnza CollegeKNES 12H Tai Chi
KNES 12HX Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 053ADeAnza CollegeKNES 12D Beginning Karate
KNES 12DX Beginning Karate
SJSU KIN 053BDeAnza CollegeKNES 12E Intermediate Karate
KNES 12EX Intermediate Karate
SJSU KIN 055ADeAnza CollegeKNES 12G Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ADeAnza CollegeKNES 22A Hatha Yoga
KNES 22AX Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 070DeAnza College*KNES 45 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 100A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 100B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 182A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 182B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 182C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 170A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 170B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 176A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 176B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 160A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 160B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 166A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 024ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 162 Bowling
SJSU KIN 025ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 164A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 164B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 029Diablo Valley CollegeKNACT 128A Beginning Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Diablo Valley CollegeDANCE 105A Pilates Mat Work I
SJSU KIN 031Diablo Valley CollegeKNACT 122A Beginning Exercise, Balance, and Mobility
SJSU KIN 046ADiablo Valley CollegeDANCE 164A Ballroom/Social Dance I
SJSU KIN 051ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 226A Beginning Aikido
SJSU KIN 053ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 224 Karate
SJSU KIN 054ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 218A Beginning Taekwondo
SJSU KIN 055ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 210 Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 110A Beginning Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BDiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 110B Intermediate Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 063ADiablo Valley CollegeKNACT 132 Hiking
SJSU KIN 070Diablo Valley College*KINES 210 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001East Los Angeles CollegeKIN 045 Adapted Fitness
SJSU KIN 002BEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 301-2 Swimming Skills II
SJSU KIN 002CEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 301-3 Swimming Skills III
SJSU KIN 014AEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 391-1 Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 015AEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 387-1 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 387-2 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019AEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 389-1 Soccer I
SJSU KIN 020AEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 366-1 Badminton Skills I
SJSU KIN 020BEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 366-2 Badminton Skills II
SJSU KIN 021AEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 371-1 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 027AEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 370 Table Tennis
SJSU KIN 029East Los Angeles CollegeKIN 330-1 Cardio Kickboxing I
SJSU KIN 030East Los Angeles CollegeKIN 247 Pilates for Fitness
SJSU KIN 035AEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 350-1 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BEast Los Angeles CollegeKIN 350-2 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 070East Los Angeles College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AEl Camino CollegePE 240A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BEl Camino CollegePE 240B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CEl Camino CollegePE 240C Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AEl Camino CollegePE 253 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AEl Camino CollegePE 4A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BEl Camino CollegePE 4B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AEl Camino CollegePE 74A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AEl Camino CollegePE 204 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AEl Camino CollegePE 251A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BEl Camino CollegePE 251B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 024AEl Camino CollegePE 208 Bowling
SJSU KIN 025AEl Camino CollegePE 224 Golf
SJSU KIN 031El Camino CollegePE 254 Cardio Fitness and Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 035AEl Camino CollegePE 54A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BEl Camino CollegePE 54B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037El Camino CollegePE 2A Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 055AEl Camino CollegePE 221 Combative Arts and Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061AEl Camino CollegePE 257 Yoga for Health and Fitness
SJSU KIN 070El Camino College*PE 277 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 052A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 052B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 052C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 012A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 012B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 038A Soccer, Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 038B Soccer, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 009A Badminton, Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 009B Badminton Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020CEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 009C Badminton Advanced
SJSU KIN 021AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 047A Tennis, Beginning
SJSU KIN 021BEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 047B Tennis, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 027AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 051A Table Tennis Beginning
SJSU KIN 029Evergreen Valley CollegeKINS 023 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Evergreen Valley CollegePED 043 Pilates Mat Workout
SJSU KIN 032Evergreen Valley CollegeKINS 055 Aerobics with Music
SJSU KIN 034Evergreen Valley CollegeKINS 021 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 056A Weight Training Beginning
SJSU KIN 035BEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 056B Weight Training Intermediate
SJSU KIN 037Evergreen Valley CollegeKINS 053A Walk/Jog Beginning
SJSU KIN 038Evergreen Valley CollegeKINS 053B Jogging for Fitness
SJSU KIN 061AEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 039A Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BEvergreen Valley CollegeKINS 039B Hatha Yoga Intermediate
SJSU KIN 069Evergreen Valley CollegePSYCH 020 Psychology of Stress Reduction
SJSU KIN 070Evergreen Valley College*KINS 033 Introduction to Kinesiology and Physical Education
SJSU KIN 025AFeather River CollegeHES 171 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 032Feather River CollegeHES 115 Physical Fitness - Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AFeather River CollegeHES 120 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 045AFeather River CollegeHES 182 Ballroom Dance: Swing
SJSU KIN 061AFeather River CollegeHES 192 Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 015BFolsom Lake CollegeTMACT 320 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AFolsom Lake CollegeTMACT 302 Soccer - Outdoor
SJSU KIN 019BFolsom Lake CollegeTMACT 303 Outdoor Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020AFolsom Lake CollegePACT 310 Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BFolsom Lake CollegePACT 311 Badminton II
SJSU KIN 021AFolsom Lake CollegePACT 390 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BFolsom Lake CollegePACT 391 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 023AFolsom Lake CollegePACT 300 Archery I
SJSU KIN 070Folsom Lake College*KINES 300 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AFoothill CollegePHED 10A Aquatics: Level I, Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BFoothill CollegePHED 10B Aquatics: Level II, Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 003Foothill CollegePHED 13 Beginning Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014AFoothill CollegePHED 40 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BFoothill CollegePHED 40A Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AFoothill CollegePHED 38C Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 020AFoothill CollegePHED 37 Beginning Badminton: Singles & Doubles
SJSU KIN 020BFoothill CollegePHED 37A Intermediate Badminton: Singles & Doubles
SJSU KIN 020CFoothill CollegePHED 37B Advanced Badminton: Singles & Doubles
SJSU KIN 021AFoothill CollegePHED 26 Beginning Tennis Skills
SJSU KIN 021BFoothill CollegePHED 26A Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 023AFoothill CollegePHED 36A Beginning Archery
SJSU KIN 023BFoothill CollegePHED 36B Intermediate Archery
SJSU KIN 025AFoothill CollegePHED 24 Introduction to Golf
SJSU KIN 027AFoothill CollegePHED 33 Beginning Table Tennis
SJSU KIN 029Foothill CollegePHED 19B Kickboxing for Fitness
SJSU KIN 034Foothill CollegePHED 45A Foundations of Strength & Conditioning
SJSU KIN 035AFoothill CollegePHED 46 Weight Lifting for Health & Fitness
SJSU KIN 035BFoothill CollegePHED 46A Intermediate Weight Training for Health & Fitness
SJSU KIN 037Foothill CollegePHED 27 Walk for Health
SJSU KIN 038Foothill CollegePHED 27A Run for Fitness
SJSU KIN 046AFoothill CollegeDANC 4A Beginning Ballroom & Social Dance
SJSU KIN 050Foothill CollegePHED 18 Begining Tai Chi (TAIJI)
SJSU KIN 061AFoothill CollegePHED 21A Beginning Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BFoothill CollegePHED 21B Intermediate Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 063AFoothill CollegePHED 23A Trail Hiking
SJSU KIN 070Foothill College*KINS 1 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AFresno City CollegePE 12 Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BFresno City CollegePE 12B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AFresno City CollegePE 14 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AFresno City CollegePE 5 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AFresno City CollegePE 71 Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AFresno City CollegePE 4 Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BFresno City CollegePE 4B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AFresno City CollegePE 13 Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BFresno City CollegePE 13B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AFresno City CollegePE 7 Golf
SJSU KIN 035AFresno City CollegePE 15C Weight Training (Coed)
SJSU KIN 055AFresno City CollegePE 8 Basic Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061AFresno City CollegePE 17 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Fresno City College*PE 62 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AFullerton CollegePE 134F Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 003Fullerton CollegePE 192F Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014AFullerton CollegePE 144F Volleyball - Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BFullerton CollegePE 145F Volleyball - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 014CFullerton CollegePE 191F Volleyball - Advanced
SJSU KIN 015AFullerton CollegePE 160F Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BFullerton CollegePE 181F Intermediate/Advanced Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AFullerton CollegePE 171F Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BFullerton CollegePE 189F Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020AFullerton CollegePE 105F Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AFullerton CollegePE 139AF Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 024AFullerton CollegePE 108F Bowling
SJSU KIN 025AFullerton CollegePE 115F Golf
SJSU KIN 028AFullerton CollegePE 117F Gymnastics - Tumbling
SJSU KIN 029Fullerton CollegePE 167F Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Fullerton CollegePE 223F Pilates Mat I
SJSU KIN 034Fullerton CollegePE 129F Cardio Step
SJSU KIN 035AFullerton CollegePE 193F Weight Training/Weight Lifting
SJSU KIN 037Fullerton CollegePE 121F Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 051AFullerton CollegePE 103F Aikido
SJSU KIN 055AFullerton CollegePE 188F Self Defense - Boxing
SJSU KIN 061AFullerton CollegePE 102F Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BFullerton CollegePE 109F Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Fullerton College*PE 252F Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AGavilan CollegeKIN 16A Swimming - Beginning
SJSU KIN 014AGavilan CollegeKIN 121A Volleyball - Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BGavilan CollegeKIN 121B Volleyball - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 015AGavilan CollegeKIN 127A Basketball - Beginning
SJSU KIN 015BGavilan CollegeKIN 127B Basketball - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019AGavilan CollegeKIN 125A Soccer - Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BGavilan CollegeKIN 125B Soccer - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020AGavilan CollegeKIN 19A Badminton - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BGavilan CollegeKIN 19B Badminton - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 021AGavilan CollegeKIN 18A Tennis - Beginning
SJSU KIN 021BGavilan CollegeKIN 18B Tennis - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 023AGavilan CollegeKIN 31A Archery - Beginning
SJSU KIN 023BGavilan CollegeKIN 31B Archery - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 024AGavilan CollegeKIN 20A Bowling - Beginning
SJSU KIN 024BGavilan CollegeKIN 20B Bowling - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 025AGavilan CollegeKIN 17A Golf - Beginning
SJSU KIN 025BGavilan CollegeKIN 17B Golf - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 029Gavilan CollegeKIN 81A Kickboxing for Fitness - Level 1
SJSU KIN 030Gavilan CollegeKIN 70A Pilates - Level 1
SJSU KIN 032Gavilan CollegeKIN 44A Core and Cardio - Level 1
SJSU KIN 035AGavilan CollegeKIN 24A Individualized Weight Training - Level 1
SJSU KIN 035BGavilan CollegeKIN 24B Individualized Weight Training - Level 2
SJSU KIN 045AGavilan CollegeKIN 88A Social Dance - Beginning
SJSU KIN 053AGavilan CollegeKIN 83A Karate - Beginning
SJSU KIN 053BGavilan CollegeKIN 83B Karate - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 055AGavilan CollegeKIN 71A Self Defense - Level 1
SJSU KIN 061AGavilan CollegeKIN 62A Yoga - Beginning
SJSU KIN 061BGavilan CollegeKIN 62B Yoga - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 063AGavilan CollegeKIN 74A Hiking - Level 1
SJSU KIN 069Gavilan CollegeHE 92 Stress Management
KIN 92 Stress Managagement
SJSU KIN 070Gavilan College*KIN 2 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Glendale Community CollegePE 130 Adapted Activities
SJSU KIN 014AGlendale Community CollegePE 274 Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BGlendale Community CollegePE 275 Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CGlendale Community CollegePE 276 Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015AGlendale Community CollegePE 150 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BGlendale Community CollegePE 151 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019AGlendale Community CollegePE 238 Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BGlendale Community CollegePE 239 Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020AGlendale Community CollegePE 140 Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BGlendale Community CollegePE 141 Badminton II
SJSU KIN 020CGlendale Community CollegePE 142 Badminton III
SJSU KIN 021AGlendale Community CollegePE 261 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BGlendale Community CollegePE 262 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 025AGlendale Community CollegePE 202 Golf I
SJSU KIN 025BGlendale Community CollegePE 203 Golf II
SJSU KIN 029Glendale Community CollegePE 220 Kickboxing I
SJSU KIN 037Glendale Community CollegePE 295 Walking for Health and Fitness I
SJSU KIN 070Glendale Community College*KIN 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AGolden West CollegePE G111 Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AGolden West CollegePE G195 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AGolden West CollegePE G186 Activities-Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AGolden West CollegePE G192 Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AGolden West CollegePE G150 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AGolden West CollegePE G158 Tennis
SJSU KIN 030Golden West CollegePE G132 Pilates for Fitness
SJSU KIN 035AGolden West CollegePE G173 Intro to Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038Golden West CollegePE G101 Jogging for Fitness
SJSU KIN 061AGolden West CollegePE G130 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Golden West College*KIN G100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Grossmont CollegeES 1 Adapted Physical Exercise
SJSU KIN 002AGrossmont CollegeES 43A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BGrossmont CollegeES 43B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CGrossmont CollegeES 43C Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AGrossmont CollegeES 175A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BGrossmont CollegeES 175B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CGrossmont CollegeES 175C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AGrossmont CollegeES 155A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BGrossmont CollegeES 155B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AGrossmont CollegeES 170A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BGrossmont CollegeES 170B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AGrossmont CollegeES 60A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BGrossmont CollegeES 60B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CGrossmont CollegeES 60C Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AGrossmont CollegeES 76A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BGrossmont CollegeES 76B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AGrossmont CollegeES 125A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BGrossmont CollegeES 125B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 028AGrossmont CollegeES 130A Beginning Gymnastics
SJSU KIN 032Grossmont CollegeES 9A Beginning Aerobic Dance Exercise
SJSU KIN 035AGrossmont CollegeES 23A Beginning Resistance Training
SJSU KIN 035BGrossmont CollegeES 23B Intermediate Resistance Training
SJSU KIN 037Grossmont CollegeES 7A Beginning Aerobic Walking for Fitness & Wellness
SJSU KIN 050Grossmont CollegeES 27A Beginning T'ai Chi Ch'uan
SJSU KIN 055AGrossmont CollegeES 180 Self-Defense for Women
SJSU KIN 061AGrossmont CollegeES 28A Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BGrossmont CollegeES 28B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 063AGrossmont CollegeES 17A Beginning Trail Hiking
SJSU KIN 070Grossmont College*ES 250 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AHartnell CollegePEAC 61 Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BHartnell CollegePEAC 62 Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CHartnell CollegePEAC 63 Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AHartnell CollegePEAC 52 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CHartnell CollegePEAC 74 Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AHartnell CollegePEAC 70 Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BHartnell CollegePEAC 72 Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AHartnell CollegePEAC 55 Soccer
SJSU KIN 021AHartnell CollegePEAC 58 Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BHartnell CollegePEAC 59 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AHartnell CollegePEAC 64 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 032Hartnell CollegePEAC 49 Aerobic Strength Conditioning
SJSU KIN 035AHartnell CollegePEAC 69 Introduction to Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Hartnell CollegePEAC 51 Wellness Through Walking
SJSU KIN 055AHartnell CollegePEAC 56 Self Defense/Martial Arts
SJSU KIN 061AHartnell CollegePEAC 36 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Hartnell College*PETH 1 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AImperial Valley CollegeES 121 Beginning to Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AImperial Valley CollegeES 128 Co-Ed Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BImperial Valley CollegeES 129 Co-Ed Volleyball 2
SJSU KIN 015AImperial Valley CollegeES 112 Basketball - Co-Ed
SJSU KIN 021AImperial Valley CollegeES 126 Tennis
SJSU KIN 024AImperial Valley CollegeES 170 Beginning Bowling
SJSU KIN 024BImperial Valley CollegeES 171 Intermediate Bowling
SJSU KIN 035AImperial Valley CollegeES 104 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Imperial Valley CollegeES 106 Walking/Jogging Fitness
SJSU KIN 014AIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 76 Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 77 Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 78 Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015AIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 61 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 62 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019AIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 71 Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 72 Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020AIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 11 Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 12 Badminton II
SJSU KIN 021AIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 25 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 26 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 025AIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 20 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 22 Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 030Irvine Valley CollegeDNCE 51 Pilates: Overview
SJSU KIN 035AIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 4 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BIrvine Valley CollegeKNES 5 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 041AIrvine Valley CollegeDNCE 6 Ballet I
SJSU KIN 061AIrvine Valley CollegeDNCE 46 Introduction to Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Irvine Valley College*KNES 99 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ALake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 124A Volleyball 1
SJSU KIN 014BLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 124B Volleyball 2
SJSU KIN 014CLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 124C Volleyball 3
SJSU KIN 015ALake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 123A Basketball 1
SJSU KIN 015BLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 123B Basketball 2
SJSU KIN 019ALake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 135F Soccer 1
SJSU KIN 019BLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 135G Soccer 2
SJSU KIN 020ALake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 118A Badminton 1
SJSU KIN 020BLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 118B Badminton 2
SJSU KIN 020CLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 118C Badminton 3
SJSU KIN 025ALake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 125A Golf 1
SJSU KIN 025BLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 125B Golf 2
SJSU KIN 031Lake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 101B Beginning Cardiovascular Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 061ALake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 140A Beginning Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BLake Tahoe Community CollegePEF 140B Intermediate Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Lake Tahoe Community College*PET 104 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ALaney CollegeKIN 1B Swimming II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 002BLaney CollegeKIN 1C Swimming III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 002CLaney CollegeKIN 1D Swimming IV - Competitive
SJSU KIN 003Laney CollegeKIN 14B Water Polo II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 015ALaney CollegeKIN 80B Basketball II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 015BLaney CollegeKIN 80C Basketball III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019ALaney CollegeKIN 103B Soccer II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BLaney CollegeKIN 103C Soccer III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020ALaney CollegeKIN 74B Badminton II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BLaney CollegeKIN 74C Badminton III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 041ALaney CollegeDANCE 60 Ballet I
SJSU KIN 061ALaney CollegeKIN 51B Yoga II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 061BLaney CollegeKIN 51C Yoga III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 070Laney College*KIN 150 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ALas Positas CollegeKIN SW1 Swimming 1
SJSU KIN 002BLas Positas CollegeKIN SW2 Swimming 2
SJSU KIN 003Las Positas CollegeKIN WP1 Water Polo 1
SJSU KIN 014ALas Positas CollegeKIN VB1 Volleyball Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BLas Positas CollegeKIN VB2 Volleyball Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019ALas Positas CollegeKIN SO1 Soccer - Outdoor 1
SJSU KIN 019BLas Positas CollegeKIN SO2 Soccer - Outdoor 2
SJSU KIN 025ALas Positas CollegeKIN GF1 Golf 1
SJSU KIN 025BLas Positas CollegeKIN GF2 Golf 2
SJSU KIN 030Las Positas CollegeKIN PL2 Pilates 2
SJSU KIN 031Las Positas CollegeKIN DA1 Dance Aerobics 1
SJSU KIN 032Las Positas CollegeKIN AF1 Aerobic Fitness 1
SJSU KIN 035ALas Positas CollegeKIN WTW2 Women's Weight Training 2
SJSU KIN 037Las Positas CollegeKIN FJW1 Fitness Jog Walk 1
SJSU KIN 038Las Positas CollegeKIN FJW4 Fitness Jog Walk 4
SJSU KIN 054ALas Positas CollegeKIN TK2 Tae Kwon Do 2
SJSU KIN 061ALas Positas CollegeKIN YO1 Yoga 1
SJSU KIN 061BLas Positas CollegeKIN YO2 Yoga 2
SJSU KIN 070Las Positas College*KIN 30 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070Lassen College*PE 15 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ALong Beach City CollegeKING 76 Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ALong Beach City CollegeKING 90 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BLong Beach City CollegeKING 90B Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ALong Beach City CollegeKING 14 Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BLong Beach City CollegeKING 14B Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ALong Beach City CollegeKING 70 Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BLong Beach City CollegeKING 70B Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ALong Beach City CollegeKING 10 Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BLong Beach City CollegeKING 10B Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ALong Beach City CollegeKING 84 Tennis
SJSU KIN 035ALong Beach City CollegeKINPF 54 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BLong Beach City CollegeKINPF 54B Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038Long Beach City CollegeKINPF 17 Jogging
SJSU KIN 055ALong Beach City CollegeKING 66 Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ALong Beach City CollegeKINPF 14 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Long Beach City College*KINPP 1 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 291-1 Volleyball Skills I
SJSU KIN 014BLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 291-2 Volleyball Skills II
SJSU KIN 015ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 287-1 Basketball Skills I
SJSU KIN 015BLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 287-2 Basketball Skills II
SJSU KIN 019ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 289-1 Soccer Skills I
SJSU KIN 019BLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 289-2 Soccer Skills II
SJSU KIN 020ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 266-1 Badminton Skills I
SJSU KIN 020BLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 266-2 Badminton Skills II
SJSU KIN 021ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 271-1 Tennis Skills I
SJSU KIN 021BLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 271-2 Tennis Skills II
SJSU KIN 029Los Angeles City CollegeKIN 230 Cardiokickboxing Skills
SJSU KIN 031Los Angeles City CollegeKIN 246 Body Sculpting Skills
SJSU KIN 034Los Angeles City CollegeKIN 333 Step Aerobics and Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 250-1 Weight Training Skills I
SJSU KIN 037Los Angeles City CollegeKIN 334 Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 052ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 215-1 Judo Skills I
SJSU KIN 052BLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 215-2 Judo Skills II
SJSU KIN 052CLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 215-3 Judo Skills III
SJSU KIN 055ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 217 Self-Defense Skills
SJSU KIN 061ALos Angeles City CollegeKIN 251-1 Yoga Skills I
SJSU KIN 061BLos Angeles City CollegeKIN 251-2 Yoga Skills II
SJSU KIN 070Los Angeles City College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Los Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 045 Adapted Fitness
SJSU KIN 014ALos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 291-1 Volleyball Skills 1
SJSU KIN 014BLos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 291-2 Volleyball Skills 2
SJSU KIN 015ALos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 287-1 Basketball Skills 1
SJSU KIN 015BLos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 287-2 Basketball Skills 2
SJSU KIN 035ALos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 250-1 Weight Training Skills 1
SJSU KIN 035BLos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 250-2 Weight Training Skills 2
SJSU KIN 055ALos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 217-1 Self-Defense Skills 1
SJSU KIN 061ALos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 251-1 Yoga Skills 1
SJSU KIN 061BLos Angeles Harbor CollegeKIN 251-2 Yoga Skills II
SJSU KIN 070Los Angeles Harbor College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Los Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 035 Adaptive Activities
SJSU KIN 014ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 291 Volleyball Skills
SJSU KIN 015ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 387-1 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BLos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 387-2 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 389-1 SOCCER I
SJSU KIN 019BLos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 389-2 SOCCER II
SJSU KIN 020ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 266 Badminton Skills
SJSU KIN 021ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 371-1 TENNIS I
SJSU KIN 021BLos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 371-2 TENNIS II
SJSU KIN 024ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 267 Bowling Skills
SJSU KIN 025ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 268-1 Golf Skills I
SJSU KIN 029Los Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 330 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Los Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 347-1 PILATES MAT I
SJSU KIN 034Los Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 332 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 350-1 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BLos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 350-2 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Los Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 334-1 FITNESS WALKING I
SJSU KIN 053ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 316-1 Karate
SJSU KIN 053BLos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 316-2 Karate II
SJSU KIN 061ALos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 351 Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BLos Angeles Mission CollegeKIN 351-2 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Los Angeles Mission College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 301-1 Swimming Skills I
SJSU KIN 002BLos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 301-2 Swimming Skills II
SJSU KIN 002CLos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 301-3 Swimming Skills III
SJSU KIN 014ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 291-1 Volleyball Skills I
SJSU KIN 014BLos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 291-2 Volleyball Skills II
SJSU KIN 015ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 387-1 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BLos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 387-2 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 289 Soccer Skills
SJSU KIN 020ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 266 Badminton Skill
SJSU KIN 021ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 371-1 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BLos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 371-2 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 025ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 268 Golf Skills
SJSU KIN 030Los Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 347 Pilates Mat
SJSU KIN 034Los Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 332 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 350 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BLos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 350-2 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Los Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 334-1 Fitness Walking I
SJSU KIN 050Los Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 340-1 T'ai Chi Ch'uan I
SJSU KIN 053ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 316 Karate
SJSU KIN 053BLos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 316-2 Karate II
SJSU KIN 055ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 217-1 Self Defense Skills I
SJSU KIN 061ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeKIN 351 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Los Angeles Pierce College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ALos Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 300-1 SWIMMING NON-SWIMMER I
SJSU KIN 014ALos Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 391 VOLLEYBALL
SJSU KIN 015ALos Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 287 Basketball Skills
SJSU KIN 029Los Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 330-1 Cardio Kickboxing I
SJSU KIN 037Los Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 234 Walking for Fitness I
SJSU KIN 055ALos Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 217 Self-Defense Skills
SJSU KIN 061ALos Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 251 Yoga Skills
SJSU KIN 061BLos Angeles Southwest CollegeKIN 251-2 Yoga Skills II
SJSU KIN 070Los Angeles Southwest College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ALos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 300-1 Swimming Non-Swimmer I
SJSU KIN 002BLos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 300-2 Swimming Non-Swimmer II
SJSU KIN 002CLos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 300-3 Swimming Non-Swimmer III
SJSU KIN 014ALos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 391-1 Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 015ALos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 387 Basketball
SJSU KIN 020ALos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 366-1 Badminton Skills I
SJSU KIN 020BLos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 366-2 Badminton Skills II
SJSU KIN 029Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 330-1 Cardio Kickboxing I
SJSU KIN 034Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 332-1 Step Aerobics I
SJSU KIN 035ALos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 350-1 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BLos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 350-2 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 334-1 Fitness Walking I
SJSU KIN 055ALos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 317-1 Self-Defense I
SJSU KIN 061ALos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 351-1 Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BLos Angeles Trade Technical CollegeKIN 351-2 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Los Angeles Trade Technical College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Los Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 045 Adapted Fitness
SJSU KIN 002ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 301-1 Swimming Skills I
SJSU KIN 002BLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 301-2 Swimming Skills II
SJSU KIN 014ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 391-1 Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 015ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 387-1 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 387-2 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 389-1 Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 389-2 Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 366-1 Badminton Skills I
SJSU KIN 021ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 371-1 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 371-2 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 027ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 370-1 Table Tennis I
SJSU KIN 027BLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 370-2 Table Tennis II
SJSU KIN 028ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 369-1 Gymnastics I
SJSU KIN 035ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 350-1 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 350-2 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Los Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 334-1 Fitness Walking I
SJSU KIN 052ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 315-1 Judo I
SJSU KIN 052BLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 315-2 Judo II
SJSU KIN 052CLos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 315-3 Judo III
SJSU KIN 061ALos Angeles Valley CollegeKIN 251 Yoga Skills
SJSU KIN 070Los Angeles Valley College*KINMAJ 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ALos Medanos CollegeKNACT 014A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BLos Medanos CollegeKNACT 014B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ALos Medanos CollegeKNACT 046A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BLos Medanos CollegeKNACT 046B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ALos Medanos CollegeKNACT 026A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BLos Medanos CollegeKNACT 026B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ALos Medanos CollegeKNACT 030 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ALos Medanos CollegeKNACT 042 Golf
SJSU KIN 029Los Medanos CollegeKNACT 033 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Los Medanos CollegeKNACT 004A Beginning Body and Barre
SJSU KIN 031Los Medanos CollegeKNACT 049 Total Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 035ALos Medanos CollegeKNACT 008A Strength and Conditioning I
SJSU KIN 035BLos Medanos CollegeKNACT 008B Strength and Conditioning II
SJSU KIN 037Los Medanos CollegeKNACT 012 Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 061ALos Medanos CollegeKNACT 057A Beginning Yoga for Health and Fitness
SJSU KIN 061BLos Medanos CollegeKNACT 057B Intermediate Yoga for Health and Fitness
SJSU KIN 070Los Medanos College*KINES 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014AMadera Community CollegePE 14 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 019AMadera Community CollegePE 71 Soccer
SJSU KIN 025AMadera Community CollegePE 7 Golf
SJSU KIN 032Madera Community CollegePE 2 Aerobics (Dance, Step or Water)
SJSU KIN 035AMadera Community CollegePE 15 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Madera Community CollegePE 16 Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 061AMadera Community CollegePE 29 Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Madera Community College*KINES 22 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 015AMendocino CollegePES 208 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AMendocino CollegePES 224 Soccer
SJSU KIN 021AMendocino CollegePES 264A Tennis-Beginning
SJSU KIN 021BMendocino CollegePES 264B Tennis-Intermediate
SJSU KIN 035AMendocino CollegePEF 216 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 002AMerced CollegeKINE 24A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 003Merced CollegeKINE 19 Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014AMerced CollegeKINE 14 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AMerced CollegeKINE 13 Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 021AMerced CollegeKINE 41 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AMerced CollegeKINE 42 Golf
SJSU KIN 032Merced CollegeKINE 31 Aerobic Training
SJSU KIN 035AMerced CollegeKINE 33 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Merced CollegeKINE 36 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 070Merced College*KINE 1 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 015AMerritt CollegeKIN 80B Basketball II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 015BMerritt CollegeKIN 80C Basketball III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019AMerritt CollegeKIN 103B Soccer II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BMerritt CollegeKIN 103C Soccer III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020AMerritt CollegeKIN 74B Badminton II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BMerritt CollegeKIN 74C Badminton III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020CMerritt CollegeKIN 74D Badminton IV - Competitive
SJSU KIN 025AMerritt CollegeKIN 100B Golf II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 025BMerritt CollegeKIN 100C Golf III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 061AMerritt CollegeKIN 51B Yoga II - Beginning
SJSU KIN 061BMerritt CollegeKIN 51C Yoga III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 070Merritt College*KIN 150 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 035AMiracosta CollegeKINE 100 Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BMiracosta CollegeKINE 101 Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Miracosta CollegeKINE 110 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 061AMiracosta CollegeKINE 150 Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BMiracosta CollegeKINE 154 Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 015AMission CollegeKIN 015B Basketball - Beginning
SJSU KIN 015BMission CollegeKIN 015C Basketball - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019AMission CollegeKIN 019B Soccer - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020AMission CollegeKIN 020B Badminton - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BMission CollegeKIN 020C Badminton - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020CMission CollegeKIN 020D Badminton - Advanced
SJSU KIN 021AMission CollegeKIN 021B Tennis - Beginning
SJSU KIN 021BMission CollegeKIN 021C Tennis - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 023AMission CollegeKIN 023A Archery - Introduction
SJSU KIN 029Mission CollegeKIN 033A Kickboxing Fitness - Introduction
SJSU KIN 030Mission CollegeKIN 030A Pilates Matwork - Introduction
SJSU KIN 032Mission CollegeKIN 032A Cardio and Core Fitness - Introduction
SJSU KIN 035AMission CollegeKIN 035B Weight Training - Beginning
SJSU KIN 035BMission CollegeKIN 035C Weight Training - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 037Mission CollegeKIN 063D Walking/Jogging for Fitness - Beginner
SJSU KIN 041AMission CollegeKIN 041A Ballet - Introduction
SJSU KIN 048AMission CollegeKIN 048A Latin Dance/Salsa - Introduction
SJSU KIN 050Mission CollegeKIN 050B Tai Chi - Beginning
SJSU KIN 051AMission CollegeKIN 051B Aikido - Beginning
SJSU KIN 053AMission CollegeKIN 053B Karate - Beginning
SJSU KIN 055AMission CollegeKIN 055B Self-Defense - Beginning
SJSU KIN 061AMission CollegeKIN 061B Hatha Yoga - Beginning
SJSU KIN 061BMission CollegeKIN 061C Hatha Yoga - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 063AMission CollegeKIN 063B Hiking - Beginning
SJSU KIN 070Mission College*KIN 078 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AModesto Junior CollegePEC 168 Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CModesto Junior CollegePEC 170 Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AModesto Junior CollegePEC 183 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BModesto Junior CollegePEC 186 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AModesto Junior CollegePEM 112 Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BModesto Junior CollegePEM 113 Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AModesto Junior CollegePEC 161 Indoor-Outdoor Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BModesto Junior CollegePEM 163 Soccer 2
SJSU KIN 020AModesto Junior CollegePEC 106 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AModesto Junior CollegePEC 175 Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BModesto Junior CollegePEC 176 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AModesto Junior CollegePEC 143 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BModesto Junior CollegePEC 144 Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 030Modesto Junior CollegePEC 187 Pilates for Fitness
SJSU KIN 032Modesto Junior CollegePEC 128 Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AModesto Junior CollegePEC 195 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 051AModesto Junior CollegePEC 162 Aikido
SJSU KIN 051BModesto Junior CollegePEC 163 Aikido 2 Intermediate
SJSU KIN 052AModesto Junior CollegePEC 165 Beginning Judo
SJSU KIN 052BModesto Junior CollegePEC 166 Intermediate Judo
SJSU KIN 052CModesto Junior CollegePEC 157 Advanced Judo
SJSU KIN 055AModesto Junior CollegePEC 164 Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061AModesto Junior CollegePEC 148 Yoga for Better Health
SJSU KIN 070Modesto Junior College*KIN 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Monterey Peninsula CollegeADPE 8 Intro. to Adapted P.E.
SJSU KIN 002AMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 7A Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002BMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 7B Swimming II
SJSU KIN 002CMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 12B Competitive Swimming I
SJSU KIN 014AMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 15A Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 15B Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 15D Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015AMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 22A Introduction to Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 22B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 6A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 6B Soccer II
SJSU KIN 021AMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 5A Tennis I
SJSU KIN 025AMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 2A Golf I
SJSU KIN 025BMonterey Peninsula CollegePHED 2B Golf II
SJSU KIN 031Monterey Peninsula CollegePFIT 19A Body Sculpting I
SJSU KIN 032Monterey Peninsula CollegePFIT 18A Aerobic Fitness I
SJSU KIN 035AMonterey Peninsula CollegePFIT 10A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BMonterey Peninsula CollegePFIT 10B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 050Monterey Peninsula CollegePFIT 16A Tai Chi I
SJSU KIN 061AMonterey Peninsula CollegePFIT 17A Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BMonterey Peninsula CollegePFIT 17B Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Monterey Peninsula College*KINS 40 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014AMoorpark CollegeKIN M87 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AMoorpark CollegeKIN M82 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AMoorpark CollegeKIN M84 Soccer
SJSU KIN 021AMoorpark CollegeKIN M72 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AMoorpark CollegeKIN M71 Golf
SJSU KIN 029Moorpark CollegeKIN M43 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Moorpark CollegeKIN M50 Pilates Mat
SJSU KIN 031Moorpark CollegeKIN M40 Cardio Step and Sculpt
SJSU KIN 032Moorpark CollegeKIN M42 Aerobic Dance Fitness
SJSU KIN 037Moorpark CollegeKIN M23 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 038Moorpark CollegeKIN M24 Running for Fitness and Conditioning
SJSU KIN 041AMoorpark CollegeDANC M10A Ballet I - Fundamentals
SJSU KIN 050Moorpark CollegeKIN M53 T'ai Chi
SJSU KIN 070Moorpark College*KIN M01 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 019AMoreno Valley CollegeKIN A64A Soccer, Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BMoreno Valley CollegeKIN A64B Soccer, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 031Moreno Valley CollegeKIN A89A Beginning Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 034Moreno Valley CollegeKIN A86 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 037Moreno Valley CollegeKIN A75A Walking for Fitness Beginning
SJSU KIN 053AMoreno Valley CollegeKIN A40 Karate, Beginning
SJSU KIN 053BMoreno Valley CollegeKIN A41 Karate, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 061AMoreno Valley CollegeKIN A46 Yoga, Beginning
SJSU KIN 061BMoreno Valley CollegeKIN A47 Yoga, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 070Moreno Valley College*KIN 10 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AMount San Antonio CollegeKINA 8A Swimming - Beginning
SJSU KIN 002BMount San Antonio CollegeKINA 8B Swimming - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 002CMount San Antonio CollegeKINA 8C Swimming - Advanced
SJSU KIN 003Mount San Antonio CollegeKINA 14 Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014AMount San Antonio CollegeKINS 24A Volleyball - Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BMount San Antonio CollegeKINS 24B Volleyball - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 014CMount San Antonio CollegeKINS 24C Volleyball - Advanced
SJSU KIN 015AMount San Antonio CollegeKINS 2A Basketball Beginning
SJSU KIN 015BMount San Antonio CollegeKINS 2B Basketball Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019AMount San Antonio CollegeKINS 10A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BMount San Antonio CollegeKINS 10B Soccer Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020AMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 4A Badminton - Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 4B Badminton - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020CMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 4C Badminton - Advanced
SJSU KIN 021AMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 40A Tennis - Beginning
SJSU KIN 021BMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 40B Tennis - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 025AMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 18A Golf - Beginning
SJSU KIN 025BMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 18B Golf - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 029Mount San Antonio CollegeKINI 33A Kickboxing Beginning
SJSU KIN 032Mount San Antonio CollegeKINF 38A Aerobics - Beginning
SJSU KIN 035AMount San Antonio CollegeKINF 10A Weight Training - Beginning
SJSU KIN 035BMount San Antonio CollegeKINF 10B Weight Training - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 050Mount San Antonio CollegeKINI 37A Tai Chi Chuan - Beginning
SJSU KIN 055AMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 29 Self Defense and Martial Arts
SJSU KIN 061AMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 50A Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BMount San Antonio CollegeKINI 50B Yoga - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 070Mount San Antonio College*KIN 17 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070Mount San Jacinto College*PE 195 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ANapa Valley CollegeKINE 100 Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BNapa Valley CollegeKINE 100B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ANapa Valley CollegeKINE 125 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BNapa Valley CollegeKINE 125B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 021ANapa Valley CollegeKINE 123 Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BNapa Valley CollegeKINE 123B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ANapa Valley CollegeKINE 112 Golf
SJSU KIN 025BNapa Valley CollegeKINE 112B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 029Napa Valley CollegeKINE 131 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 031Napa Valley CollegeKINE 133 Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 035ANapa Valley CollegeKINE 151 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BNapa Valley CollegeKINE 151B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Napa Valley CollegeKINE 148 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 061ANapa Valley CollegeKINE 130 Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BNapa Valley CollegeKINE 130B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Napa Valley College*KINE 201 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 019ANorco CollegeKIN A64A Soccer, Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BNorco CollegeKIN A64B Soccer, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 029Norco CollegeKIN A83 Kickboxing Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ANorco CollegeKIN A90A Weight Training, Beginning
SJSU KIN 035BNorco CollegeKIN A90B Weight Training, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 037Norco CollegeKIN A75A Walking for Fitness: Beginning
SJSU KIN 038Norco CollegeKIN A77A Jogging for Fitness, Beginning
SJSU KIN 050Norco CollegeKIN A43 T'ai-chi Ch'uan, Beginning
SJSU KIN 053ANorco CollegeKIN A40 Karate, Beginning
SJSU KIN 053BNorco CollegeKIN A41 Karate, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 061ANorco CollegeKIN A46 Yoga, Beginning
SJSU KIN 061BNorco CollegeKIN A47 Yoga, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 070Norco College*KIN 10 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002BOhlone CollegePE 350C3 Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 015AOhlone CollegePE 300A2 Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 020AOhlone CollegePE 360A2 Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BOhlone CollegePE 360B2 Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 021AOhlone CollegePE 362A2 Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BOhlone CollegePE 362B2 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 029Ohlone CollegePE 374A3 Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 061BOhlone CollegePE 376A3 Yoga Fundamentals
SJSU KIN 070Ohlone College*KIN 240 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A132 Swimming Level 1
SJSU KIN 002BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A232 Swimming Level 2
SJSU KIN 009AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A136 Introduction to Sailing
MARA A136 Introduction to Sailing
SJSU KIN 014AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A154 Volleyball Level 1
SJSU KIN 014BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A254 Volleyball Level 2
SJSU KIN 015AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A150 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A152 Soccer Level 1
SJSU KIN 019BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A252 Soccer Level 2
SJSU KIN 020AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A145 Badminton Level 1
SJSU KIN 020BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A245 Badminton Level 2
SJSU KIN 021AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A146 Tennis Level 1
SJSU KIN 021BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A246 Tennis Level 2
SJSU KIN 024AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A155 Bowling Level 1
SJSU KIN 025AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A153 Golf Level 1
SJSU KIN 025BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A253 Golf Level 2
SJSU KIN 027AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A147 Table Tennis Level 1
SJSU KIN 029Orange Coast CollegeKIN A114 Cardio-Kick Boxing Level 1
SJSU KIN 031Orange Coast CollegeKIN A112 Body Sculpting Level 1
SJSU KIN 034Orange Coast CollegeKIN A111 Step Cardio & Core Level 1
SJSU KIN 035AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A106 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A206 Weight Training Level 2
SJSU KIN 037Orange Coast CollegeKIN A110 Walking for Fitness Level 1
SJSU KIN 050Orange Coast CollegeKIN A129 T'ai Chi Chih
SJSU KIN 051AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A126 Aikido
SJSU KIN 053AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A127 Karate
SJSU KIN 061AOrange Coast CollegeKIN A128 Hatha Yoga - Level I
SJSU KIN 061BOrange Coast CollegeKIN A228 Hatha Yoga - Level II
SJSU KIN 070Orange Coast College*KIN A202 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014AOxnard CollegeKIN R165A Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BOxnard CollegeKIN R165B Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 015AOxnard CollegeKIN R163A Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BOxnard CollegeKIN R163B Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019AOxnard CollegeKIN R162A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BOxnard CollegeKIN R162B Soccer II
SJSU KIN 030Oxnard CollegeKIN R143 Pilates Mat
SJSU KIN 035AOxnard CollegeKIN R146A Weight Training and Conditioning I
SJSU KIN 035BOxnard CollegeKIN R146B Weight Training and Conditioning II
SJSU KIN 037Oxnard CollegeKIN R140 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 038Oxnard CollegeKIN R141 Running for Fitness
SJSU KIN 061AOxnard CollegeKIN R142A Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BOxnard CollegeKIN R142B Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Oxnard College*KIN R100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070Palomar College*KINE 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002APasadena City CollegeKINA 003A Beginning Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002BPasadena City CollegeKINA 003C Intermediate Swimming & Fitness
SJSU KIN 002CPasadena City CollegeKINA 003D Advanced Swimming and Fitness
SJSU KIN 014APasadena City CollegeKINA 081A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BPasadena City CollegeKINA 081B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CPasadena City CollegeKINA 081C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015APasadena City CollegeKINA 065A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BPasadena City CollegeKINA 065B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019APasadena City CollegeKINA 069A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 020APasadena City CollegeKINA 046A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BPasadena City CollegeKINA 046B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CPasadena City CollegeKINA 046C Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 021APasadena City CollegeKINA 054A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BPasadena City CollegeKINA 054B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 030Pasadena City CollegeDANC 013 Pilates-Based Method for Alignment and Correction
SJSU KIN 035APasadena City CollegeKINA 050A Beginning Weight Training for Women
SJSU KIN 035BPasadena City CollegeKINA 050B Intermediate Weight Training for Women
SJSU KIN 041APasadena City CollegeDANC 011A Ballet I
SJSU KIN 046APasadena City CollegeDANC 005A Social Dance I
SJSU KIN 055APasadena City CollegeKINA 034A Beginning Self Defense
SJSU KIN 070Pasadena City College*KINT 003 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 015APorterville CollegeKIN P211A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 019APorterville CollegeKIN P247A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 021APorterville CollegeKIN P212A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BPorterville CollegeKIN P212B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 035APorterville CollegeKIN P203 Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BPorterville CollegeKIN P205 Advanced Weight Training
SJSU KIN 070Reedley CollegeKINES 22 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070Rio Hondo College*KIN 194 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ARiverside City CollegeKIN A28 Swimming, Beginning
SJSU KIN 002BRiverside City CollegeKIN A29 Swimming, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 014ARiverside City CollegeKIN A67 Volleyball, Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BRiverside City CollegeKIN A68 Volleyball, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 014CRiverside City CollegeKIN A69 Volleyball, Advanced
SJSU KIN 015ARiverside City CollegeKIN A57A Basketball, Beginning
SJSU KIN 015BRiverside City CollegeKIN A57B Basketball, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019ARiverside City CollegeKIN A64A Soccer, Beginning
SJSU KIN 019BRiverside City CollegeKIN A64B Soccer, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 020ARiverside City CollegeKIN A7 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ARiverside City CollegeKIN A11 Tennis, Beginning
SJSU KIN 021BRiverside City CollegeKIN A12 Tennis, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 025ARiverside City CollegeKIN A20 Golf, Beginning
SJSU KIN 025BRiverside City CollegeKIN A21 Golf, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 031Riverside City CollegeKIN A89A Beginning Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 035ARiverside City CollegeKIN A90A Weigh Training, Beginning
SJSU KIN 035BRiverside City CollegeKIN A90B Weight Training, Intermediate
SJSU KIN 037Riverside City CollegeKIN A75A Walking for Fitness: Beginning
SJSU KIN 038Riverside City CollegeKIN A77A Jogging for Fitness, Beginning
SJSU KIN 050Riverside City CollegeKIN A43 T'ai-chi Ch'uan, Beginning
SJSU KIN 070Riverside City College*KIN 10 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070Sacramento City College*KINES 300 Introduction to Physical Education, Kinesiology, Fitness and Sport
SJSU KIN 002ASaddleback CollegeKNES 41 Swimming for Non-Swimmers
SJSU KIN 002BSaddleback CollegeKNES 42 Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CSaddleback CollegeKNES 43 Advanced Swimming and Diving
SJSU KIN 014ASaddleback CollegeKNES 76 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BSaddleback CollegeKNES 77 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CSaddleback CollegeKNES 78 Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ASaddleback CollegeKNES 70 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ASaddleback CollegeKNES 72 Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 021ASaddleback CollegeKNES 24 Beginning Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BSaddleback CollegeKNES 26 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 024ASaddleback CollegeKNES 17 Beginning Bowling
SJSU KIN 024BSaddleback CollegeKNES 18 Intermediate Bowling
SJSU KIN 029Saddleback CollegeKNES 8 Beginning Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Saddleback CollegeKNES 65 Introduction to Mat Pilates
SJSU KIN 034Saddleback CollegeKNES 7 Step Training
SJSU KIN 035ASaddleback CollegeKNES 4 Beginning Weight Lifting
SJSU KIN 035BSaddleback CollegeKNES 5 Intermediate Weight Lifting
SJSU KIN 037Saddleback CollegeKNES 68 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 055ASaddleback CollegeKNES 90 Beginning Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ASaddleback CollegeKNES 28 Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSaddleback CollegeKNES 39 Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 063ASaddleback CollegeKNES 69 Trail Hiking
SJSU KIN 070Saddleback College*KNES 51 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 124A Beginning Volleyball (formerly PE/T 124x4)
SJSU KIN 014BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 124B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 124C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 104A Beginning Basketball (formerly PE/T 104x4)
SJSU KIN 015BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 104B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 116A Beginning Soccer (formerly PE/T 116x4)
SJSU KIN 019BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 116B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 103A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 103B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 020CSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINS 103C Advanced Badminton
SJSU KIN 032San Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 105A Beginning Low Impact Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 108A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 108B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037San Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 127A Beginning Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 038San Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 132A Beginning Distance Running
SJSU KIN 041ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeDANCE 103A Beginning Ballet
SJSU KIN 050San Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 190A Beginning Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 061ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 168A Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeKINF 168B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070San Bernardino Valley College*KIN 200 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070San Diego City College*EXSC 241B Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 113A Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 113B Swimming II
SJSU KIN 002CSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 113C Swimming III
SJSU KIN 014ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 182A Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 182B Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 182C Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 158A Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 158B Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 174A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 174B Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 154A Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 154B Badminton II
SJSU KIN 020CSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 158C Basketball III
SJSU KIN 021ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 178A Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 178B Tennis II
SJSU KIN 025ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 166A Golf I
SJSU KIN 025BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 166B Golf II
SJSU KIN 032San Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 125A Aerobic Dance I
SJSU KIN 035ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 139A Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 139B Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 061ASan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 145B Yoga II - Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSan Diego Mesa CollegeEXSC 145C Yoga III - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 070San Diego Mesa College*EXSC 241B Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 037San Diego Miramar CollegeEXSC 144A Fitness Walking I
SJSU KIN 070San Diego Miramar College*EXSC 241B Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070San Diego State University*ENS 200 Introduction to Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
SJSU KIN 070San Francisco State University*KIN 250 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 1A Introductory Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 24A Volleyball I
SJSU KIN 014BSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 24B Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014CSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 24C Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 015ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 25A Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 25B Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 26A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 26B Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 34A Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 34B Badminton II
SJSU KIN 020CSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 34C Badminton III
SJSU KIN 025ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 32A Golf I
SJSU KIN 025BSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 32B Golf II
SJSU KIN 035ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 14A Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 14B Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037San Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 10A Beginning Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 061ASan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 11A Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BSan Joaquin Delta CollegePEACTIV 11B Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070San Joaquin Delta College*PETHEORY 40 Introduction the Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001San Jose City CollegeAPE 030E Adapted Fitness for Life
APE 056E Adapted Weight Training
SJSU KIN 014ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 052 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 012 Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BSan Jose City CollegeKINPE 012B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 038 Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BSan Jose City CollegeKINPE 038A Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 009 Badminton
SJSU KIN 023ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 008 Archery
SJSU KIN 023BSan Jose City CollegeKINPE 008B Intermediate Archery
SJSU KIN 025ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 024 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 029San Jose City CollegeKINPE 023 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030San Jose City CollegeKINPE 041 Pilates Mat Workout
SJSU KIN 031San Jose City CollegeKINPE 043 Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 032San Jose City CollegeKINPE 055 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 034San Jose City CollegeKINPE 055 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 056 Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BSan Jose City CollegeKINPE 056B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037San Jose City CollegeKINPE 053 Walking/Jogging for Health
SJSU KIN 038San Jose City CollegeKINPE 053 Walking/Jogging for Health
SJSU KIN 041ASan Jose City CollegeDANCE 010 Ballet, Beginning 1
SJSU KIN 046ASan Jose City CollegeDANCE 064 Ballroom Dance, Beginning
SJSU KIN 047ASan Jose City CollegeDANCE 067 Intermediate Ballroom-Swing
SJSU KIN 048ASan Jose City CollegeDANCE 066 Intermediate Ballroom-Latin
SJSU KIN 052ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 019 Tae Kwon Do
SJSU KIN 061ASan Jose City CollegeKINPE 039 Hatha Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSan Jose City CollegeKINPE 039B Hatha Yoga-Intermediate
SJSU KIN 070San Jose City College*KIN 005 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASanta Ana CollegeKNAQ 201A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 003Santa Ana CollegeKNAC 226A Beginning Water Polo
SJSU KIN 014ASanta Ana CollegeKNAC 290A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BSanta Ana CollegeKNAC 290B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 070Santa Ana College*KNPR 101 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 132B Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 132C Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CSanta Barbara City CollegePE 132D Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 127A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 127B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CSanta Barbara City CollegePE 127C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 121A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 121B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 124A Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 124B Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 101A Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 101B Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 109A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 109B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 103A Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 103B Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 029Santa Barbara City CollegePE 138A Beginning Cardio Boxing
SJSU KIN 030Santa Barbara City CollegePE 139 Pilates Mat Fitness
SJSU KIN 035ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 144A Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 144B Weight Training: Intermediate
SJSU KIN 038Santa Barbara City CollegePE 148A Beginning Walking/Jogging for Fitness
SJSU KIN 041ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 150A Beginning Ballet
SJSU KIN 053ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 162A Beginning Karate
SJSU KIN 053BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 162B Intermediate Karate
SJSU KIN 055ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 163 Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 176A Beginning Fitness Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSanta Barbara City CollegePE 176B Intermediate Fitness Yoga
SJSU KIN 063ASanta Barbara City CollegePE 227 Hiking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 070Santa Barbara City College*PE 200 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070Santa Monica College*PROCR 10 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKAQUA 1.1 Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKAQUA 1.2 Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKAQUA 1.3 Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKTEAM 8.1 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKTEAM 8.2 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKTEAM 8.3 Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKTEAM 4.1 Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKTEAM 4.2 Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKTEAM 6.1 Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 019BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKTEAM 6.2 Intermediate Soccer
SJSU KIN 020ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKINDV 2.1 Beginning Badminton
SJSU KIN 020BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKINDV 2.2 Intermediate Badminton
SJSU KIN 025ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKINDV 3.1 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 025BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKINDV 3.2 Intermediate Golf
SJSU KIN 029Santa Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 21.1 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Santa Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 5 Introduction to Pilates Mat
SJSU KIN 034Santa Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 2.1 Beginning Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 8.1 Beginning Weight Lifting
SJSU KIN 035BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 8.2 Intermediate Weight Lifting
SJSU KIN 037Santa Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 35.1 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 038Santa Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 36.1 Jogging for Fitness
SJSU KIN 040ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeDANCE 16.1 Modern Dance I
SJSU KIN 041ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeDANCE 16.1 Modern Dance I
SJSU KIN 048ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeDANCE 88.1 Latin Dance I
SJSU KIN 052ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKCOMB 2.1 Beginning Judo
SJSU KIN 052BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKCOMB 2.2 Intermediate Judo
SJSU KIN 061ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 6.1 Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeKFIT 6.2 Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Santa Rosa Junior College*KINES 1 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 185A Basic Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BSantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 185B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CSantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 185C Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ASantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 168A Basic Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BSantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 168B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ASantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 160A Basic Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BSantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 160B Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 029Santiago Canyon CollegeKIN 125A Basic Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 035ASantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 140A Basic Circuit Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BSantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 140B Intermediate Circuit Weight Training
SJSU KIN 050Santiago Canyon CollegeKIN 128A Basic Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 061ASantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 127A Basic Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSantiago Canyon CollegeKIN 127B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Santiago Canyon College*KIN 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AShasta CollegePE 30A Beginning Swimming
SJSU KIN 002BShasta CollegePE 30B Intermediate Swimming
SJSU KIN 002CShasta CollegePE 30C Advanced Swimming
SJSU KIN 014AShasta CollegePE 70A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BShasta CollegePE 70B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CShasta CollegePE 70C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AShasta CollegePE 75 Basketball
SJSU KIN 021AShasta CollegePE 51A Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BShasta CollegePE 51B Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 035AShasta CollegePE 12A Beginning Weight Training and Fitness
SJSU KIN 035BShasta CollegePE 12B Intermediate Weight Training and Fitness
SJSU KIN 055AShasta CollegePE 60 Self-Defense
SJSU KIN 061AShasta CollegePE 17A Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BShasta CollegePE 17B Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Shasta College*KINES 1 Foundations of Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASierra CollegeKIN 41 Fundamental Swimming
SJSU KIN 014ASierra CollegeKIN 33 Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ASierra CollegeKIN 27 Recreational Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ASierra CollegeKIN 31A Soccer Level I
SJSU KIN 019BSierra CollegeKIN 31B Soccer Level II
SJSU KIN 020ASierra CollegeKIN 26 Badminton
SJSU KIN 021ASierra CollegeKIN 32 Tennis
SJSU KIN 025ASierra CollegeKIN 30 Golf
SJSU KIN 029Sierra CollegeKIN 9 Cardio Kickboxing
SJSU KIN 030Sierra CollegeKIN 69 Mat Pilates
SJSU KIN 032Sierra CollegeKIN 7 Aerobic Fitness
SJSU KIN 035ASierra CollegeKIN 5A Weight Training
SJSU KIN 041ASierra CollegeKIN 50A Ballet I
SJSU KIN 050Sierra CollegeKIN 23 Tai Chi
SJSU KIN 055ASierra CollegeKIN 19 Combative Self Defense
SJSU KIN 061ASierra CollegeKIN 62 Fundamentals of Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Sierra College*KIN 81 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 015ASkyline CollegeTEAM 111.1 Basketball I
SJSU KIN 015BSkyline CollegeTEAM 111.2 Basketball II
SJSU KIN 019ASkyline CollegeTEAM 141.1 Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BSkyline CollegeTEAM 141.2 Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020ASkyline CollegeINDV 121.1 Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BSkyline CollegeINDV 121.2 Badminton II
SJSU KIN 020CSkyline CollegeINDV 121.3 Badminton III
SJSU KIN 021ASkyline CollegeINDV 251.1 Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BSkyline CollegeINDV 251.2 Tennis II
SJSU KIN 023ASkyline CollegeINDV 101.1 Archery I
SJSU KIN 023BSkyline CollegeINDV 101.2 Archery II
SJSU KIN 030Skyline CollegeFITN 335.1 Pilates I
SJSU KIN 035ASkyline CollegeFITN 201.1 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BSkyline CollegeFITN 201.2 Weight Training II
SJSU KIN 037Skyline CollegeFITN 304.1 Walking Fitness I
SJSU KIN 041ASkyline CollegeDANC 140.1 Ballet I
SJSU KIN 046ASkyline CollegeDANC 151.1 Social Dance I
SJSU KIN 055ASkyline CollegeCOMB 401.1 Self Defense I
SJSU KIN 061ASkyline CollegeFITN 334.1 Yoga I
SJSU KIN 061BSkyline CollegeFITN 334.2 Yoga II
SJSU KIN 070Skyline College*KINE 100 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002ASolano Community CollegeKINE 002A Swimming - Beginning
SJSU KIN 002BSolano Community CollegeKINE 002B Swimming - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 014ASolano Community CollegeKINE 037A Volleyball - Beginning
SJSU KIN 014BSolano Community CollegeKINE 037B Volleyball - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 019ASolano Community CollegeKINE 030A Soccer - Indoor/Outdoor - Beginning
SJSU KIN 021ASolano Community CollegeKINE 023X Tennis - Beginning
SJSU KIN 021BSolano Community CollegeKINE 023Y Tennis - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 023ASolano Community CollegeKINE 021A Archery - Beginning
SJSU KIN 023BSolano Community CollegeKINE 021B Archery - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 029Solano Community CollegeKINE 003X Cardio Kickboxing - Beginning
SJSU KIN 030Solano Community CollegeKINE 006X Pilates for Fitness - Beginning
SJSU KIN 035ASolano Community CollegeKINE 012A Weight Training - Beginning
SJSU KIN 035BSolano Community CollegeKINE 012B Weight Training - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 041ASolano Community CollegeDANC 014A Ballet - Beginning
SJSU KIN 045ASolano Community CollegeDANC 012A Swing Dance - Beginning
SJSU KIN 055ASolano Community CollegeKINE 003A Self Defense - Beginning
SJSU KIN 061ASolano Community CollegeKINE 006E Fundamentals of Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSolano Community CollegeKINE 006F Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 070Solano Community College*KINE 040A Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001Southwestern CollegeES/S 106 Adapted Flexibility Fitness
ES/S 113 Adapted Personalized Fitness
ES/S 121 Adapted Aquatic Fitness
SJSU KIN 002ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 155 Swimming I
SJSU KIN 002BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 156 Swimming II
SJSU KIN 002CSouthwestern CollegeES/A 157 Swimming III
SJSU KIN 003Southwestern CollegeES/A 260 Water Polo I
SJSU KIN 009ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 223 Beginning Sailing
SJSU KIN 014ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 167 Volleyball II
SJSU KIN 014BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 168 Volleyball III
SJSU KIN 014CSouthwestern CollegeES/A 169 Volleyball IV
SJSU KIN 015ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 162 Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 163 Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 178A Soccer I
SJSU KIN 019BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 178B Soccer II
SJSU KIN 020ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 143 Badminton I
SJSU KIN 020BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 144 Badminton II
SJSU KIN 020CSouthwestern CollegeES/A 145 Badminton III
SJSU KIN 021ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 151 Beginning Tennis I
SJSU KIN 021BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 153 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 024ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 135 Bowling - Beginning
SJSU KIN 024BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 136 Bowling - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 025ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 147 Golf I
SJSU KIN 025BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 148 Golf II
SJSU KIN 031Southwestern CollegeES/A 101 Body Sculpt I
SJSU KIN 034Southwestern CollegeES/A 215 Beginning STEP Training
SJSU KIN 035ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 191 Beginning Weight Training and Physical Fitness
SJSU KIN 035BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 192 Intermediate Weight Training and Physical Fitness
SJSU KIN 037Southwestern CollegeES/A 203 Beginning Fitness Walking
SJSU KIN 054ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 257 Taekwondo I
SJSU KIN 061ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 264 Beginning Yoga
SJSU KIN 061BSouthwestern CollegeES/A 265 Intermediate Yoga
SJSU KIN 063ASouthwestern CollegeES/A 280 Beginning Hiking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 070Southwestern College*ES/T 202 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014ATaft CollegePHED 1528 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015ATaft CollegePHED 1534 Basketball and Physical Fitness
SJSU KIN 019ATaft CollegePHED 1542 Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 025ATaft CollegePHED 1520 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 035ATaft CollegePHED 1523 Beginning Weight Lifting and Physical Fitness
SJSU KIN 037Taft CollegePHED 1533 Walking for Fitness
SJSU KIN 070Taft College*KINE 1500 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 070Ventura College*KIN V81 Fundamentals of Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014AVictor Valley CollegeKIN 166 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BVictor Valley CollegeKIN 166B Beginning/Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CVictor Valley CollegeKIN 166C Intermediate/Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AVictor Valley CollegeKIN 165 Introduction to Basketball
SJSU KIN 021AVictor Valley CollegeKIN 180A Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AVictor Valley CollegeKIN 181 Introduction to Golf
SJSU KIN 035AVictor Valley CollegeKIN 162 Weight Training I
SJSU KIN 035BVictor Valley CollegeKIN 163 Weigh Lifting II
SJSU KIN 055AVictor Valley CollegeKIN 168 Self Defense
SJSU KIN 070Victor Valley College*KIN 101 Introduction to Exercise Science and Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 001West Hills College - CoalingaPE 019 Adaptive Physical Education
SJSU KIN 014AWest Hills College - CoalingaPE 022A Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BWest Hills College - CoalingaPE 022B Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014CWest Hills College - CoalingaPE 022C Advanced Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AWest Hills College - CoalingaPE 032A Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AWest Hills College - CoalingaPE 025A Introductory Soccer
SJSU KIN 025AWest Hills College - CoalingaPE 011 Golf
SJSU KIN 035AWest Hills College - CoalingaPE 023 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038West Hills College - CoalingaPE 016 Jogging and Power Walking
SJSU KIN 070West Hills College - Coalinga*KINES 001 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 019AWest Hills College - LemoorePE 025A Introductory Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AWest Hills College - LemoorePE 003 Badminton
SJSU KIN 023AWest Hills College - LemoorePE 002 Archery
SJSU KIN 024AWest Hills College - LemoorePE 018 Bowling
SJSU KIN 025AWest Hills College - LemoorePE 011 Golf
SJSU KIN 032West Hills College - LemoorePE 007 Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AWest Hills College - LemoorePE 023 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 038West Hills College - LemoorePE 016 Jogging and Power Walking
SJSU KIN 070West Hills College - Lemoore*KINES 001 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 002AWest Valley CollegeKINS 2.04 Swimming--beginning
SJSU KIN 002BWest Valley CollegeKINS 2.05 Swimming--intermediate
SJSU KIN 002CWest Valley CollegeKINS 2.06 Swimming--advanced
SJSU KIN 008West Valley CollegeKINS 7.23 Scuba Diving
SJSU KIN 014AWest Valley CollegeKINS 8.15 Volleyball-beginning skills
SJSU KIN 014BWest Valley CollegeKINS 8.16 Volleyball-intermediate skills
SJSU KIN 014CWest Valley CollegeKINS 8.17 Volleyball-advanced skills
SJSU KIN 015AWest Valley CollegeKINS 8.04 Beginning Basketball
SJSU KIN 015BWest Valley CollegeKINS 8.05 Intermediate Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AWest Valley CollegeKINS 8.08 Soccer-Beginning
SJSU KIN 020AWest Valley CollegeKINS 7.02 Badminton-Beginning
SJSU KIN 020BWest Valley CollegeKINS 7.03 Badminton-Intermediate
SJSU KIN 021AWest Valley CollegeKINS 7.18 Beginning Tennis
SJSU KIN 021BWest Valley CollegeKINS 7.20 Intermediate Tennis
SJSU KIN 025AWest Valley CollegeKINS 7.10 Golf--beginning
SJSU KIN 025BWest Valley CollegeKINS 7.11 Golf--intermediate
SJSU KIN 029West Valley CollegeKINS 6.07 Kick Boxing
SJSU KIN 030West Valley CollegeKINS 11.08 Pilates Mat Workout
SJSU KIN 031West Valley CollegeKINS 4.29 Body Sculpting
SJSU KIN 032West Valley CollegeKINS 4.03 Fitness Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AWest Valley CollegeKINS 4.16 Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037West Valley CollegeKINS 4.13 Fitness, Walking
SJSU KIN 038West Valley CollegeKINS 4.28 Fitness Jogging
SJSU KIN 041AWest Valley CollegeDANC 001 Ballet: Beginning Level 1
DANC 002 Ballet: Beginning Level 2
SJSU KIN 045AWest Valley CollegeDANC 044 Lindy Hop & Swing
SJSU KIN 048AWest Valley CollegeDANC 041 Ballroom and Latin Dance: Beginning
SJSU KIN 053AWest Valley CollegeKINS 6.02 Karate - Beginning
SJSU KIN 053BWest Valley CollegeKINS 6.06 Karate - Intermediate
SJSU KIN 055AWest Valley CollegeKINS 6.03 Self-defense
SJSU KIN 070West Valley College*KINT 030 Introduction to Kinesiology
SJSU KIN 014AYuba CollegeKINES 1.77 Beginning Volleyball
SJSU KIN 014BYuba CollegeKINES 1.79 Intermediate Volleyball
SJSU KIN 015AYuba CollegeKINES 1.71 Basketball
SJSU KIN 019AYuba CollegeKINES 1.75 Beginning Soccer
SJSU KIN 020AYuba CollegeKINES 1.25 Badminton
SJSU KIN 025AYuba CollegeKINES 1.31 Beginning Golf
SJSU KIN 031Yuba CollegeKINES 1.26 Body Toning
SJSU KIN 034Yuba CollegeKINES 1.22 Step Aerobics
SJSU KIN 035AYuba CollegeKINES 1.57 Beginning Weight Training
SJSU KIN 035BYuba CollegeKINES 1.57B Intermediate Weight Training
SJSU KIN 037Yuba CollegeKINES 1.27 Fitness Walking/Jogging
SJSU KIN 070Yuba College*KINES 20 Introduction to Kinesiology

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(page last modified: 01/17/2025)