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Category Report
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Category Report

Sorted by School

SJSU CHAD 060Allan Hancock Community CollegeECS 100 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Allan Hancock Community CollegePSY 118 Human Developmental - Lifespan
SJSU CHAD 080Allan Hancock Community CollegeMATH 123 Elementary Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014AAllan Hancock Community CollegeASL 120 American Sign Language I
SJSU CHAD 060American River CollegeECE 312 Child Development
PSYC 372 Child Development
PSYC 373 Child Psychology
SJSU CHAD 070American River CollegePSYC 370 Human Development: A Life Span
SJSU CHAD 080American River CollegeSTAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
STAT 480 Introduction to Probability and Statistics - Honors
PSYC 330 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
ECON 310 Statistics for Business and Economics
SJSU EDSE 014AAmerican River CollegeDEAF 310 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BAmerican River CollegeDEAF 312 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Antelope Valley CollegeCFE 102 The Developing Child - Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Antelope Valley CollegePSY 236 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Antelope Valley CollegeMATH 115 Statistics
MATH 115H Statistics Honors
SJSU CHAD 060Bakersfield CollegeCHDV B21 Child Growth and Development: Birth Through Adolescence
SJSU CHAD 070Bakersfield CollegePSYC B40 Introduction to Lifespan Psychology
MEDS B35 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080Bakersfield CollegeMATH B22 Elementary Probability and Statistics
MATH B22L Elementary Probability and Statistics with Lab
PSYC B5 Elementary Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Barstow CollegePSYC 2 Developmental Psychology
CHLD 4 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Barstow CollegePSYC 2 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Berkeley City CollegeCHDEV 51 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Berkeley City CollegePSYCH 21 Lifespan Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Berkeley City CollegeMATH 13 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014ABerkeley City CollegeASL 50 American Sign Language I
SJSU CHAD 060Butte CollegeCDF 14 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Butte CollegePSY 15 Lifespan Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Butte CollegeMATH 18 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 18S Introduction to Statistics with Support
SJSU CHAD 060Cabrillo CollegeECE 31 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Cabrillo CollegePSYCH 8 Introduction to Developmental Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014ACabrillo CollegeASL 1 Elementary American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BCabrillo CollegeASL 2 Elementary American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Canada CollegeECE 201 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Canada CollegePSYC 200 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Cerritos CollegeCD 110 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Cerritos CollegePSYC 251 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Cerro Coso CollegeCHDV C106 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Cerro Coso CollegePSYC C181 Lifespan Development
SJSU EDSE 014ACerro Coso CollegeASL C101 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BCerro Coso CollegeASL C102 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Chabot CollegeECD 56 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Chabot CollegePSY 12 Lifespan Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014AChabot CollegeSL 64 Beginning Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BChabot CollegeSL 65 Intermediate Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Chaffey CollegeCDE 2 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Chaffey CollegePSYCH 25 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development
SJSU EDSE 014AChaffey CollegeASL 1 Elementary American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BChaffey CollegeASL 2 Elementary American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Citrus Community CollegePSY 206 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080Citrus Community CollegeMATH 165 Introductory Statistics
MATH 165H Introductory Statistics - Honors
SJSU CHAD 060City College of San FranciscoPSYC 40 Child and Adolescent Psychology
CDEV 53 Child Growth & Development
SJSU CHAD 070City College of San FranciscoPSYC 21 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080City College of San FranciscoECON 5 Introductory Statistics for Economics, Business and Social Sciences
LALS 5 Introduction to Statistical Methods in LALS
MATH 80 Probability and Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014ACity College of San FranciscoAMSL 1A Elementary American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BCity College of San FranciscoAMSL 1B Elementary American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Clovis Community CollegeECE 2 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Clovis Community CollegeECE 14 Lifespan Development
PSY 38 Lifespan Development
SJSU EDSE 014AClovis Community CollegeASL 1 Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BClovis Community CollegeASL 2 High-Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Coastline CollegePSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Coastline CollegePSYC C118 Life Span Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060College of MarinECE 110 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 060College of San MateoPSYC 201 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070College of San MateoPSYC 200 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060College of the CanyonsECE 101 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070College of the CanyonsECE 101 Child Growth and Development
PSYCH 172 Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 172H Developmental Psychology - Honors
SJSU EDSE 014ACollege of the CanyonsSIGN 101 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BCollege of the CanyonsSIGN 102 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060College of the DesertCDE 101 Child Growth & Development
SJSU CHAD 060College of the RedwoodsECE 2 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070College of the RedwoodsPSYCH 11 Life Span Development
SJSU EDSE 014ACollege of the RedwoodsSNLAN 1A Elementary American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BCollege of the RedwoodsSNLAN 1B Elementary American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060College of the SequoiasCHLD 039 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070College of the SequoiasPSY 080 Intro to Lifespan Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080College of the SequoiasBUS 020 Business Statistics
MATH 021 Introduction to Statistics
SSCI 025 Statistics-Social Sciences
SJSU EDSE 014ACollege of the SequoiasASL 001 American Sign Language 1
SJSU EDSE 014BCollege of the SequoiasASL 002 American Sign Language 2
SJSU CHAD 060College of the SiskiyousECE 1002 Child Development
SJSU EDSE 014ACollege of the SiskiyousASL 1020 Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BCollege of the SiskiyousASL 1521 Intermediate American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Columbia CollegeCHILD 1 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Columbia CollegePSYCH 10 Lifespan Human Development
SJSU EDSE 014AColumbia CollegeSIGN 40A ASL - Beginning Communication with the Deaf
SJSU EDSE 014BColumbia CollegeSIGN 40B ASL - Elementary Communication with the Deaf
SJSU CHAD 060Contra Costa CollegeECHD 121 Child Growth and Development (DS1)
SJSU CHAD 070Contra Costa CollegePSYCH 128 Life Span Development
SJSU CHAD 060Copper Mountain CollegeCD 010 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Copper Mountain CollegePSY 003 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Cosumnes River CollegeECE 312 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Cosumnes River CollegePSYC 371 Life Span Developmental Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014ACosumnes River CollegeDEAF 310 American Sign Language I
DEAF 314 American Sign Language III
SJSU EDSE 014BCosumnes River CollegeDEAF 312 American Sign Language II
DEAF 316 American Sign Language IV
SJSU CHAD 060Crafton Hills CollegeCD 105 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Crafton Hills CollegePSYCH 111 Developmental Pychology: Lifespan
SJSU EDSE 014ACrafton Hills CollegeASL 101 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BCrafton Hills CollegeASL 102 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060CSU, ChicoCHLD 252 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 060CSU, FresnoCFS 39 Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development
SJSU CHAD 060CSU, SacramentoFSHD 52 The Child in the Family
SJSU CHAD 060Cuesta CollegeCDFS 201 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Cuesta CollegeASHS 212 Human Development: Life Span
SJSU EDSE 014ACuesta CollegeASL 201 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BCuesta CollegeASL 202 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Cuyamaca CollegeCD 125 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Cuyamaca CollegePSY 150 Developmental Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014ACuyamaca CollegeASL 120 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BCuyamaca CollegeASL 121 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Cypress CollegePSY 145C Child Psychology
SJSU CHAD 070Cypress CollegePSY 139C Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060DeAnza College*CD 10G Child Development (The Early Years)
CD 10H Child Growth and Development (Middle Childhood and Adolescence)
PSYC 10G Child Development (The Early Years)
PSYC 10H Child Development (Middle Childhood and Adolescence)
SJSU CHAD 070DeAnza CollegePSYC 14 Developmental Aspects of Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014ADeAnza CollegeSIGN 1 Elementary American Sign Language (First Quarter)
SIGN 2 Elementary American Sign Language (Second Quarter)
SJSU EDSE 014BDeAnza CollegeSIGN 2 Elementary American Sign Language (Second Quarter)
SIGN 3 Elementary American Sign Language (Third Quarter)
SJSU CHAD 060Diablo Valley CollegeECE 124 Child Development & Psychology
SJSU CHAD 070Diablo Valley CollegePSYCH 200 Life Span Development
SJSU CHAD 080Diablo Valley CollegeBUS 240 Business Statistics
MATH 142 Elementary Statistics with Probability
MATH 142L Elementary Statistics with Probability and Support
PSYCH 214 Introduction to Statistics for Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014ADiablo Valley CollegeSIGN 280 American Sign Language (ASL) I
SJSU EDSE 014BDiablo Valley CollegeSIGN 281 American Sign Language (ASL) II
SJSU CHAD 060East Los Angeles CollegeCHDEV 001 Child Growth & Development
SJSU CHAD 070East Los Angeles CollegePSYCH 041 Life-Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080East Los Angeles CollegeBUS 015 Business Statistics
MATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
SJSU EDSE 014AEast Los Angeles CollegeASL 001 American Sign Language I
SJSU CHAD 060El Camino CollegeCDEV 103 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070El Camino CollegePSYC 116 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 060Evergreen Valley CollegeFCS 070 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Evergreen Valley CollegePSYCH 092 Developmental Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014AEvergreen Valley CollegeSL 001A Introduction to American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BEvergreen Valley CollegeSL 001B Intermediate American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Feather River CollegeECE 162 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 060Folsom Lake CollegeECE 312 Child Development
PSYC 372 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Folsom Lake CollegePSYC 370 Human Development: A Life Span
SJSU EDSE 014AFolsom Lake CollegeSILA 305 American Sign Language 1
SJSU EDSE 014BFolsom Lake CollegeSILA 306 American Sign Language 2
SJSU CHAD 060Foothill College*CHLD 1 Child Growth & Development: Prenatal through Early Childhood
CHLD 2 Child Growth & Development II: Middle Childhood through Adolescence
SJSU CHAD 070Foothill CollegePSYC 40 Human Development
SJSU CHAD 060Fresno City CollegeCHDEV 39 Child Growth and Development
PSY 39 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Fresno City CollegeCHDEV 38 Lifespan Development
PSY 38 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080Fresno City CollegeMATH 11 Elementary Statistics
MATH 11H Honors Elementary Statistics
MATH 42 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSY 42 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
DS 23 Business Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014AFresno City CollegeASL 1 Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BFresno City CollegeASL 2 High-Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Fullerton CollegeCDES 120F Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Fullerton CollegePSY 139F Developmental Psychology: Life Cycle
SJSU CHAD 060Gavilan College*CD 40 Child Development
PSYC 40 Child Development
CD 2 Early Child Development
CD 3 Child Growth and Development During the School Years
PSYC 2 Early Child Development
PSYC 3 Child Growth and Development During the School Years
SJSU CHAD 070Gavilan CollegeAH 3 The Person in the Life Cycle
SJSU CHAD 060Glendale Community CollegeCHLDV 135 Child Growth & Development
SJSU CHAD 070Glendale Community CollegePSYCH 106 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Glendale Community College*ECON 127 Introductory Statistics for Economics and Business
MATH 136 Statistics
MATH 136+ Statistics with Support
MATH 136H Honors Statistics
MATH 137 Statistics for Data Science
SJSU EDSE 014AGlendale Community CollegeASL 101 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BGlendale Community CollegeASL 102 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Golden West CollegePSYC G116 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Golden West CollegePSYC G118 Life Span Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Golden West CollegeMATH G160S Introduction to Statistics with Support
SOC G125 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology
SJSU CHAD 060Grossmont CollegeCD 125 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Grossmont CollegePSY 150 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Hartnell CollegeECE 6 Child Growth & Development
SJSU CHAD 070Hartnell CollegeNVN 70 Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
NRN 70 Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
PSY 25 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan
SJSU EDSE 014AHartnell CollegeASL 1 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BHartnell CollegeASL 2 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Imperial Valley CollegeCDEV 104 Child Growth and Development
PSY 104 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Imperial Valley CollegePSY 204 Developmental Psychology: Conception to Death
SJSU EDSE 014AImperial Valley CollegeAMSL 100 American Sign Language 1
SJSU EDSE 014BImperial Valley CollegeAMSL 102 American Sign Language 2
SJSU CHAD 060Irvine Valley CollegeHD 7 Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence
PSYC 7 Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence
SJSU CHAD 070Irvine Valley CollegePSYC 6 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan
SJSU CHAD 060Lake Tahoe Community CollegeECE 102 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development
PSY 102 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Lake Tahoe Community College*PSY 109 Lifespan Development
PSY 102 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development
PSY 103 Adult Development
ECE 102 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development
PSY 103 Adult Development
SJSU EDSE 014ALake Tahoe Community CollegeASL 101 American Sign Language Level I
SJSU CHAD 070Laney CollegePSYCH 21 Lifespan Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Laney CollegeMATH 13 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060Las Positas CollegeECE 56 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Las Positas CollegePSYC 12 Life-span Psychology
SJSU EDSE 014ALas Positas CollegeASL 1A American Sign Language I
SJSU CHAD 060Lassen CollegePSY 31 Child Development: Conception through Adolescence
CD 31 Child Development: Conception through Adolescence
SJSU CHAD 070Lassen CollegePSY 18 Life Span Development
SJSU CHAD 060Long Beach City CollegeCDECE 45 Child & Adolescent Development DS1
SJSU CHAD 070Long Beach City CollegeCDECE 47 Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Long Beach City College*Stat 1 Elementary Statistics
Stat 1H Honors Elementary Statistics
MATH 21A Statistics Pathway A
MATH 21B Statistics Pathway B
SJSU CHAD 060Los Angeles City CollegeCHDEV 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Los Angeles City CollegePSYCH 041 Life-Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080Los Angeles City CollegeSOC 125 Statistics for the Social Sciences
Math 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
BUS 015 Business Statistics
MATH 229 Statistics for Data Science
SJSU CHAD 070Los Angeles Harbor CollegePSYCH 041 Life-Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080Los Angeles Harbor CollegeSTAT 001 Elementary Statistics I for the Social Sciences
STAT 001S Elementary Statistics I for the Social Sciences with Support
MATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
SJSU CHAD 060Los Angeles Mission CollegeCHDEV 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Los Angeles Mission CollegePSYCH 041 Life Span Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Los Angeles Mission CollegeMath 227 Elementary Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
STAT 101 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Los Angeles Pierce CollegeCHDEV 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Los Angeles Pierce CollegePSYCH 041 Life-Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080Los Angeles Pierce CollegeMath 227 Statistics
MATH 228B Statistics Pathway Part II
STAT 101 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Los Angeles Southwest CollegeCHDEV 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Los Angeles Southwest CollegePSYCH 041 Life-Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080Los Angeles Southwest CollegeMATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
SJSU CHAD 060Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegeChDev 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegePSYCH 041 Life Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegePSYCH 091 Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics With Support
SJSU CHAD 060Los Angeles Valley CollegeCHDEV 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Los Angeles Valley CollegePSYCH 041 Lifespan Psychology: Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080Los Angeles Valley CollegeMATH 227 Statistics
MATH 227S Statistics with Support
STAT 101 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Los Medanos CollegeCHDEV 010 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 060Madera Community CollegeCHDEV 39 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Madera Community CollegeCHDEV 38 Lifespan Development
PSY 38 Lifespan Development
SJSU EDSE 014AMadera Community CollegeASL 1 Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BMadera Community CollegeASL 2 High-Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Mendocino CollegeCDV 200 Child Growth and Development: Conception through Adolescence
SJSU CHAD 070Mendocino CollegePSY 210 Psychology of Life Span Development
SJSU CHAD 060Merced CollegeCLDV 1 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Merced CollegePSYC 9 Human Development
CLDV 9 Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Merced CollegeMATH 10 Elementary Statistics
MATH 10S Elementary Statistics with Support
PSYC 05 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Merritt CollegeChDev 51 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080Merritt CollegeMATH 13 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060Miracosta CollegeCHLD 113 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Miracosta CollegePSYC 121 Human Development
PSYC 121H Human Development (Honors)
SJSU CHAD 080Miracosta CollegeBUS 204 Business Statistics
BUS 204H Business Statistics (Honors)
Math 103 Statistics
MATH 103S Statistics with Integrated Support
MATH 103H Statistics (Honors)
SJSU CHAD 060Mission CollegeChd 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Mission CollegePSY 012 Human Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 060Modesto Junior CollegeClddv 103 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Modesto Junior CollegePSYCH 141 Human Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080Modesto Junior CollegeBUSAD 228 Business Statistics
MATH 128 Business Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014AModesto Junior CollegeSign 125 ASL - Beginning Communication with the Deaf
SJSU EDSE 014BModesto Junior CollegeSign 126 ASL - Intermediate Communication with the Deaf
SJSU CHAD 060Monterey Peninsula CollegeECED 1 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Monterey Peninsula CollegePSYC 25 Lifespan Development
SJSU EDSE 014AMonterey Peninsula CollegeSIGN 1A Elementary American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BMonterey Peninsula CollegeSIGN 1B Elementary American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Moorpark CollegeCD M02 Human Development: Infancy through Adolescence
SJSU CHAD 070Moorpark CollegePSY M07 Developmental Psychology (Lifespan)
SJSU CHAD 080Moorpark CollegeMATH M15 Introductory Statistics
MATH M15H Honors: Introductory Statistics
SOC M125 Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
PSY M125 Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Moreno Valley CollegeEAR 20 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Moreno Valley CollegePSY 9 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Mount San Antonio CollegeCHLD 11 Child and Adolescent Development
SJSU CHAD 070Mount San Antonio CollegeCHLD 10 Child Growth and Lifespan Development
CHLD 10H Child Growth and Lifespan Development - Honors
PSYC 14 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 14H Developmental Psychology - Honors
SJSU EDSE 014AMount San Antonio CollegeSIGN 101 American Sign Language 1
SIGN 101H American Sign Language 1 - Honors
SJSU EDSE 014BMount San Antonio CollegeSIGN 102 American Sign Language 2
SJSU CHAD 060Mount San Jacinto CollegeCDE 110 Child Development
CDE 110H Honors Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Mount San Jacinto CollegePSYC 103 Human Development
PSYC 103H Honors Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Mount San Jacinto CollegeMath 140 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 140H Honors Introduction to Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014AMount San Jacinto CollegeASL 100 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BMount San Jacinto CollegeASL 101 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Napa Valley CollegeCFS 120 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Napa Valley CollegePSYC 125 Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Napa Valley CollegeMATH 232 Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014ANapa Valley CollegeASL 120 First Semester American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BNapa Valley CollegeASL 121 Second Semester American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Norco CollegeEAR 20 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Norco CollegePSY 9 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Norco CollegeMAT 12 Statistics
MAT 12H Honors Statistics
PSY 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Ohlone College*ECS 301 Childhood Growth and Development
PSY 105 Child Development
PSY 106 Adolescent Development
ECS 301 Childhood Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Ohlone College*PSY 105 Child Development
PSY 106 Adolescent Development
PSY 108 Human Development
SJSU EDSE 014AOhlone CollegeASL 101 Principles of American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BOhlone CollegeASL 102 Principles of American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Orange Coast CollegeCDE A180 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Orange Coast CollegePSYC A130 Life Span Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Orange Coast CollegeMath A160 Introduction to Statistics
Psyc A160 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Oxnard CollegeECE R102 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Oxnard CollegePSY R108 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Palo Verde CollegeCHD 101 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Palo Verde CollegePSY 201 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080Palo Verde CollegeMAT 106 Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060Palomar CollegeCHDV 100 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Palomar CollegePSYC 110 Developmental Psychology - Child Through Adult
SJSU EDSE 014APalomar CollegeASL 100 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BPalomar CollegeASL 101 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Pasadena City CollegePSYC 021 Developmental Psychology: The Child
PSYC 021H Honors Developmental Psychology: The Child
SJSU CHAD 070Pasadena City CollegePSYC 024 Lifespan Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Pasadena City CollegeSTAT 015 Statistics for Business and Economics
STAT 050 Elementary Statistics
STAT 050H Honors Elementary Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060Porterville CollegeCHDV P223 Child Growth and Development
PSYC P223 Child Psychology
SJSU CHAD 070Porterville CollegePSYC P126 Lifespan Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Porterville CollegeBSAD P155 Business Statistics
MATH P122 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014APorterville CollegeASL P101 Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Reedley CollegeECE 2 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Reedley CollegeECE 14 Lifespan Development
PSY 38 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080Reedley CollegeSTAT 7 Elementary Statistics
MATH 11 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 11C Introduction to Statistics with Support
PLS 9 Biometrics
SJSU EDSE 014AReedley CollegeASL 1 Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU EDSE 014BReedley CollegeASL 2 High-Beginning American Sign Language
SJSU CHAD 060Rio Hondo CollegeCD 106 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Rio Hondo CollegePSY 112 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 060Riverside City CollegeEAR 20 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Riverside City CollegePSY 9 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Riverside City CollegeMAT 12 Statistics
MAT 12H Honors Statistics
PSY 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 48 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060Sacramento City CollegeECE 312 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Sacramento City CollegePSYC 370 Human Development: A Life Span
EDUC 300 Human Development: A Life Span
SJSU CHAD 080Sacramento City CollegeSTAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
STAT 480 Introduction to Probability and Statistics - Honors
SJSU EDSE 014ASacramento City CollegeDEAF 310 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BSacramento City CollegeDEAF 312 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Saddleback CollegeCDE 7 Child Growth and Development
PSYC 7 Developmental Psychology - Childhood Through Adolescence
SJSU CHAD 070Saddleback CollegeHS 120 Human Development in the Social Environment
SJSU CHAD 080Saddleback CollegeMath 10 Introduction to Statistics
PSYC 44 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060San Bernardino Valley CollegeCD 105 Child Growth and Development
CD 105H Child Growth and Development - Honors
SJSU CHAD 070San Bernardino Valley CollegePSYCH 111 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan
SJSU CHAD 080San Bernardino Valley CollegeECON 208 Business and Economics Statistics
Math 108 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
PSYCH 105 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU EDSE 014ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeASL 109 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeASL 110 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060San Diego City CollegeChil 101 Human Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080San Diego City College*BUSE 115 Statistics for Business
MATH 119 Elementary Statistics
Psyc 258 Behavioral Science Statistics
PSYC 259 Behavioral Science Statistics Laboratory
SJSU CHAD 060San Diego Mesa CollegeChil 101 Human Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080San Diego Mesa College*BUSE 115 Statistics for Business
MATH 119 Elementary Statistics
Psyc 258 Behavioral Science Statistics
PSYC 259 Behavioral Science Statistics Laboratory
SJSU CHAD 060San Diego Miramar CollegeChil 101 Human Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080San Diego Miramar College*MATH 119 Elementary Statistics
BUSE 115 Statistics for Business
PSYC 258 Behavioral Science Statistics
PSYC 259 Behavioral Science Statistics Laboratory
SJSU CHAD 060San Francisco State UniversityCAD 210 Introduction to Applied Child and Adolescent Development
SJSU CHAD 060San Joaquin Delta CollegeECE 21 Child and Adolescent Development
SJSU CHAD 070San Joaquin Delta CollegePSYCH 6 Lifespan Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080San Joaquin Delta CollegeSTATS 12 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
STATS 12EX Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Support
SJSU CHAD 060San Jose City CollegeFCS 070 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070San Jose City CollegePSYCH 092 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080San Jose City CollegeBUS 060 Fundamentals of Business Statistics
MATH 063 Elementary Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014ASan Jose City CollegeSL 001A American Sign Language 1
SJSU EDSE 014BSan Jose City CollegeSL 001B American Sign Language 2
SJSU CHAD 060Santa Ana CollegeCDEV 107 Child Growth and Development (DS1)
Psyc 157 Introduction to Child Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Santa Ana CollegeMATH 219 Statistics and Probability
MATH 219S Statistics and Probability with Support
MATH 219H Honors Statistics and Probability
PSYC 210 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SJSU EDSE 014ASanta Ana CollegeASL 110 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BSanta Ana CollegeASL 111 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Santa Barbara City CollegePSY 140 Child Development
ECE 120 Child Growth and Development for Educators
SJSU CHAD 070Santa Barbara City CollegePSY 145 Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Santa Barbara City College*PSY 150 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Math 117 Elementary Statistics
MATH 117A Elementary Statistics A
MATH 117B Elementary Statistics B
SJSU EDSE 014ASanta Barbara City CollegeASL 101 Beginning American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BSanta Barbara City CollegeASL 102 Beginning American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Santa Monica CollegePSYCH 11 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080Santa Monica CollegeMath 54 Elementary Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060Santa Rosa Junior CollegePsych 4 Child and Adolescent Psychology
Chld 10 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Santa Rosa Junior CollegePSYCH 8 Introduction to Lifespan Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Santa Rosa Junior CollegeMATH 15 Elementary Statistics
PSYCH 9 Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeASL 1 Elementary American Sign Language - Part 1
SJSU EDSE 014BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeASL 2 Elementary American Sign Language - Part 2
SJSU CHAD 060Santiago Canyon CollegeCDEV 107 Child Growth and Development (DS1)
Psyc 157 Introduction to Child Psychology
SJSU CHAD 070Santiago Canyon CollegePSYC 160 Introduction to Lifespan Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Santiago Canyon CollegeMATH 219 Statistics and Probability
MATH 219H Honors Statistics and Probability
MATH 219S Statistics and Probability with Integrated Review
SJSU CHAD 060Shasta CollegeECE 9 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Shasta CollegeECE 1 Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Shasta CollegeMATH 14 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014AShasta CollegeASL 1 American Sign Language 1
SJSU EDSE 014BShasta CollegeASL 2 American Sign Language 2
SJSU CHAD 060Sierra CollegeHDEV 9 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Sierra CollegeHDEV 1 Human Development through the Lifespan
PSYC 104 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Sierra CollegeMath 13 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 142 Introduction to Psychological Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014ASierra CollegeDFST 1 American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BSierra CollegeDFST 2 American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Skyline CollegePsyc 201 Child Development
ECE. 201 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Skyline CollegePSYC 200 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Skyline CollegeBUS. 123 Statistics
Math 200 Elementary Probability & Statistics
PSYC 171 Quantitative Reasoning in Psychology
SJSU CHAD 060Solano Community CollegeCDFS 038 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080Solano Community CollegeMATH 011 Elementary Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014ASolano Community CollegeASL 001 American Sign Language 1
SJSU EDSE 014BSolano Community CollegeASL 002 American Sign Language 2
SJSU CHAD 060Southwestern CollegeCD 170 Principles of Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070Southwestern CollegePSYC 230 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Southwestern College*Math 119 Elementary Statistics
PSYC 280 Statistical Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 280 Statistical Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 270 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 271 Data Analysis in Psychology and Sociology
PSYC 270 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 271 Data Analysis in Psychology and Sociology
SJSU CHAD 060Taft CollegePSYC 2003 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Taft CollegePSYC 2080 Introduction to Lifespan Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Taft CollegePSYC 2200 Elementary Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
STAT 1510 Elementary Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060Ventura CollegeCD V02 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Ventura CollegePSY V05 Introduction to Developmental Psychology
CD V03 Human Development
SJSU CHAD 080Ventura CollegeMATH V44 Elementary Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060Victor Valley CollegeCHDV 100 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Victor Valley CollegePSYC 110 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080Victor Valley CollegeMath 120 Introduction to Statistics
Math 120S Introduction to Statistics with Skills Support
SJSU CHAD 060West Hills College - CoalingaCD 005 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070West Hills College - CoalingaPSYCH 003 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080West Hills College - CoalingaMATH 025 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014AWest Hills College - CoalingaASL 001 Introduction to American Sign Language: Level 1
SJSU EDSE 014BWest Hills College - CoalingaASL 002 Introduction to American Sign Language: Level 2
SJSU CHAD 060West Hills College - LemooreCD 005 Child Development
SJSU CHAD 070West Hills College - LemoorePSYCH 003 Developmental Psychology
SJSU CHAD 080West Hills College - LemooreMath 025 Introduction to Statistics
SJSU CHAD 060West Los Angeles CollegeCHDEV 001 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070West Los Angeles CollegePSYCH 041 Life-Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
SJSU CHAD 080West Los Angeles CollegeMath 227 Statistics
PSYCH 091 Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
SJSU CHAD 060West Valley CollegeCHST 002 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070West Valley CollegePSYC 012 Human Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 080West Valley CollegeMath 010 Elementary Statistics
Math 010H Honors Elementary Statistics
SJSU EDSE 014AWest Valley CollegeASLA 060A American Sign Language I
SJSU EDSE 014BWest Valley CollegeASLA 060B American Sign Language II
SJSU CHAD 060Woodland Community CollegeECE 3 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Woodland Community CollegePSYCH 41 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080Woodland Community CollegeSTAT 1 Introduction to Statistical Methods
SJSU EDSE 014AWoodland Community CollegeSIGN 1 Sign Language Studies I
SJSU EDSE 014BWoodland Community CollegeSIGN 2 Sign Language Studies II
SJSU CHAD 060Yuba CollegeECE 3 Child Growth and Development
SJSU CHAD 070Yuba CollegePSYCH 41 Lifespan Development
SJSU CHAD 080Yuba CollegePSYCH 6 Intro to Statistics in Social and Behavioral Science
STAT 1 Introduction to Statistical Methods
SJSU EDSE 014AYuba CollegeSIGN 1 American Sign Language 1
SJSU EDSE 014BYuba CollegeSIGN 2 American Sign Language 2

Special Notes (*):

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(page last modified: 01/17/2025)