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Lower Division Requirements
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
Course-to-Course Articulation
San José State University -to- Modesto Junior College
San José State University has established the following course-to-course articulation agreement with Modesto Junior College.
San José State University | Modesto Junior College | |
African American Studies | ||
AFAM 002A African Americans and the Development of America's History and Government | No Current Equivalent | |
AFAM 002B African Americans and the Development of America's History and Government | No Current Equivalent | |
AFAM 022 The Humanities in African-American Culture | No Current Equivalent | |
AFAM 040 African Origins | No Current Equivalent | |
Anthropology | ||
ANTH 011 Cultural Anthropology | ANTHR 102 Cultural Anthropology | |
ANTH 012 Introduction to Human Evolution | ANTHR 101 Biological Anthropology OR ANTHR 110 Biological Anthropology with Laboratory | |
ANTH 013 Archaeology | ANTHR 130 Archaeology and Cultural Prehistory | |
ANTH 025 Human Lifecourse in Context | No Current Equivalent | |
Art and Art History | ||
ART 012 Two-Dimensional Design and Color Concepts | ART 124 Color and 2-D Foundation Design | |
ART 013 Three-Dimensional Design Concepts | ART 125 Color and 3D Foundation Design | |
ART 014 Color | No Current Equivalent | |
ART 024 Drawing I | ART 120 Basic Drawing 1 | |
ART 025 Expressive Drawing | ART 121 Basic Drawing 2 | |
ART 026 Drawing II | No Current Equivalent | |
ART 039 Multicultural Arts for Children | No Current Equivalent | |
ART 046 Introduction to Ceramics | ART 108 Ceramics 1 | |
ART 047 Introduction to Metalsmithing | No Current Equivalent | |
ART 061 Beginning Painting | ART 147 Painting 1 (In Acrylic) OR ART 148 Painting 1 (in Oil) | |
ART 068 Beginning Sculpture: Object & Concept | ART 140 Sculpture 1 | |
ART 074 Introduction to Digital Media | No Current Equivalent | |
ART 075 Introduction to Digital Video Art | No Current Equivalent | |
ARTH 011 Modern Art History | No Current Equivalent | |
ARTH 070A Art History, Prehistoric to Medieval | ART 164 History of Art 1: Prehistoric to Gothic | |
ARTH 070B Art History, Renaissance to Modern | ART 165 History of Art 2: Renaissance to Contemporary | |
ARTH 070C Arts of Asia | ART 169 Survey of Asian Art | |
ARTH 072 Design in Society | No Current Equivalent | |
PHOT 040 Beginning Photography | ART 170 Basic Photography OR ART 173 Basic Digital Photography | |
Aviation | ||
AVIA 001 Introduction to the Aviation Industry | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 002 Private Pilot Ground | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 031 Aircraft Theory and Design | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 042 Aircraft Systems | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 043 Propulsion Theory | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 062 Instrument Pilot Ground | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 068 Avionics and Airborne Communication | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 073 Air Traffic Control | No Current Equivalent | |
AVIA 091 Aircraft Turbine Engines | No Current Equivalent | |
Biological Sciences | ||
BIOL 010 The Living World | BIO 111 General Biology | |
BIOL 020 Ecological Biology | No Current Equivalent | |
BIOL 021 Human Biology | No Current Equivalent | |
BIOL 030 Principles of Biology I | BIO 101 Biological Principles | |
BIOL 031 Principles of Biology II | BIO 101 Biological Principles AND BOT 101 General Botany AND ZOOL 101 General Zoology (Must complete entire course sequence at same school) | |
BIOL 055 Biostatistics | MATH 134 Elementary Statistics OR BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
BIOL 065 Human Anatomy | ANAT 125 Human Anatomy | |
BIOL 065O Human Anatomy | No Current Equivalent | |
BIOL 066 Human Physiology | Physo 101 Introductory Human Physiology | |
MICR 020 General Bacteriology | MICRO 101 Microbiology | |
Business | ||
BUS1 020 Financial Accounting | BUSAD 201 Financial Accounting | |
BUS1 020N Survey of Accounting | No Current Equivalent | |
BUS1 021 Managerial Accounting | BUSAD 202 Managerial Accounting | |
BUS2 090 Business Statistics | MATH 134 Elementary Statistics OR BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
BUS3 010 Discovering Business | BUSAD 248 Introduction to Business | |
BUS3 080 Legal Environment of Business | BUSAD 218 Business Law | |
BUS4 091L Computer Tools for Business | CSCI 220 Computer Information Systems | |
BUS4 092 Introduction to Business Programming | CSCI 221 Programming with Visual BASIC | |
Chemistry | ||
CHEM 001A General Chemistry | CHEM 101 General Chemistry 1 | |
CHEM 001B General Chemistry | CHEM 102 General Chemistry 2 | |
CHEM 008 Organic Chemistry | No Current Equivalent | |
CHEM 009 Organic Chemistry Lab | No Current Equivalent | |
CHEM 030A Introductory Chemistry | CHEM 142 Pre-General Chemistry OR CHEM 143 Introductory College Chemistry | |
CHEM 030B Introductory Chemistry | CHEM 144 Fundamentals of Organic & Biochemistry | |
CHEM 55 and 55L Quantitative Analysis and Lab sequence | No Current Equivalent | |
CHEM 112A, 112B and 113A Organic Chemistry & Lab | CHEM 122 Structure and Relativity: Organic Chemistry 1 AND CHEM 123 Structure and Reactivity: Organic Chemistry 2 OR CHEM 112 Organic Chemistry 1 AND CHEM 113 Organic Chemistry 2 CONTENT CREDIT ONLY (Complete one course sequence at same school) | |
Chemistry for Nursing Equivalent Transfer Course | CHEM 143 Introductory College Chemistry AND CHEM 144 Fundamentals of Organic & Biochemistry (Chem 143 & Chem 144 must be completed at same school) | |
Chicano and Chicana Studies | ||
CCS 001 Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies | No Current Equivalent | |
CCS 025 The Changing Majority: Power and Ethnicity in America | No Current Equivalent | |
Communication Studies | ||
COMM 010 Communication and Human Relationships | COMM 103 Interpersonal Communication | |
COMM 020 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Public Speaking | |
COMM 040 Argumentation and Advocacy | COMM 104 Argumentation | |
COMM 041 Critical Decision Making | COMM 106 Group & Organizational Communication | |
COMM 045 Media and Culture | No Current Equivalent | |
COMM 074 Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication | COMM 130 Intercultural Communication | |
Comparative Religious Studies | ||
RELS 070 Gods, Guns, Gurus, Grails-World Religion | No Current Equivalent | |
RELS 090 Bible History and Literature | No Current Equivalent | |
RELS 099 Death, Dying and Religions | No Current Equivalent | |
Computer Science | ||
CS 022A Python for Everyone | No Current Equivalent | |
CS 022B Python Programming for Data Analysis | No Current Equivalent | |
CS 046A Introduction to Programming | CSCI 271 Problem Solving and Programming 1 | |
CS 046B Introduction to Data Structures | CSCI 272 Problem Solving and Programming 2 | |
CS 047 Introduction to Computer Systems | CSCI 273 Assembly Language Programming | |
CS 049C Programming in C | No Current Equivalent | |
CS 049J Programming in Java | No Current Equivalent | |
Design | ||
ANI 010 Light and Optics | No Current Equivalent | |
ANI 011 Illustration Fundamentals I | ART 120 Basic Drawing 1 | |
ANI 013 Drawing for Animation/Illustration I | ART 123 Figure Drawing | |
ANI 021 Color Principles for Screen Arts | No Current Equivalent | |
ANI 031 2D Animation I | No Current Equivalent | |
ANI 041 Introduction to 3D Modeling | No Current Equivalent | |
ANI 061 Introduction to 3D Animation | No Current Equivalent | |
ANI 071 Visual Principles | No Current Equivalent | |
DSGD 063 Fundamental Graphic Visualization | ART 124 Color and 2-D Foundation Design | |
DSGD 083 Digital Applications: Basics | No Current Equivalent | |
DSGD 099 Introduction to Typography | No Current Equivalent | |
DSIT 005 Introduction of Interior Design and Architecture | No Current Equivalent | |
DSIT 010 Sketching, Drawing + Modeling | No Current Equivalent | |
DSIT 029 Design Process | No Current Equivalent | |
DSIT 033 Architectural Presentation | No Current Equivalent | |
DSIT 034 Interior Architecture Foundation Studio | No Current Equivalent | |
DSIT 083 Visual Communication I | No Current Equivalent | |
Economics | ||
ECON 001A Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | |
ECON 001B Principles of Economics: Microeconomics | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | |
ECON 003 Economic Statistics | MATH 134 Elementary Statistics OR BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
Education | ||
CHAD 060 Child Development | CLDDV 103 Child Growth and Development | |
CHAD 070 Lifespan Development in the 21st Century | PSYCH 141 Human Lifespan Development | |
CHAD 080 Quantitative Analysis in Developmental Science | BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
EDSE 014A American Sign Language I | Sign 125 ASL - Beginning Communication with the Deaf | |
EDSE 014B American Sign Language II | Sign 126 ASL - Intermediate Communication with the Deaf | |
Engineering | ||
AE 020 Computer-Aided Design for Aerospace Engineers | ENGR 127 Engineering Graphics | |
AE 030 Computer Programming for Aerospace Engineers | No Current Equivalent | |
CE 008 Plane Surveying | No Current Equivalent | |
CE 020 Engineering Graphics, CAD and Programming | No Current Equivalent | |
CE 095 Theory and Application of Statics | ENGR 135 Engineering Mechanics - Statics | |
CE 099 Introductory Statics | ENGR 135 Engineering Mechanics - Statics | |
CMPE 030 Programming Concepts and Methodology | CSCI 271 Problem Solving and Programming 1 | |
CMPE 050 Object-Oriented Concepts and Methodology | CSCI 272 Problem Solving and Programming 2 | |
EE 030 Introduction to Programming Micro-Controllers for Electrical Engineering | CSCI 271 Problem Solving and Programming 1 | |
EE 097 Introductory Electrical Engineering Laboratory | ENGR 141 Introduction to Circuit Analysis (with Lab) | |
EE 098 Introduction to Circuit Analysis | ENGR 141 Introduction to Circuit Analysis (with Lab) | |
ENGR 010 Introduction to Engineering | No Current Equivalent | |
MATE 025 Introduction to Materials | No Current Equivalent | |
ME 020 Design and Graphics | ENGR 127 Engineering Graphics | |
ME 030 Computer Applications | No Current Equivalent | |
ME 041 Machine Shop Safety | No Current Equivalent | |
English and Comparative Literature | ||
ENGL 001A First Year Writing | ENGL 100 Intensive Reading, Writing, and Reasoning OR ENGL 101 Composition and Reading | |
ENGL 001B Argument and Analysis | ENGL 102 Advanced Composition and Introduction to Literature | |
ENGL 002 Critical Thinking and Writing | ENGL 103 Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking OR PHILO 105 Critical Reasoning and Analytic Writing OR PHILO 107 Philosophy of Science OR COMM 104 Argumentation | |
ENGL 010 Great Works of Literature | ENGL 102 Advanced Composition and Introduction to Literature | |
ENGL 022 Fantasy and Science Fiction | No Current Equivalent | |
ENGL 040 Contemporary World Fiction | No Current Equivalent | |
ENGL 050 Beginnings to the "American" Experiment | ENGL 137 Survey of English Literature to the Late 18th Century | |
ENGL 060 Literatures of the Atlantic World, 1680-1860 | ENGL 135 Survey of American Literature to 1850 AND ENGL 138 Survey of English Literature: 18th Century to Present (Engl 135 & Engl 138 must be completed at same school) | |
ENGL 070 Emerging Modernisms and Beyond | ENGL 136 Survey of American Literature: 1850 to the Present | |
ENGL 071 Creative Writing | ENGL 105 Creative Writing: Poetry OR ENGL 106 Creative Writing: Short Fiction | |
ENGL 078 Introduction to Shakespeare's Drama | ENGL 163 Introduction to Shakespeare | |
Environmental Studies | ||
ENVS 001 Introduction to Environmental Issues | ENSCI 108 Environmental Conservation | |
ENVS 010 Life on a Changing Planet | No Current Equivalent | |
Film and Theatre | ||
RTVF 010 The Art of Film | No Current Equivalent | |
RTVF 020 Introduction to Audio for Film & Television | No Current Equivalent | |
RTVF 030 Introduction to Film & Television Production | No Current Equivalent | |
RTVF 031 Film and Television Aesthetics | No Current Equivalent | |
RTVF 080 Introduction to Media | No Current Equivalent | |
RTVF 082 Introduction to Film History | ENGL 161 Film Appreciation | |
TA 005 Acting | THETR 160 Fundamentals of Acting | |
TA 010 Theatre Appreciation | Thetr 100 Introduction to Theater Arts | |
TA 011 Script Analysis | THETR 114 Script Analysis | |
TA 017 Intermediate Acting | Thetr 161 Intermediate Acting | |
TA 048 Voice & Movement for the Actor | No Current Equivalent | |
TA 051A Scenery and Props for the Performing Arts | THETR 105 Introduction to Stagecraft | |
TA 051B Costume for the Performing Arts | THETR 175 Stage Costuming | |
TA 051C Lighting & Sound for the Performing Arts | THETR 105 Introduction to Stagecraft | |
TA 064 Make-up for Performing Arts | THETR 174 Stage Makeup | |
Geography | ||
GEOG 001 Physical Geography | GEOG 101 Physical Geography | |
GEOG 010 Cultural Geography | GEOG 102 Cultural Geography | |
GEOG 012 World Regional Geography | GEOG 110 World Regional Geography | |
Geology | ||
GEOL 001 General Geology | GEOL 161 Physical Geology | |
GEOL 002 Geology for Engineers | No Current Equivalent | |
GEOL 003 Planet Earth | No Current Equivalent | |
GEOL 004L Earth Systems Lab | No Current Equivalent | |
GEOL 007 Earth, Time and Life | GEOL 166 Historical Geology | |
GEOL 028 Geology Outdoors | No Current Equivalent | |
Global Studies | ||
GLST 001A Introduction to Global Studies | No Current Equivalent | |
History | ||
HIST 001A World History to 1500 | HIST 106 World Civilization to the 16th Century | |
HIST 001B World History from 1500 | HIST 107 World Civilization from the 16th Century | |
HIST 010A Western Civilization | HIST 104 Western Civilization to 1650 | |
HIST 010B Western Civilization | HIST 105 Western Civilization Since 1648 | |
HIST 020A History of the American People | HIST 101 History of the United States to 1877 | |
HIST 020B History of the American People | HIST 102 History of the United States Since 1865 | |
Hospitality Management | ||
HSPM 001 Travel to Learn, Learn to Travel | No Current Equivalent | |
HSPM 011 Restaurant Entrepreneurship | No Current Equivalent | |
HSPM 012 Data Analytics in Restaurant Operations | No Current Equivalent | |
HSPM 020 Sanitation and Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry | No Current Equivalent | |
Hospitality Major Elective/s Equivalent Transfer Course/s | No Current Equivalent | |
Journalism and Mass Communications | ||
ADV 091 Introduction to Advertising | No Current Equivalent | |
JOUR 061 Writing for Print, Electronic and Online Media | No Current Equivalent | |
JOUR 095 Beginning Digital News Photography | No Current Equivalent | |
MCOM 063 New Media | No Current Equivalent | |
MCOM 070 Visual Communication for Modern Media | No Current Equivalent | |
MCOM 072 Mass Communication and Society | No Current Equivalent | |
PR 099 Introduction to Public Relations | No Current Equivalent | |
Justice Studies | ||
FS 011 Survey of Forensic Science | No Current Equivalent | |
JS 010 Introduction to Justice Studies | ADJU 201 Introduction to Administration of Justice | |
JS 012 Introduction to Legal Studies | No Current Equivalent | |
JS 015 Introductory Statistics in Justice Studies | MATH 134 Elementary Statistics OR BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
JS 025 Introduction to Human Rights and Justice | No Current Equivalent | |
Kinesiology | ||
KIN 001 Adapted Physical Activities | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 002A Beginning Swimming | PEC 168 Beginning Swimming | |
KIN 002B Intermediate Swimming | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 002C Advanced Swimming | PEC 170 Advanced Swimming | |
KIN 003 Water Polo | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 008 Skin and SCUBA Diving | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 009A Beginning Sailing | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 011A Beginning Rowing | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 014A Beginning Volleyball | PEC 183 Volleyball | |
KIN 014B Intermediate Volleyball | PEC 186 Intermediate Volleyball | |
KIN 014C Advanced Volleyball | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 015A Beginning Basketball | PEM 112 Beginning Basketball | |
KIN 015B Intermediate Basketball | PEM 113 Intermediate Basketball | |
KIN 019A Beginning Soccer | PEC 161 Indoor-Outdoor Soccer | |
KIN 019B Intermediate Soccer | PEM 163 Soccer 2 | |
KIN 020A Beginning Badminton | PEC 106 Badminton | |
KIN 020B Intermediate Badminton | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 020C Advanced Badminton | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 021A Beginning Tennis | PEC 175 Beginning Tennis | |
KIN 021B Intermediate Tennis | PEC 176 Intermediate Tennis | |
KIN 023A Beginning Archery | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 023B Intermediate Archery | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 024A Beginning Bowling | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 024B Intermediate Bowling | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 025A Beginning Golf | PEC 143 Beginning Golf | |
KIN 025B Intermediate Golf | PEC 144 Intermediate Golf | |
KIN 027A Beginning Table Tennis | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 027B Intermediate Table Tennis | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 028A Beginning Gymnastics | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 029 Cardio Kickboxing | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 030 Pilates | PEC 187 Pilates for Fitness | |
KIN 031 Body Sculpting | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 032 Aerobics | PEC 128 Aerobics | |
KIN 034 Step Training | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 035A Beginning Weight Training | PEC 195 Weight Training | |
KIN 035B Intermediate Weight Training | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 037 Fitness Walking | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 038 Beginning Jogging | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 040A Topics in Modern Dance I | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 041A Topics in Ballet I | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 042A Topics in Jazz Dance I | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 045A Beginning Lindy Hop and Night Club Swing | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 046A Beginning Social Dance | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 047A Beginning West Coast Swing | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 048A Beginning Latin Dance | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 049A Topics in Tap Dance I | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 050 Tai Chi (Non-Combative) | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 051A Beginning Aikido | PEC 162 Aikido | |
KIN 051B Intermediate Aikido | PEC 163 Aikido 2 Intermediate | |
KIN 052A Beginning Judo | PEC 165 Beginning Judo | |
KIN 052B Intermediate Judo | PEC 166 Intermediate Judo | |
KIN 052C Competitive Judo | PEC 157 Advanced Judo | |
KIN 053A Beginning Karate | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 053B Intermediate Karate | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 054A Beginning Tae Kwon Do | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 055A Beginning Self-Defense | PEC 164 Self Defense | |
KIN 061A Beginning Hatha Yoga | PEC 148 Yoga for Better Health | |
KIN 061B Intermediate Hatha Yoga | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 063A Beginning Hiking and Backpacking | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 069 Stress Management: A Multidisciplinary Perspective | No Current Equivalent | |
KIN 070 Introduction to Kinesiology | KIN 100 Introduction to Kinesiology (Will not satisfy PE activity requirement) | |
Linguistics and Language Development | ||
LING 020 Nature of Language | No Current Equivalent | |
Mathematics | ||
MATH 012 Number Systems | MATH 105 Structure of Mathematics 1 | |
MATH 018A College Algebra | MATH 111 College Algebra | |
MATH 018B Trigonometry | No Current Equivalent | |
MATH 019 Precalculus | MATH 162 Precalculus | |
MATH 030 Calculus I | MATH 171 Calculus: First Course | |
MATH 031 Calculus II | MATH 172 Calculus: Second Course | |
MATH 032 Calculus III | MATH 173 Calculus: Third Course | |
MATH 033A Ordinary Differential Equations for SCI & ENGR | MATH 193 Ordinary Differential Equations | |
MATH 033LA Differential Equations and Linear Algebra | No Current Equivalent | |
MATH 039 Linear Algebra I | MATH 191 Linear Algebra | |
MATH 042 Discrete Mathematics | CSCI 204 Discrete Structures for Computer Science | |
MATH 050 Scientific Computing I | No Current Equivalent | |
MATH 070 Mathematics for Business | MATH 130 Finite Mathematics | |
MATH 071 Calculus for Business and Aviation | MATH 138 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences | |
Meteorology | ||
METR 010 Weather and Climate | GEOG 130 Introduction to Weather and Climate | |
METR 012 Global Warming: Science and Solutions | No Current Equivalent | |
METR 050 Scientific Computing I | No Current Equivalent | |
METR 051 Scientific Computing II | No Current Equivalent | |
METR 061 Meteorology and Climate Science II | No Current Equivalent | |
Music and Dance | ||
DANC 010 Dance Appreciation | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 040A Topics in Modern Dance I | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 042A Topics in Jazz Dance I | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 043 Dance Improvisation | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 048A Beginning Latin Dance | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 049A Topics in Tap Dance I | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 051A Dance Production | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 051B Topics in Dance Crewing | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 053 World Dance | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 054 Topics in Dance Technique II | No Current Equivalent | |
DANC 075 Rhythm and Dynamics in Dance | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 001A Music Theory IA | MUST 121 Music Theory 1 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 001B Musicianship IB | MUST 131 Aural Skills 1 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 002A Music Theory IIA | MUST 122 Music Theory 2 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 002B Musicianship IIB | MUST 132 Aural Skills 2 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 003A Music Theory IIIA | MUST 123 Music Theory 3 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 003B Musicianship IIIB | MUST 133 Aural Skills 3 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 004A Music Theory IVA | MUST 124 Music Theory 4 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 004B Musicianship IVB | MUST 134 Aural Skills 4 Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam | |
MUSC 006 Jazz Theory | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 009 Music Fundamentals | MUST 101 Music Fundamentals | |
MUSC 010A Music Appreciation | MUSG 101 Music Appreciation | |
MUSC 010B Introduction to Music | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 012 Medieval and Renaissance Music | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 013 Music Technology | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 019 Music in World Cultures | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 025A Piano Proficiency I | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 025B Piano Proficiency II | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 025C Piano Proficiency III | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 026A Voice Fundamentals | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 027A Fundamentals of Jazz Keyboard I | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 027B Fundamentals of Jazz Keyboard II | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 028 Guitar Fundamentals | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 030 Piano | MUSA 124 Applied Piano | |
MUSC 033 Voice | MUSA 154 Applied Vocal Repertoire 2 | |
MUSC 034 Strings | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 035 Woodwinds | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 036 Brass | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 037 Percussion | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 039A Jazz: Improvisation, Composition or Arranging 1 | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 040A Jazz Improvisation - I | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 050A ENS: Concert Choir | MUSE 156 Chamber Choir | |
MUSC 051 ENS: University Chorales | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 052 ENS: Opera Theater | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 053 ENS: University Symphony Orchestra | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 054 ENS: Symphonic Band | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 055 ENS: Wind Ensemble | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 057 ENS: Jazz Orchestra | MUSE 181 Jazz Band | |
MUSC 059 ENS: Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060A ENS: Choraliers | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060C ENS: Chamber Music | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060D ENS: Collegium Musicum | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060E ENS: Jazz Singers | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060F ENS: Small Jazz Ensembles | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060H ENS: Percussion Ensemble | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060I ENS: Jazz Ensemble | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060J ENS: String Ensemble | MUSE 165 String Orchestra | |
MUSC 060K ENS: Brass Ensemble | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060L ENS: Woodwind Ensemble | No Current Equivalent | |
MUSC 060M ENS: Saxophone Ensemble | No Current Equivalent | |
Nutrition and Food Science | ||
NUFS 008 Nutrition for the Health Professions | FDNTR 219 Introduction to Nutrition Science | |
NUFS 009 Introduction to Human Nutrition | No Current Equivalent | |
NUFS 012 Cost Control in Hospitality | No Current Equivalent | |
NUFS 020 Sanitation and Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry | No Current Equivalent | |
NUFS 021 Culinary Principles and Practice | No Current Equivalent | |
NUFS 022 Catering and Beverage Management | No Current Equivalent | |
NUFS 025 Internship in Foodservice Management | No Current Equivalent | |
Philosophy | ||
PHIL 009 Mathematics and Logic for General Education | No Current Equivalent | |
PHIL 010 Introduction to Philosophy | PHILO 101 Philosophy | |
PHIL 057 Logic and Critical Reasoning | PHILO 105 Critical Reasoning and Analytic Writing OR PHILO 103 Symbolic Logic OR CSCI 203 Symbolic Logic | |
PHIL 061 Moral Issues | Philo 111 Ethics: Theory and Application | |
PHIL 066 Introduction to Aesthetics | No Current Equivalent | |
PHIL 070A Ancient Philosophy | Philo 120 History of Philosophy: Ancient | |
PHIL 070B Early Modern Philosophy | Philo 121 History of Philosophy: Modern | |
Physics | ||
PHYS 001 Elementary Physics | Phys 160 Descriptive Introduction to Physics OR Phys 165 Introductory Physics | |
PHYS 002A Fundamentals of Physics | Phys 142 Mechanics, Heat and Waves | |
PHYS 002B Fundamentals of Physics | Phys 143 Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, Atomic & Nuclear Structure | |
PHYS 050 General Physics I: Mechanics | Phys 101 General Physics: Mechanics Letter Grade Only | |
PHYS 051 General Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism | Phys 103 General Physics: Electricity, Magnetism, & Modern Physics Letter Grade Only | |
PHYS 052 General Physics III: Waves, Light, Heat | Phys 102 General Physics: Waves, Thermodynamics & Optics Letter Grade Only | |
Political Science | ||
POLS 001 American Government | PolSc 101 American Politics OR PolSc 102 The Constitution and the Rights of Persons | |
POLS 002 Introduction to Comparative Politics | PolSc 140 Comparative Politics | |
POLS 003 Introduction to Political Thought | PolSc 130 Political Theory | |
POLS 004 Introduction to International Relations | POLSC 110 International Relations | |
Psychology and Statistics | ||
PSYC 001 Introduction to Psychology | Psych 101 General Psychology | |
PSYC 018 Introduction to Research Methods | PSYCH 122 Research Methods | |
PSYC 030 Introductory Psychobiology | Psych 103 Introduction to Neuroscience | |
STAT 095 Elementary Statistics | MATH 134 Elementary Statistics OR BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
Public Health & Recreation | ||
PH 001 Understanding Your Health | HE 110 Healthful Living | |
PH 015 Human Life Span | PSYCH 141 Human Lifespan Development | |
PH 067 Introductory Health Statistics | MATH 134 Elementary Statistics OR BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
PH 099 Introduction To Public Health | HE 112 Introduction to Public Health OR GEOG 106 Geography of Health | |
RECL 090 Foundations of Recreation Parks & Tourism | No Current Equivalent | |
RECL 097 Event Planning | Rec 110 Social Recreation Leadership | |
Social Work | ||
SCWK 010 Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work | No Current Equivalent | |
Sociology | ||
SOCI 001 Introduction to Sociology | Socio 101 Introduction to Sociology | |
SOCI 015 Statistical Applications in the Social Sciences | PSYCH 121 Introduction to Statistics for the Social & Behavioral Sciences OR MATH 134 Elementary Statistics OR BUSAD 228 Business Statistics OR MATH 128 Business Statistics | |
SOCI 080 Social Problems | Socio 102 Social Problems in the United States | |
Technology | ||
TECH 020A Computer-Aided-Graphics | ENGR 127 Engineering Graphics | |
TECH 025 Introduction to Materials Technology | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 030 Introduction to Python Programming | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 031 Quality Assurance and Control | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 041 Machine Shop Safety | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 045 Sustainable Facilities Design & Planning | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 046 Machine Operation and Management | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 060 Introduction to Electronics | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 062 Analog Circuits | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 063 Analog and Digital Circuits | ELTEC 212 Digital Principles and Circuits | |
TECH 065 Introduction to Networks | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 066 Network Administration | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 067 Introduction to Internet of Things | No Current Equivalent | |
TECH 068 Internet of Things Systems | No Current Equivalent | |
University Studies | ||
UNVS 015 Statway: Statistics-Concepts & Methods | No Current Equivalent | |
World Languages and Literatures | ||
CHIN 001A Elementary Chinese | No Current Equivalent | |
CHIN 001B Elementary Chinese | No Current Equivalent | |
CHIN 025A Intermediate Chinese | No Current Equivalent | |
CHIN 025B Intermediate Chinese | No Current Equivalent | |
FREN 001A Elementary French | FREN 101 French 1 | |
FREN 001B Elementary French | FREN 102 French 2 | |
FREN 025A, 025B, and 025C Intermediate French | No Current Equivalent | |
GERM 001A Elementary German | GERM 101 German 1 | |
GERM 001B Elementary German | No Current Equivalent | |
GERM 025A Intermediate German | No Current Equivalent | |
GERM 025B Intermediate German | No Current Equivalent | |
HEBR 001A Elementary Hebrew | No Current Equivalent | |
HEBR 001B Elementary Hebrew | No Current Equivalent | |
HEBR 015A Intermediate Hebrew | No Current Equivalent | |
HEBR 015B Intermediate Hebrew | No Current Equivalent | |
ITAL 001A Elementary Italian | No Current Equivalent | |
ITAL 001B Elementary Italian | No Current Equivalent | |
JPN 001A Elementary Japanese | No Current Equivalent | |
JPN 001B Elementary Japanese | No Current Equivalent | |
JPN 025A Intermediate Japanese | No Current Equivalent | |
JPN 025B Intermediate Japanese | No Current Equivalent | |
PORT 001A Elementary Portuguese I | No Current Equivalent | |
PORT 001B Elementary Portuguese II | No Current Equivalent | |
SPAN 001A Elementary Spanish | Span 101 Spanish 1 | |
SPAN 001B Elementary Spanish | Span 102 Spanish 2 | |
SPAN 003 Special Topics in Practical Spanish | No Current Equivalent | |
SPAN 004A Basic Spanish I | No Current Equivalent | |
SPAN 004B Basic Spanish II | No Current Equivalent | |
SPAN 020A Spanish for Heritage Speakers I | No Current Equivalent | |
SPAN 020B Spanish for Heritage Speakers II | Span 112 Introduction to Chicano/a Literature | |
SPAN 025A Intermediate Spanish | Span 103 Spanish 3 | |
SPAN 025B Intermediate Spanish | No Current Equivalent | |
VIET 001A Elementary Vietnamese | No Current Equivalent | |
VIET 001B Elementary Vietnamese | No Current Equivalent |
(page last modified: 03/26/2025)